help testalterr -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title testalterr -- Computes anova F-ratio using arbitrary numeric error term. Syntax testalterr term, dfr(#) rss(#) options description -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Required term Anova term being tested dfr(#) Error degrees of freedom rss(#) Error sum of squares -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description testalterr computes anova F-ratio using arbitrary numeric error term. Used in those cases in which you know the numeric value of the error term but it does not exist a term in the current model. It is useful for tests of simple interactions and simple main effects. Examples You wish to compute the F-ratio for b*c using the residual values from an a larger model that is not currently in memory. . testalterr b*c, dfr(12) rss(16) Author Philip B. Ender UCLA Statistical Consulting Group