----------------- help for xdo -----------------Extended do command -------------------
Syntax ------
xdo dofilename [ stop ]
The xdo command is an extended version of the Stata do command. You can invoke xdo by typing xdo followed by the name of your Stata .do file (omitting the .do extension). To run test.do, you would type
. xdo test
By default, xdo will continue to run your do file even if an error is encountered. If you wish the file to stop when it encounters an error, then use the stop option, e.g.
. xdo test stop
The stop option cannot be abbreviated.
What does xdo do? -------------------
xdo will do the following...
- Close the log if it was open - Clear out memory - open a log, called dofilename.log - Put a header in your log file with date time started etc.. - Run your do file, the output going to dofilename.log - Display a footer with date time completed - If the stop option was used, show the final error status - If the error status was not 0, display the error message for that errror status. - Close the log
Author ------
Michael N. Mitchell Statistical Computing and Consulting UCLA, Office of Academic Computing mnmatucla.edu