------------------------------------------------------------------------------- help for outtex2 (Phil Ender, based on the program by Antoine Terracol) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generates LaTeX code for results tables after any estimation command.outtex , [below] [plain] [digits(integer)] [level] [labels] [details] [legend] [nopar] [title(string)] [key(string)] [longtable] [placement] [nocheck] [file(string)] [append] [replace]
outtex generates LaTeX code for results tables after any estimation command. If file(string) is specified, the code is written to the specified file.
Otherwise, the code is displayed in the output window.
When longtable is selected, and if you usepackage{longtable} in the preamble of your TeX document, tables can span over several pages
1. Display options
By default, outtex generates a table of the following form : Variable name | Coefficient|significance level symbol | (Std. Err)
. "Variable name" in a left-aligned column . "Coefficient" in a right-aligned column . No intercolumn space between the Coeff. column and the symbol column ; which goes in a left-aligned column . "Std.Err" between parentheses in a centered column"
Combining [plain] and [below] can give up to four different layouts :
The [below] option puts standards errors below the coefficient.
If [plain] is specified, the significance level symbols are put on the same column as the coefficients, and the column is centered.
outtex, level below gives Variable name | Coefficient|sign.lev.symb.| | (Std.Err)| |
outtex, level plain gives Variable name | Coefficient + sign.lev.symb. | (Std.Err) |
outtex, level below plain gives Variable name | Coefficient+sign.lev.symb. | | (Std.Err) |
The [digits(integer)] option defines the number of digits to be displayed (default is 3).
The [labels] option allows to display variable labels (if they exist) instead of variable names.
The [level] option adds symbols according to the coefficient's significance level.
The [legend] option adds a legend correspondig to significance levels symbols. NB : [legend] implies [level]
The [details] option adds details such as R2 ,chi2, LL...
The [nopar] option supresses the parentheses around the Std. Err.
The [title(string)] option defines the table title (Default is Estimation result followed by the command name).
2. Other options
The [key(string)] option defines the table label (tabresult is default).
The [longtable] option allows to create tables that span over several pages using the "longtable" package (do not forget to usepackage{longtable} in the preamble of your .tex document)
The [placement] option specifies the placement of the table in the .tex doc (default is htbp)
The [nocheck] option skips the LaTeX special characters search-and-replace routine. This option should be used in two cases : - either you are sure there are no LaTeX special characters within variable names or labels, and want to speed-up the command, - or you deliberately included LaTeX special characters and do not want outtex to translate them.
The [file(string)] option writes the LaTeX code in the specified ASCII file (if no extension is given, .tex is assumed), nothing is displayed in the output window.
The [append] option (to be used with file(string)) appends the code to the specified file.
The [replace] option (to be used with file(string)) overwrites any existing file with the same name.
If the LaTeX code is displayed in the output window, one just has to copy/paste it into a LaTeX editor (in Scientific Word, it has to be pasted into a "TeX field")
If a file is written, outtex displays "file filename saved". The content of filename can be viewed by clicking on it.
. outtex
. outtex, labels level detail legend supertabular key(stab)
. outtex, labels level below file(C:/myfiles/mytables.tex) replace
Also see
On-line: help for summarize help for sutex, maketex, outreg, outtable if installed
Questions, comments and bug-reports on the original outtex can be sent to terra > colatuniv-paris1.fr
Questions, comments and bug-reports on this modified outtex3 can be sent to enderatucla.edu