------------------ help for copypkg ------------------Copy a package from a different site ------------------------------------
. copypkg url package url = the address of the site with the package package = the name of the package to retrieve
Description -----------
copypkg is used to keep package information up to date by going and retrieving the contents of a package from a remote site. This is used by IDRE to keep the ado programs we store at our site up to date.
Notes -----
Sometimes a package will store files in subdirectories. The copypkg program copies the files to the same respective subdirectory on your system, so it assumes that these directories already exist.
The copypkg program automatically overwrites files, since it assumes that you are freshening the files and wish to overwrite the existing copy.
The copypkg program copies the .pkg file as well.
Example -------
. copypkg http://www.mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk/personal/adrian hotdeck
Author ------
Statistical Consulting Group Institute for Digital Research and Education, UCLA idrestat@ucla.edu