This page presents a code fragment for producing a graph combining a histogram with a boxplot. There is also a Stata FAQ page on the histbox ado program.
use hsb2, clear * get values for boxplot summarize write, d gen f=43 /* set value a little larger than bin with highest frequency */ gen pmin=r(min) gen p25=r(p25) gen p50=r(p50) gen p75=r(p75) gen pmax=r(max) gen pmean=r(mean) * graph histogram and boxplot on same axes two (histogram write, start(30) width(5) freq) /// (rcap pmin pmax f in 1, hor bcolor(dknavy)) /// (rbar p25 p75 f in 1, hor bcolor(dknavy)) /// (rcap p50 p50 f in 1, hor bcolor(white)) /// (rcapsym pmean pmean f in 1, hor msym(plus) mcolor(white)), /// legend(off) xtitle("Writing Score") ytitle("Frequency") * drop variables created for boxplot values drop f-pmean