clear input id y80 y81 y82 x80 x81 x82 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 10 11 12 5 6 7 3 15 16 17 1 2 3 4 3 4 5 6 8 10 end* 1. Reshape the data reshape long x y, i(id) j(year)
* 2. identify i and t iis id tis year
save xt, replace
* 3. describe xt data xtdes xtsum xttab x xttrans x
* 4. normal OLS *************************************************** regress y x
* normal OLS, clustering and robust std errors regress y x, cluster(id) robust
* 5. illustrate between regression ***************************************************************** * associates mean of x (across id) with mean y (across id) * between regression 1 * could collapse across id, generate mean of x and y sort id collapse (mean) meany=y meanx=x, by(id) regress meany meanx
* between regression 2 use xt, clear egen xbar = mean(x), by(id) regress y xbar
* between regression via xtreg 3 xtreg y x, be
* 6. illustrate within regression **************************************************************** * associates within x within id with y within id * within regression 1 use xt, clear sort id by id: regress y x
* within regression 2 * params are right, ses are wrong use xt, clear egen xbar = mean(x), by(id) generate xwith = x – xbar egen ybar = mean(y), by(id) generate ywith = y – ybar regress ywith xwith
* within regression 3 * separate intercepts for each group * (making intercepts random in SAS?, like re in stata?) tabulate id, generate(id) regress y x id1 id2 id3 id4, nocons
* within regression via xtreg 3 use xt, clear xtreg y x, fe
* 7. xtreg with random effects *********************************************************** xtreg y x, re theta * check fit of re model xthaus
* try mle xtreg y x, mle
* 8. xtgls *********************************************************** * only use when time points >= groups use xt, clear
* default xtgls y x, panels(iid) corr(independent)
* autocorrelated errors xtgls y x, panels(iid) corr(ar1)
* panel specific autocorrelated errors xtgls y x, panels(iid) corr(psar1)
* heteroschedastic error structure, with autocorrelation xtgls y x, panels(hetero) corr(ar1)
* heteroschedastic error structure correleted between panels, with autocorrelation xtgls y x, panels(correlated) corr(ar1)
9. xtgee xtgee y x, family(gaussian) link(id) corr(exchangeable) * same as xtreg y x, pa
* how would this compare to * proc mixed as repeated measures with time varying covariates * sas proc glm as repeated measure with time varying covariates
* see also * xtgee * xtgls * xtpois * xtprobit
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