This page lists where we are working on showing how to solve the examples from the books using Stata. The data files are all available over the web so you can replicate the results shown in these pages. We encourage you to obtain the textbooks illustrated in these pages to gain a deeper conceptual understanding of the analyses illustrated. We are very grateful to the authors of these textbooks for granting us permission to use and distribute their data files via our web pages. These books are just some of the books available for you to borrow via our Statistics Books for Loan.
- See all books with textbook examples for any package
- Regression Methods
- Applied Regression Analysis, Linear Models, and Related Methods by John Fox
- Regression Analysis by Example by Samprit Chatterjee, Ali S. Hadi & Bertram Price
- Methods Matter: Improving causal Inference in Educational and Social Science Research by Richard J. Murnane and John B. Willett
- Longitudinal Data Analysis
- Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis: Modeling Change and Event Occurrence by Judith D. Singer and John B. Willett
- Logistic Regression and Related Methods
- Applied Logistic Regression (2nd Edition) by David Hosmer and Stanley Lemeshow
- An Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis by Alan Agresti
- Multilevel Modeling
- Introduction to Multilevel Modeling by Ita Kreft and Jan de Leeuw
- Multilevel Analysis: An Introduction to Basic and Advanced Multilevel Modeling by Tom Snijders and Roel Bosker
- Multilevel Analysis: Techniques and Applications by Joop Hox
- Multivariate Statistics
- Computer-Aided Multivariate Analysis, Fourth Edition by A. A. Afifi, V. Clark and S. May
- Survival Analysis
- Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis: Modeling Change and Event Occurrence by Judith D. Singer and John B. Willett
- Applied Survival Analysis by David W. Hosmer, Jr. and Stanley Lemeshow
Applied Survival Analysis, Second Edition by David W. Hosmer, Jr., Stanley Lemeshow and Susanne May
- Analysis of Variance
- Design and Analysis by Geoffrey Keppel
- Experimental Design by Roger Kirk
- Economics
- Econometric Analysis, Fourth Edition by William Greene
- Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach by Jeffrey M. Wooldridge (courtesy of the Faculty Micro Resource Center’s GSA Program, a unit of Boston College Academic Technology Support)
- Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data by Jeffrey M. Wooldridge
- Survey Sampling
- Sampling of Populations: Methods and Applications, 3rd Edition by Paul Levy and Stanley Lemeshow
- Elementary Survey Sampling, 5th Edition by Scheaffer, Mendenhall and Ott
- Sampling: Design and Analysis by Sharon L. Lohr
- See also