Table 13.1, page 471.
use, clear sort seconds list seconds censor seconds censor 1. 1.41 1 2. 1.41 0 3. 1.51 0 4. 1.67 0 5. 1.68 0 6. 1.86 0 7. 2.12 0 .. output omitted ... 50. 6.21 1 51. 6.3 0 52. 6.6 1 53. 7.2 0 54. 9.59 0 55. 12.29 0 56. 13.18 0 57. 17.15 1
Table 13.2, page 477.
use, clear generate event = ~censor ltable seconds event, noadjust intervals(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 18) Beg. Std. Interval Total Deaths Lost Survival Error [95% Conf. Int.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 57 5 1 0.9123 0.0375 0.8020 0.9625 2 3 51 14 3 0.6619 0.0632 0.5224 0.7693 3 4 34 9 2 0.4867 0.0683 0.3481 0.6117 4 5 23 6 4 0.3597 0.0673 0.2314 0.4896 5 6 13 2 2 0.3044 0.0674 0.1803 0.4378 6 7 9 2 2 0.2367 0.0673 0.1199 0.3757 7 8 5 1 0 0.1894 0.0685 0.0783 0.3373 8 18 4 3 1 0.0473 0.0444 0.0038 0.1884 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ltable seconds event, noadjust hazard intervals(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 18) Beg. Cum. Std. Std. Interval Total Failure Error Hazard Error [95% Conf. Int.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 57 0.0877 0.0375 0.0877 0.0392 0.0285 0.1797 2 3 51 0.3381 0.0632 0.2745 0.0734 0.1501 0.4359 3 4 34 0.5133 0.0683 0.2647 0.0882 0.1210 0.4636 4 5 23 0.6403 0.0673 0.2609 0.1065 0.0957 0.5073 5 6 13 0.6956 0.0674 0.1538 0.1088 0.0186 0.4286 6 7 9 0.7633 0.0673 0.2222 0.1571 0.0269 0.6191 7 8 5 0.8106 0.0685 0.2000 0.2000 0.0051 0.7378 8 18 4 0.9527 0.0444 0.0750 0.0433 0.0155 0.1806 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ltable seconds event, intervals(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 18) Beg. Std. Interval Total Deaths Lost Survival Error [95% Conf. Int.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 57 5 1 0.9115 0.0378 0.8004 0.9622 2 3 51 14 3 0.6537 0.0643 0.5121 0.7633 3 4 34 9 2 0.4754 0.0690 0.3362 0.6021 4 5 23 6 4 0.3396 0.0680 0.2116 0.4719 5 6 13 2 2 0.2830 0.0674 0.1608 0.4181 6 7 9 2 2 0.2122 0.0666 0.0998 0.3526 7 8 5 1 0 0.1698 0.0654 0.0662 0.3140 8 18 4 3 1 0.0243 0.0331 0.0005 0.1634 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ltable seconds event, hazard intervals(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 18) Beg. Cum. Std. Std. Interval Total Failure Error Hazard Error [95% Conf. Int.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 57 0.0885 0.0378 0.0926 0.0414 0.0115 0.1737 2 3 51 0.3463 0.0643 0.3294 0.0868 0.1592 0.4996 3 4 34 0.5246 0.0690 0.3158 0.1039 0.1121 0.5195 4 5 23 0.6604 0.0680 0.3333 0.1342 0.0703 0.5963 5 6 13 0.7170 0.0674 0.1818 0.1280 0.0000 0.4328 6 7 9 0.7878 0.0666 0.2857 0.2000 0.0000 0.6776 7 8 5 0.8302 0.0654 0.2222 0.2208 0.0000 0.6551 8 18 4 0.9757 0.0331 0.1500 0.0573 0.0377 0.2623 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Figure 13.1, page 479.
use, clear gen event = ~censor ltable seconds event, noadjust intervals(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 18) saving(ltable1) use ltable1, clear set obs 9 replace t1 = 1 if _n==9 replace survival = 1 if _n==9 sort t1 twoway (line survival t1), xtitle("Seconds after light turns green") ytitle("Estimated S(t)") xlabel(0(5)20)twoway (line hazard t1), xtitle("Seconds after light turns green") ytitle("Estimated h(t)") xlabel(0(5)20)
use, clear gen event = ~censor ltable seconds event, intervals(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 18) saving(ltable2) use ltable2, clear set obs 9 replace t1 = 1 if _n==9 replace survival = 1 if _n==9 sort t1 twoway scatter survival t1, connect(stepstair) /// xtitle("Seconds after light turns green") ytitle("Estimated S(t)")
twoway scatter hazard t1, connect(stepstair) /// xtitle("Seconds after light turns green") ytitle("Estimated h(t)")
Table 13.3, page 484.
use, clear generate event = ~censor stset seconds, failure(event) sts list failure _d: event analysis time _t: seconds Beg. Net Survivor Std. Time Total Fail Lost Function Error [95% Conf. Int.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.41 57 1 1 0.9825 0.0174 0.8819 0.9975 1.51 55 1 0 0.9646 0.0246 0.8657 0.9910 1.67 54 1 0 0.9467 0.0299 0.8439 0.9825 1.68 53 1 0 0.9289 0.0343 0.8215 0.9727 1.86 52 1 0 0.9110 0.0380 0.7993 0.9620 2.12 51 1 0 0.8931 0.0412 0.7775 0.9505 2.19 50 1 0 0.8753 0.0441 0.7561 0.9385 2.36 49 0 1 0.8753 0.0441 0.7561 0.9385 2.48 48 1 0 0.8570 0.0468 0.7344 0.9258 2.5 47 1 0 0.8388 0.0492 0.7130 0.9127 2.53 46 1 0 0.8206 0.0514 0.6921 0.8992 2.54 45 1 0 0.8023 0.0534 0.6715 0.8854 2.56 44 1 0 0.7841 0.0552 0.6511 0.8712 2.62 43 1 0 0.7659 0.0569 0.6311 0.8568 2.68 42 1 0 0.7476 0.0584 0.6113 0.8421 2.76 41 0 1 0.7476 0.0584 0.6113 0.8421 2.78 40 0 1 0.7476 0.0584 0.6113 0.8421 2.83 39 1 0 0.7285 0.0599 0.5903 0.8266 2.88 38 1 0 0.7093 0.0614 0.5697 0.8108 2.89 37 1 0 0.6901 0.0626 0.5493 0.7948 2.92 36 1 0 0.6710 0.0637 0.5292 0.7786 2.98 35 1 0 0.6518 0.0647 0.5094 0.7621 ... 3.57 26 1 0 0.5121 0.0692 0.3701 0.6372 3.58 25 1 0 0.4916 0.0694 0.3506 0.6181 ... 4.96 14 1 0 0.3349 0.0683 0.2067 0.4681 5.12 13 0 1 0.3349 0.0683 0.2067 0.4681 5.39 12 1 0 0.3070 0.0681 0.1815 0.4416 5.73 11 1 0 0.2791 0.0674 0.1574 0.4144 5.88 10 0 1 0.2791 0.0674 0.1574 0.4144 6.03 9 1 0 0.2481 0.0666 0.1308 0.3846 6.21 8 0 1 0.2481 0.0666 0.1308 0.3846 6.3 7 1 0 0.2126 0.0659 0.1011 0.3514 6.6 6 0 1 0.2126 0.0659 0.1011 0.3514 7.2 5 1 0 0.1701 0.0650 0.0670 0.3133 9.59 4 1 0 0.1276 0.0611 0.0388 0.2711 12.29 3 1 0 0.0851 0.0535 0.0172 0.2244 13.18 2 1 0 0.0425 0.0403 0.0034 0.1730 17.15 1 0 1 0.0425 0.0403 0.0034 0.1730 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Figure 13.2, page 485. We are only able to generate the top plot for now.
use, clear gen event = ~censor stset seconds, failure(event) sts graph
Figure 13.4, page 493.
use, clear gen event = ~censor stset seconds, failure(event) sts generate surv = s nelson = na gen nlsurv = -log(surv) sort seconds twoway (scatter nelson seconds, connect(stepstair) lpattern(solid) msize(zero)) /// (scatter nlsurv seconds, connect(stepstair) lpattern(dash) msize(zero)), /// xtitle("Seconds after light turns green") ytitle("Estimated H(t)") /// legend(ring(0) pos(5) lab(1 "Nelson-Aalen") lab(2 "Negative Log Survival"))![]()
Figure 13.5, page 496. Our graphs do not exactly match those in the book, most likely due to a difference in kernel functions.
use, clear gen event = ~censor stset seconds, failure(event) sts graph, haz width(.5) ylabel(0(.1).4) xtitle("Seconds after light turns green")sts graph, haz width(1) ylabel(0(.1).4) xtitle("Seconds after light turns green")
sts graph, haz width(1.5) ylabel(0(.1).4) xtitle("Seconds after light turns green")
Figure 13.6, page 499. Again, due to a difference in kernel functions, our smoothed hazard graphs do not exactly match those in the text.
/* Column 1 */ use, clear gen event = ~censor stset weeks, failure(event) sts graph, xtitle("Weeks since discharge") legend(ring(0) pos(2)) xlabel(0(25)100) ylabel(,nogrid) scheme(Lean1) sts graph, cumh xtitle("Weeks since discharge") legend(ring(0) pos(5)) xlabel(0(25)100) ylabel(,nogrid) scheme(Lean1) sts graph, haz width(6) xtitle("Weeks since discharge") legend(ring(0) pos(5)) xlabel(0(25)100) ylabel(,nogrid) scheme(Lean1)![]()
/* Column 2 */ use, clear stset tenure, failure(leave) sts graph, xtitle("Years on Court") legend(ring(0) pos(2)) xlabel(0(5)35) ylabel(,nogrid) scheme(Lean1) sts graph, cumh xtitle("Years on Court") legend(ring(0) pos(5)) xlabel(0(5)35) ylabel(,nogrid) scheme(Lean1) sts graph, haz width(5) xtitle("Years on Court") legend(ring(0) pos(5)) xlabel(0(5)35) ylabel(0(.02).14,nogrid) scheme(Lean1)
/* Column 3 */ use, clear gen event = ~censor stset age, failure(event) sts graph, xtitle("Age (in years)") legend(ring(0) pos(2)) xlabel(0(25)100) ylabel(,nogrid) scheme(Lean1) sts graph, cumh xtitle("Age (in years)") legend(ring(0) pos(5)) xlabel(0(25)100) ylabel(,nogrid) scheme(Lean1) sts graph, haz width(3.5) xtitle("Age (in years)") legend(ring(0) pos(5)) xlabel(0(25)100) ylabel(0(.001).003,nogrid) scheme(Lean1)
/* Column 4 */ use, clear gen event = ~censor stset weeks, failure(event) sts graph, xtitle("Weeks since hired") legend(ring(0) pos(2)) xlabel(0(26)130) ylabel(,nogrid) scheme(Lean1) sts graph, cumh xtitle("Age (in years)") legend(ring(0) pos(5)) xlabel(0(26)130) ylabel(,nogrid) scheme(Lean1) sts graph, haz width(6) xtitle("Age (in years)") legend(ring(0) pos(5)) xlabel(0(26)130) ylabel(0(.005).01,nogrid) scheme(Lean1)