Table 10.1, page 265.
use, clear drop if year >= 60 regress import doprod stock consum, beta Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 11 ---------+------------------------------ F( 3, 7) = 285.61 Model | 204.776154 3 68.2587179 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | 1.67295319 7 .238993312 R-squared = 0.9919 ---------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.9884 Total | 206.449107 10 20.6449107 Root MSE = .48887 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| Beta ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- doprod | -.0513959 .0702801 -0.731 0.488 -.3393412 stock | .5869492 .0946185 6.203 0.000 .2130485 consum | .2868483 .1022083 2.807 0.026 1.30268 _cons | -10.12798 1.212161 -8.355 0.000 . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Equations 10.6 and 10.7, page 265.
Note: The signs of the coefficients for the third eigenvector are different from those given in 10.7. This difference is merely a reflection of the signs and does not change the meaning of the analysis.
factor doprod stock consum, pc factors(3) (obs=11) (principal components; 3 components retained) Component Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 1.99915 1.00100 0.6664 0.6664 2 0.99815 0.99546 0.3327 0.9991 3 0.00269 . 0.0009 1.0000 Eigenvectors Variable | 1 2 3 ----------+-------------------------------- doprod | 0.70633 -0.03569 0.70698 stock | 0.04350 0.99903 0.00697 consum | 0.70654 -0.02583 -0.70720 score c1 c2 c3 (based on unrotated principal components) Scoring Coefficients Variable | 1 2 3 ----------+-------------------------------- doprod | 0.70633 -0.03569 0.70698 stock | 0.04350 0.99903 0.00697 consum | 0.70654 -0.02583 -0.70720 matrix ld = get(Ld) /* save loading matrix for later analyses */
Table 10.2, page 265.
Note: The variable import has been transformed into a standard score zimport.
egen zimport = std(import) regress z c1 c2 c3, noconst Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 11 ---------+------------------------------ F( 3, 8) = 326.41 Model | 9.91896497 3 3.30632166 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | .081034631 8 .010129329 R-squared = 0.9919 ---------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.9889 Total | 9.9999996 11 .909090872 Root MSE = .10064 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ zimport | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- c1 | .6899821 .0225096 30.653 0.000 .6380749 .7418892 c2 | .1913035 .031856 6.005 0.000 .1178434 .2647636 c3 | -1.159675 .6135396 -1.890 0.095 -2.5745 .2551501 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Standardized coefficients for Table 10.3, page 268.
Note 1: We will use Stata’s matrix commands for these computations.
matrix b = get(_b) matrix v = b' matrix v[2,1] = 0 matrix v[3,1] = 0 matrix list v v[3,1] y1 c1 .68998207 c2 0 c3 0 matrix pc1 = ld*v matrix list pc1 /* standardized coefficients for first pc */ pc1[3,1] y1 r1 .48735532 r2 .03001462 r3 .487503 matrix v = b' matrix v[3,1] = 0 matrix list v v[3,1] y1 c1 .68998207 c2 .19130349 c3 0 matrix pc2 = ld*v matrix list pc2 /* standardized coefficients for first and second pc */ pc2[3,1] y1 r1 .48052795 r2 .22113237 r3 .48256155 matrix v = b' matrix list v v[3,1] y1 c1 .68998207 c2 .19130349 c3 -1.1596748 matrix pc3 = ld*v matrix list pc3 /* standardized coefficients for all pcs */ pc3[3,1] y1 r1 -.33934136 r2 .21304848 r3 1.3026802
use, clear list u c1 c2 c3 c4 1. .955 1.467 1.903 -.53 .0389 2. -.746 2.136 .238 -.29 -.03 3. -2.323 -1.13 .184 -.01 -.094 4. -.82 .66 1.577 .179 -.033 5. .471 -.359 .484 -.74 .019 6. -.299 -.967 .17 .086 -.012 7. .21 -.931 -2.135 -.173 .008 8. .558 2.232 -.692 .46 .023 9. -1.119 .352 -1.432 -.032 -.045 10. .496 -1.663 1.828 .851 .02 11. .781 1.641 -1.295 .494 .031 12. .918 -1.693 -.392 -.02 .037 13. .918 -1.746 -.438 -.275 .037
Table 10.5, page 270.
regress u c1 c2 c3 c4 Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 13 -------------+------------------------------ F( 4, 8) =63662.46 Model | 11.9971847 4 2.99929618 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | .0003769 8 .000047112 R-squared = 1.0000 -------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 1.0000 Total | 11.9975616 12 .999796801 Root MSE = .00686 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ u | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- c1 | -.0017999 .001325 -1.36 0.211 -.0048552 .0012555 c2 | -.0025529 .0015783 -1.62 0.144 -.0061924 .0010866 c3 | .0016481 .0045872 0.36 0.729 -.0089299 .0122262 c4 | 24.7659 .0490776 504.63 0.000 24.65273 24.87908 _cons | .0001904 .0019037 0.10 0.923 -.0041995 .0045803 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 10.6, page 270.
regress u c1 c2 c3 Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 13 -------------+------------------------------ F( 3, 9) = 0.00 Model | .000054633 3 .000018211 Prob > F = 1.0000 Residual | 11.997507 9 1.33305633 R-squared = 0.0000 -------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = -0.3333 Total | 11.9975616 12 .999796801 Root MSE = 1.1546 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ u | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- c1 | -.0012226 .2228739 -0.00 0.996 -.5053984 .5029532 c2 | -.0001243 .2654817 -0.00 1.000 -.6006856 .6004371 c3 | .0025214 .7716171 0.00 0.997 -1.742998 1.748041 _cons | -8.83e-08 .320223 -0.00 1.000 -.7243949 .7243948 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Figure 10.1, page 271.
graph twoway scatter u c1, nodraw ylabel(-2(1)1) xlabel(-1(1)2) saving(f101) graph twoway scatter u c2, nodraw ylabel(-2(1)1) xlabel(-2(1)2) saving(f102) graph twoway scatter u c3, nodraw ylabel(-2(1)1) xlabel(-.4(.4).8) saving(f103) graph twoway scatter u c4, nodraw ylabel(-2(1)1) xlabel(-.08(.04).04) saving(f104) graph combine f101.gph f102.gph f103.gph f104.gph