SAS Code Fragments
Creating a wide table from a long data
set using Proc Tabulate
Inputting the dataset.
data output; input Parameter $ Estimate StdErr group; cards; Intercept 3.7550 0.9902 1 z1 -0.1456 0.4602 1 z2 -0.6483 0.3552 1 z3 -1.6350 0.3985 1 age -0.0197 0.0142 1 Scale 1.0000 0.0000 1 Weibull 1.0000 0.0000 1 Intercept 3.5288 0.9041 2 z1 -0.1477 0.4076 2 z2 -0.5866 0.3199 2 z3 -1.5441 0.3633 2 age -0.0175 0.0128 2 Scale 0.8848 0.1084 2 Weibull 1.1301 0.1384 2 Intercept 3.1022 0.9527 3 z1 -0.1257 0.4152 3 z2 -0.8057 0.3539 3 z3 -1.7661 0.4257 3 age -0.0151 0.0138 3 Scale 0.7152 0.0860 3 Intercept 3.3832 0.9356 4 z1 -0.1989 0.4423 4 z2 -0.8995 0.3634 4 z3 -1.8574 0.4427 4 age -0.0185 0.0137 4 Scale 1.2638 0.1346 4 Intercept 3.4535 0.9437 5 z1 -0.1584 0.4308 5 z2 -0.7583 0.3938 5 z3 -1.7293 0.4488 5 age -0.0178 0.0135 5 Scale 1.1039 0.2570 5 Shape 0.4581 0.5837 5 ; run; proc format; value g 1='Exp' 2='Weibull' 3='Log Logistic' 4='Log Normal' 5='Gamma'; run;
We want the columns for estimate and stderr to be next to each other within each group.
proc tabulate data=output; class group parameter; var estimate stderr; table parameter='', sum=' '*group=' '*(estimate='Est' stderr='SE')*f=7.5 / RTS=15; format group g.; run;
| | Exp | Weibull | Log Logistic | Log Normal | Gamma |
| |—————+—————+—————+—————+—————|
| | Est | SE | Est | SE | Est | SE | Est | SE | Est | SE |
|Intercep |3.75500|0.99020|3.52880|0.90410|3.10220|0.95270|3.38320|0.93560|3.45350|0.94370|
|Scale |1.00000|0.00000|0.88480|0.10840|0.71520|0.08600|1.26380|0.13460|1.10390|0.25700|
|Shape | .| .| .| .| .| .| .| .|0.45810|0.58370|
|Weibull |1.00000|0.00000|1.13010|0.13840| .| .| .| .| .| .|
|age |-.01970|0.01420|-.01750|0.01280|-.01510|0.01380|-.01850|0.01370|-.01780|0.01350|
|z1 |-.14560|0.46020|-.14770|0.40760|-.12570|0.41520|-.19890|0.44230|-.15840|0.43080|
|z2 |-.64830|0.35520|-.58660|0.31990|-.80570|0.35390|-.89950|0.36340|-.75830|0.39380|
|z3 |-1.6350|0.39850|-1.5441|0.36330|-1.7661|0.42570|-1.8574|0.44270|-1.7293|0.44880|