Figure 6.1, page 184.
use, clear gen lnhc = ln(hc) label variable lnhc "natural log of hydrocarbon pollution potential" regress mort lnhc Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 60 ---------+------------------------------ F( 1, 58) = 1.35 Model | 5179.87999 1 5179.87999 Prob > F = 0.2506 Residual | 223117.041 58 3846.84554 R-squared = 0.0227 ---------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.0058 Total | 228296.921 59 3869.43934 Root MSE = 62.023 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mort | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- lnhc | 7.968576 6.867098 1.160 0.251 -5.777414 21.71457 _cons | 918.4252 20.53273 44.730 0.000 877.3245 959.5259 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ graph twoway (scatter mort lnhc) (lfit mort lnhc), xlabel(0(2)6) ylabel(800(100)1100)
Figure 6.2, page 185.
rreg mort lnhc Huber iteration 1: maximum difference in weights = .58511763 Huber iteration 2: maximum difference in weights = .12109939 Huber iteration 3: maximum difference in weights = .07054585 Huber iteration 4: maximum difference in weights = .02080019 Biweight iteration 5: maximum difference in weights = .20680335 Biweight iteration 6: maximum difference in weights = .06324705 Biweight iteration 7: maximum difference in weights = .05913415 Biweight iteration 8: maximum difference in weights = .02922746 Biweight iteration 9: maximum difference in weights = .01978239 Biweight iteration 10: maximum difference in weights = .01178611 Biweight iteration 11: maximum difference in weights = .0036652 Robust regression estimates Number of obs = 60 F( 1, 58) = 8.81 Prob > F = 0.0043 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mort | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- lnhc | 19.45727 6.553716 2.969 0.004 6.338583 32.57596 _cons | 891.75 19.59571 45.507 0.000 852.525 930.9751 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ predict yhat graph twoway (scatter mort lnhc) (lfit mort lnhc) (line yhat lnhc) /// (scatter mort lnhc if lnhc >=4.5, mlabel(smsa)), /// legend(off) xlabel(0(2)6) ylabel(800(100)1100)
Table 6.1, page186. The genwt option generates the weight and labels it "rweight." The format rweight %3.2f command formats the variable rweight to display only two digits after the decimal.
use, clear gen lnhc = ln(hc) rreg mort lnhc, genwt(rweight) Huber iteration 1: maximum difference in weights = .58511763 Huber iteration 2: maximum difference in weights = .12109939 Huber iteration 3: maximum difference in weights = .07054585 Huber iteration 4: maximum difference in weights = .02080019 Biweight iteration 5: maximum difference in weights = .20680335 Biweight iteration 6: maximum difference in weights = .06324705 Biweight iteration 7: maximum difference in weights = .05913415 Biweight iteration 8: maximum difference in weights = .02922746 Biweight iteration 9: maximum difference in weights = .01978239 Biweight iteration 10: maximum difference in weights = .01178611 Biweight iteration 11: maximum difference in weights = .0036652 Robust regression estimates Number of obs = 60 F( 1, 58) = 8.81 Prob > F = 0.0043 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mort | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- lnhc | 19.45727 6.553716 2.969 0.004 6.338583 32.57596 _cons | 891.75 19.59571 45.507 0.000 852.525 930.9751 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ predict yhat predict e, r sort rweight format mort yhat e lnhc %3.1f format rweight %3.2f list smsa hc mort yhat e rweight smsa hc mort yhat e rweight 1. SanJose 105 790.7 982.3 -191.6 0.08 2. NewOrleans 20 1113.0 950.0 163.0 0.23 3. LosAngeles 648 861.8 1017.7 -155.9 0.27 4. SanDiego 144 839.7 988.4 -148.7 0.32 5. Baltimore 43 1071.0 964.9 106.1 0.60 6. Wichita 4 823.8 918.7 -94.9 0.68 7. Lancaster 11 844.1 938.4 -94.3 0.68 8. Minneapolis 20 857.6 950.0 -92.4 0.69 9. SanFrancisco 311 911.7 1003.4 -91.7 0.70 10. Richmond 12 1026.0 940.1 85.9 0.73 11. Portland 56 894.0 970.1 -76.1 0.79 12. Denver 17 871.8 946.9 -75.1 0.79 13. Birmingham 30 1030.0 957.9 72.1 0.81 14. Chattanooga 18 1018.0 948.0 70.0 0.82 15. Albany 8 997.9 932.2 65.7 0.84 16. Memphis 15 1006.0 944.4 61.6 0.86 17. Wilmington 14 1004.0 943.1 60.9 0.86 18. Philadelphia 29 1015.0 957.3 57.7 0.87 19. Rochester 7 874.3 929.6 -55.3 0.88 20. Buffalo 18 1002.0 948.0 54.0 0.89 21. GrandRapids 5 871.3 923.1 -51.8 0.90 22. Miami 3 861.4 913.1 -51.7 0.90 23. Seattle 20 899.3 950.0 -50.7 0.90 24. Chicago 88 1025.0 978.9 46.1 0.92 25. Hartford 7 887.5 929.6 -42.1 0.93 26. Greensboro 8 971.1 932.2 38.9 0.94 27. Allentown 6 962.4 926.6 35.8 0.95 28. Atlanta 18 982.3 948.0 34.3 0.95 29. Toledo 11 972.5 938.4 34.1 0.95 30. Worcester 7 895.7 929.6 -33.9 0.96 31. Dallas 1 860.1 891.8 -31.7 0.96 32. NewYork 41 994.6 964.0 30.6 0.96 33. Milwaukee 33 929.2 959.8 -30.6 0.96 34. Akron 21 921.9 951.0 -29.1 0.97 35. Canton 12 912.3 940.1 -27.8 0.97 36. Cleveland 31 986.0 958.6 27.4 0.97 37. Bridgeport 6 899.5 926.6 -27.1 0.97 38. Indianapolis 13 968.7 941.7 27.0 0.97 39. Louisville 38 989.3 962.5 26.8 0.97 40. Houston 6 952.5 926.6 25.9 0.97 41. Pittsburgh 45 991.3 965.8 25.5 0.97 42. York 8 911.8 932.2 -20.4 0.98 43. Springfield 5 904.2 923.1 -18.9 0.99 44. Syracuse 8 950.7 932.2 18.5 0.99 45. Boston 21 934.7 951.0 -16.3 0.99 46. Cincinnati 26 970.5 955.1 15.4 0.99 47. Nashville 17 961.0 946.9 14.1 0.99 48. Providence 6 938.5 926.6 11.9 0.99 49. Youngstown 14 954.4 943.1 11.3 0.99 50. Utica 5 912.2 923.1 -10.9 1.00 51. KansasCity 7 919.7 929.6 -9.9 1.00 52. Dayton 6 936.2 926.6 9.6 1.00 53. Detroit 52 959.2 968.6 -9.4 1.00 54. Reading 11 946.2 938.4 7.8 1.00 55. Columbus 23 958.8 952.8 6.0 1.00 56. Washington 65 967.8 973.0 -5.2 1.00 57. StLouis 31 953.6 958.6 -5.0 1.00 58. NewHaven 4 923.2 918.7 4.5 1.00 59. Flint 11 941.2 938.4 2.8 1.00 60. FortWorth 1 891.7 891.8 -0.1 1.00
Figure 6.3, page 188.
format rweight %3.2f graph twoway (scatter mort lnhc, mlabel(rweight) msymbol(i)) /// (line yhat lnhc), xlabel(0(2)6) ylabel(800(100)1100)
Figure 6.7, page 197.
NOTE: For the following figure, we are going to produce each graph manually. One can specify the graph option in the rreg command to get a slideshow of the changes in weights in the IRLS estimation.
use, clear
Iteration 1
gen lnhc = ln(hc) regress mort lnhc Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 60 ---------+------------------------------ F( 1, 58) = 1.35 Model | 5179.87999 1 5179.87999 Prob > F = 0.2506 Residual | 223117.041 58 3846.84554 R-squared = 0.0227 ---------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.0058 Total | 228296.921 59 3869.43934 Root MSE = 62.023 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mort | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- lnhc | 7.968576 6.867098 1.160 0.251 -5.777414 21.71457 _cons | 918.4252 20.53273 44.730 0.000 877.3245 959.5259 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ predict e, resid summarize e, detail Residuals ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% -164.8106 -164.8106 5% -106.9425 -118.3275 10% -76.94942 -108.2129 Obs 60 25% -40.61413 -105.672 Sum of Wgt. 60 50% 6.803905 Mean 7.55e-08 Largest Std. Dev. 61.49508 75% 40.52672 84.4721 90% 70.31952 87.77363 Variance 3781.645 95% 86.12286 122.6034 Skewness -.0801513 99% 170.7031 170.7031 Kurtosis 3.362466
The median is the 50th percentile, 6.803905
gen m0=6.803905 gen ee=abs(e-m0) summarize ee, detail ee ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% 1.00688 1.00688 5% 2.174106 1.00688 10% 5.724127 1.863093 Obs 60 25% 20.17187 2.485118 Sum of Wgt. 60 50% 35.41085 Mean 47.77389 Largest Std. Dev. 38.82904 75% 65.78219 115.7995 90% 106.3564 125.1314 Variance 1507.694 95% 120.4655 163.8992 Skewness 1.190757 99% 171.6145 171.6145 Kurtosis 4.333584 gen m00=35.41085 gen s0=m00/.6745 gen es0=abs(e)/s0 gen w1=. (60 missing values generated) replace w1=1 if es0<=1.345 (48 real changes made) replace w1=1.345/es0 if es0>1.345 (12 real changes made) gen z=1 graph twoway scatter w1 z, connect(l) xlabel(0 .5 1) ylabel(0 .5 1)
Iteration 2
gen mortw1=mort*sqrt(w1) gen lnhcw0=sqrt(w1) gen lnhcw1=lnhc*sqrt(w1) regress mortw1 lnhcw1 lnhcw0, nocons Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 60 ---------+------------------------------ F( 2, 58) = 8902.25 Model | 50024076.4 2 25012038.2 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | 162958.613 58 2809.63127 R-squared = 0.9968 ---------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.9966 Total | 50187035.0 60 836450.584 Root MSE = 53.006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mortw1 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- lnhcw1 | 12.08538 6.277814 1.925 0.059 -.4810322 24.65179 lnhcw0 | 908.4398 18.31743 49.594 0.000 871.7735 945.1061 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ predict e1, resid gen e11=e1/lnhcw0 summarize e11, detail e11 ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% -173.9847 -173.9847 5% -113.1364 -128.8018 10% -78.96231 -124.8792 Obs 60 25% -40.35685 -101.3937 Sum of Wgt. 60 50% 4.943437 Mean -1.349338 Largest Std. Dev. 61.68531 75% 36.87691 80.45545 90% 65.34878 87.52921 Variance 3805.077 95% 83.99233 117.1047 Skewness -.2116352 99% 168.3556 168.3556 Kurtosis 3.577332 gen m1=4.943437 gen ee1=abs(e11-m1) summarize ee1, detail ee1 ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% 1.16269 1.16269 5% 1.609889 1.162691 10% 3.902509 1.284287 Obs 60 25% 17.60206 1.935491 Sum of Wgt. 60 50% 33.28572 Mean 47.06011 Largest Std. Dev. 39.91437 75% 63.93033 129.8226 90% 102.2999 133.7453 Variance 1593.157 95% 131.7839 163.4122 Skewness 1.300015 99% 178.9281 178.9281 Kurtosis 4.602989 gen m11= 33.28572gen s1=m11/.6745 gen es1=abs(e11)/s1 gen w2=. (60 missing values generated) replace w2=1 if es1<=1.345 (48 real changes made) replace w2=1.345/es1 if es1>1.345 (12 real changes made) graph twoway (scatter w2 w1) (line w1 w1, sort), xlabel(0 .5 1) ylabel(0 .5 1)
Iteration 3
gen mortw2=mort*sqrt(w2) gen lnhcw2=sqrt(w2) gen lnhcw3=lnhc*sqrt(w2) regress mortw2 lnhcw2 lnhcw3, nocons Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 60 ---------+------------------------------ F( 2, 58) = 9248.78 Model | 49588476.9 2 24794238.5 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | 155487.033 58 2680.81092 R-squared = 0.9969 ---------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.9968 Total | 49743964.0 60 829066.066 Root MSE = 51.777 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mortw2 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- lnhcw2 | 905.4311 18.09045 50.050 0.000 869.2191 941.6431 lnhcw3 | 13.4653 6.237472 2.159 0.035 .9796466 25.95096 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ predict e2, resid gen e22=e2/lnhcw2 summarize e22, detail e22 ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% -177.3981 -177.3981 5% -115.551 -132.6511 10% -79.9754 -130.804 Obs 60 25% -40.03335 -100.298 Sum of Wgt. 60 50% 4.820021 Mean -2.139968 Largest Std. Dev. 61.83381 75% 34.83411 78.77076 90% 64.34794 87.10891 Variance 3823.419 95% 82.93983 114.9232 Skewness -.2607152 99% 167.2305 167.2305 Kurtosis 3.656614 gen m2=4.820021 gen ee2=abs(e22-m2) summarize ee2, detail ee2 ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% 1.339484 1.339484 5% 2.356566 1.339485 10% 4.189049 1.822319 Obs 60 25% 17.43784 2.890813 Sum of Wgt. 60 50% 32.98885 Mean 46.90808 Largest Std. Dev. 40.43538 75% 62.89881 135.624 90% 101.7788 137.4711 Variance 1635.02 95% 136.5476 162.4104 Skewness 1.342615 99% 182.2181 182.2181 Kurtosis 4.699437 gen m22=32.98885 gen s2=m22/.6745 gen es2=abs(e22)/s2 gen w3=. (60 missing values generated) replace w3=1 if es2<=1.345 (47 real changes made) replace w3=1.345/es2 if es2>1.345 (13 real changes made) graph twoway (scatter w3 w2) (line w2 w2, sort), xlabel(0 .5 1) ylabel(0 .5 1)
Iteration 4
gen mortw3=mort*sqrt(w3) gen lnhcw4=sqrt(w3) gen lnhcw5=lnhc*sqrt(w3) regress mortw3 lnhcw4 lnhcw5, nocons Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 60 ---------+------------------------------ F( 2, 58) = 9332.34 Model | 49471461.0 2 24735730.5 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | 153731.199 58 2650.53791 R-squared = 0.9969 ---------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.9968 Total | 49625192.2 60 827086.537 Root MSE = 51.483 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mortw3 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- lnhcw4 | 904.103 18.09088 49.976 0.000 867.8902 940.3159 lnhcw5 | 14.08514 6.258612 2.251 0.028 1.557165 26.61311 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ predict e3, resid gen e33=e3/lnhcw4 summarize e33, detail e33 ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% -178.9547 -178.9547 5% -116.6589 -134.4035 10% -80.97359 -133.4887 Obs 60 25% -39.90723 -99.82915 Sum of Wgt. 60 50% 4.111221 Mean -2.518487 Largest Std. Dev. 61.91423 75% 34.29168 77.99062 90% 64.13075 86.89668 Variance 3833.372 95% 82.44365 113.92 Skewness -.2834424 99% 166.7017 166.7017 Kurtosis 3.693297 gen m3=4.111221 gen ee3=abs(e33-m3) summarize ee3, detail ee3 ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% .7889185 .7889185 5% 2.865521 .7889187 10% 4.604212 2.748589 Obs 60 25% 16.45549 2.982452 Sum of Wgt. 60 50% 33.48549 Mean 46.83978 Largest Std. Dev. 40.58225 75% 61.8055 137.5999 90% 100.9146 138.5147 Variance 1646.919 95% 138.0573 162.5905 Skewness 1.361655 99% 183.0659 183.0659 Kurtosis 4.749048 gen m33=33.48549 gen s3=m33/.6745 gen es3=abs(e33)/s3 gen w4=. (60 missing values generated) replace w4=1 if es3<=1.345 (46 real changes made) replace w4=1.345/es3 if es3>1.345 (14 real changes made) graph twoway (scatter w4 w3) (line w3 w3, sort), xlabel(0 .5 1) ylabel(0 .5 1)
Iteration 5 (change to biweight)
gen mortw4=mort*sqrt(w4) gen lnhcw6=sqrt(w4) gen lnhcw7=lnhc*sqrt(w4) regress mortw4 lnhcw6 lnhcw7, nocons Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 60 ---------+------------------------------ F( 2, 58) = 9291.05 Model | 49565578.2 2 24782789.1 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | 154708.151 58 2667.38191 R-squared = 0.9969 ---------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.9968 Total | 49720286.4 60 828671.44 Root MSE = 51.647 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mortw4 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- lnhcw6 | 903.8434 18.15556 49.783 0.000 867.5011 940.1857 lnhcw7 | 14.21256 6.283636 2.262 0.027 1.634493 26.79062 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ predict e4, resid gen e44=e4/lnhcw6 summarize e44, detail e44 ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% -179.2881 -179.2881 5% -116.9001 -134.7772 10% -81.27055 -134.054 Obs 60 25% -39.77162 -99.74622 Sum of Wgt. 60 50% 3.95209 Mean -2.609724 Largest Std. Dev. 61.93181 75% 34.16674 77.81688 90% 64.08532 86.83968 Variance 3835.549 95% 82.32828 113.7003 Skewness -.2881632 99% 166.5795 166.5795 Kurtosis 3.700915 gen m4=3.95209 gen ee4=abs(e44-m4) summarize ee4, detail ee4 ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% .6757395 .6757395 5% 2.970146 .67574 10% 4.538526 2.939001 Obs 60 25% 16.38228 3.00129 Sum of Wgt. 60 50% 33.58758 Mean 46.82574 Largest Std. Dev. 40.61432 75% 61.58075 138.0061 90% 100.737 138.7292 Variance 1649.523 95% 138.3677 162.6274 Skewness 1.365385 99% 183.2402 183.2402 Kurtosis 4.758903 gen m44=33.58758 gen s4=m44/.6745 gen es4=e44/s4 gen w5=. (60 missing values generated) replace w5=(1-(es4/4.685)^2)^2 if (abs(e44)/s4)<=4.685 (60 real changes made) replace w5=0 if (abs(e44)/s4)>4.685 (0 real changes made) graph twoway (scatter w5 w4) (line w4 w4, sort), xlabel(0 .5 1) ylabel(0 .5 1)
Iteration 6
gen mortw5=mort*sqrt(w5) gen lnhcw8=sqrt(w5) gen lnhcw9=lnhc*sqrt(w5) regress mortw5 lnhcw8 lnhcw9, nocons Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 60 ---------+------------------------------ F( 2, 58) =10199.02 Model | 46795992.5 2 23397996.2 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | 133060.189 58 2294.1412 R-squared = 0.9972 ---------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.9971 Total | 46929052.7 60 782150.878 Root MSE = 47.897 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mortw5 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- lnhcw8 | 900.2209 17.37487 51.812 0.000 865.4413 935.0005 lnhcw9 | 15.63724 6.060739 2.580 0.012 3.505358 27.76913 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ predict e5, resid gen e55=e5/lnhcw8 summarize e55, detail e55 ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% -182.296 -182.296 5% -118.1669 -139.6547 10% -83.87064 -138.2351 Obs 60 25% -37.53524 -98.09869 Sum of Wgt. 60 50% 2.892957 Mean -2.909743 Largest Std. Dev. 62.15267 75% 34.47182 76.59371 90% 64.29753 86.92204 Variance 3862.955 95% 81.75788 111.9643 Skewness -.3419659 99% 165.9341 165.9341 Kurtosis 3.78783 gen m5=2.892957 gen ee5=abs(e55-m5) summarize ee5, detail ee5 ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% .589726 .589726 5% 2.40177 .5897262 10% 5.645023 1.591628 Obs 60 25% 16.05141 3.211911 Sum of Wgt. 60 50% 32.65288 Mean 46.70808 Largest Std. Dev. 40.97041 75% 61.40457 141.1281 90% 98.751 142.5477 Variance 1678.574 95% 141.8379 163.0411 Skewness 1.408325 99% 185.1889 185.1889 Kurtosis 4.871201 gen m55=32.65288 gen s5=m55/.6745 gen es5=e55/s5 gen w6=. (60 missing values generated) replace w6=(1-(es5/4.685)^2)^2 if (abs(e55)/s5)<=4.685 (60 real changes made) replace w6=0 if (abs(e55)/s5)>4.685 (0 real changes made) graph twoway (scatter w6 w5) (line w5 w5, sort), xlabel(0 .5 1) ylabel(0 .5 1)
Iteration 7 (Note that iterations 7 and 8 are not graphed in the book.)
gen mortw6=mort*sqrt(w6) gen lnhcw10=sqrt(w6) gen lnhcw11=lnhc*sqrt(w6) regress mortw6 lnhcw10 lnhcw11, nocons Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 60 ---------+------------------------------ F( 2, 58) =10569.43 Model | 46495826.3 2 23247913.2 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | 127573.451 58 2199.54225 R-squared = 0.9973 ---------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.9972 Total | 46623399.8 60 777056.663 Root MSE = 46.899 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mortw6 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- lnhcw10 | 897.4257 17.15824 52.303 0.000 863.0798 931.7717 lnhcw11 | 16.85949 6.015829 2.803 0.007 4.817501 28.90148 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ predict e6, resid gen e66=e6/lnhcw10 summarize e66, detail e66 ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% -185.1891 -185.1891 5% -119.2561 -144.7722 10% -86.414 -141.5143 Obs 60 25% -35.92926 -96.99795 Sum of Wgt. 60 50% 2.874535 Mean -3.479797 Largest Std. Dev. 62.3774 75% 34.60612 75.23182 90% 64.16693 86.67999 Variance 3890.94 95% 80.95591 110.1623 Skewness -.3894314 99% 165.0678 165.0678 Kurtosis 3.864709 gen m6=2.874535 gen ee6=abs(e66-m6) summarize ee6, detail ee6 ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% .4724467 .4724467 5% 3.736962 .4724476 10% 5.664235 2.87833 Obs 60 25% 15.30565 4.595593 Sum of Wgt. 60 50% 31.832 Mean 46.64581 Largest Std. Dev. 41.46435 75% 61.2924 144.3889 90% 98.25005 147.6468 Variance 1719.292 95% 146.0178 162.1933 Skewness 1.450591 99% 188.0636 188.0636 Kurtosis 4.977333 gen m66=31.832 gen s6=m66/.6745 gen es6=e66/s6 gen w7=. (60 missing values generated) replace w7=(1-(es6/4.685)^2)^2 if (abs(e66)/s6)<=4.685 (60 real changes made) replace w7=0 if (abs(e66)/s6)>4.685 (0 real changes made)
Iteration 8
gen mortw7=mort*sqrt(w7) gen lnhcw12=sqrt(w7) gen lnhcw13=lnhc*sqrt(w7) regress mortw7 lnhcw12 lnhcw13, nocons Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 60 ---------+------------------------------ F( 2, 58) =10952.16 Model | 46220949.9 2 23110475.0 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | 122387.492 58 2110.12917 R-squared = 0.9974 ---------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.9973 Total | 46343337.4 60 772388.957 Root MSE = 45.936 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mortw7 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- lnhcw12 | 894.7121 16.95266 52.777 0.000 860.7777 928.6466 lnhcw13 | 18.07344 5.972631 3.026 0.004 6.117918 30.02896 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ predict e7, resid gen e77=e7/lnhcw12 summarize e77, detail e77 ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% -188.1251 -188.1251 5% -120.4005 -149.9176 10% -89.00262 -144.8338 Obs 60 25% -34.39677 -95.96723 Sum of Wgt. 60 50% 3.291201 Mean -4.108537 Largest Std. Dev. 62.63243 75% 33.61028 73.81649 90% 63.97465 86.37708 Variance 3922.822 95% 80.09678 108.3101 Skewness -.4375264 99% 164.1446 164.1446 Kurtosis 3.942903 gen m7=3.291201 gen ee7=abs(e77-m7) summarize ee7, detail ee7 ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% .1415799 .1415799 5% 4.492992 .1415806 10% 6.058385 4.127497 Obs 60 25% 15.0027 4.858488 Sum of Wgt. 60 50% 32.00533 Mean 46.59337 Largest Std. Dev. 42.0805 75% 60.68345 148.125 90% 98.24997 153.2088 Variance 1770.768 95% 150.6669 160.8534 Skewness 1.492862 99% 191.4163 191.4163 Kurtosis 5.089983 gen m77=32.00533 gen s7=m77/.6745 gen es7=e77/s7 gen w8=. (60 missing values generated) replace w8=(1-(es7/4.685)^2)^2 if (abs(e77)/s7)<=4.685 (60 real changes made) replace w8=0 if (abs(e77)/s7)>4.685 (0 real changes made)
Iteration 9
gen mortw8=mort*sqrt(w8) gen lnhcw14=sqrt(w8) gen lnhcw15=lnhc*sqrt(w8) regress mortw8 lnhcw14 lnhcw15, nocons Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 60 ---------+------------------------------ F( 2, 58) =11032.70 Model | 46288732.5 2 23144366.2 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | 121672.237 58 2097.79719 R-squared = 0.9974 ---------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.9973 Total | 46410404.7 60 773506.745 Root MSE = 45.802 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mortw8 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- lnhcw14 | 893.1722 16.95102 52.691 0.000 859.2411 927.1034 lnhcw15 | 18.78453 5.985631 3.138 0.003 6.802987 30.76607 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ predict e8, resid gen e88=e8/lnhcw14 summarize e88, detail e88 ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% -189.8946 -189.8946 5% -121.1205 -152.9813 10% -90.56861 -146.8279 Obs 60 25% -33.54876 -95.41312 Sum of Wgt. 60 50% 3.485634 Mean -4.526487 Largest Std. Dev. 62.79643 75% 32.97723 72.93785 90% 63.81236 86.14997 Variance 3943.392 95% 79.54391 107.1754 Skewness -.4660449 99% 163.5544 163.5544 Kurtosis 3.989447 gen m8=3.485634 gen ee8=abs(e88-m8) summarize ee8, detail ee8 ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% .5012119 .5012119 5% 3.871048 .5012128 10% 6.578306 3.243295 Obs 60 25% 14.83559 4.4988 Sum of Wgt. 60 50% 32.01626 Mean 46.58111 Largest Std. Dev. 42.45112 75% 60.54584 150.3135 90% 98.25001 156.4669 Variance 1802.098 95% 153.3902 160.0687 Skewness 1.518493 99% 193.3803 193.3803 Kurtosis 5.161077 gen m88=32.01626 gen s8=m88/.6745 gen es8=e88/s8 gen w9=. (60 missing values generated) replace w9=(1-(es8/4.685)^2)^2 if (abs(e88)/s8)<=4.685 (60 real changes made) replace w9=0 if (abs(e88)/s8)>4.685 (0 real changes made) graph twoway (scatter w9 w8) (line w8 w8, sort), xlabel(0 .5 1) ylabel(0 .5 1)
Iteration 10
gen mortw9=mort*sqrt(w9) gen lnhcw16=sqrt(w9) gen lnhcw17=lnhc*sqrt(w9) regress mortw9 lnhcw16 lnhcw17, nocons Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 60 ---------+------------------------------ F( 2, 58) =11114.84 Model | 46295327.8 2 23147663.9 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | 120790.281 58 2082.59105 R-squared = 0.9974 ---------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.9973 Total | 46416118.0 60 773601.967 Root MSE = 45.635 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mortw9 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- lnhcw16 | 892.1295 16.92993 52.695 0.000 858.2405 926.0184 lnhcw17 | 19.26631 5.987742 3.218 0.002 7.280545 31.25208 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ predict e9, resid gen e99=e9/lnhcw16 summarize e99, detail e99 ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% -191.0941 -191.0941 5% -121.6088 -155.0575 10% -91.63017 -148.1794 Obs 60 25% -32.97474 -95.03825 Sum of Wgt. 60 50% 3.61685 Mean -4.810208 Largest Std. Dev. 62.91361 75% 32.54779 72.342 90% 63.70186 85.99552 Variance 3958.123 95% 79.16876 106.4061 Skewness -.4854825 99% 163.1539 163.1539 Kurtosis 4.021253 gen m9=3.61685 gen ee9=abs(e99-m9) summarize ee9, detail ee9 ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% .7448692 .7448692 5% 3.345251 .7448692 10% 6.870948 2.644254 Obs 60 25% 14.72238 4.046248 Sum of Wgt. 60 50% 32.31808 Mean 46.5728 Largest Std. Dev. 42.71478 75% 60.51368 151.7963 90% 98.25004 158.6744 Variance 1824.553 95% 155.2353 159.537 Skewness 1.535109 99% 194.711 194.711 Kurtosis 5.209073 gen m99=32.31808 gen s9=m99/.6745 gen es9=e99/s9 gen w10=. (60 missing values generated) replace w10=(1-(es9/4.685)^2)^2 if (abs(e99)/s9)<=4.685 (60 real changes made) replace w10=0 if (abs(e99)/s9)>4.685 (0 real changes made) graph twoway (scatter w10 w9) (line w9 w9, sort), xlabel(0 .5 1) ylabel(0 .5 1)
Iteration 11
gen mortw10=mort*sqrt(w10) gen lnhcw18=sqrt(w10) gen lnhcw19=lnhc*sqrt(w10) regress mortw10 lnhcw18 lnhcw19, nocons Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 60 ---------+------------------------------ F( 2, 58) =11069.26 Model | 46399353.4 2 23199676.7 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | 121560.159 58 2095.86482 R-squared = 0.9974 ---------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.9973 Total | 46520913.5 60 775348.559 Root MSE = 45.781 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mortw10 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- lnhcw18 | 891.8404 16.97908 52.526 0.000 857.8531 925.8278 lnhcw19 | 19.41061 6.006624 3.232 0.002 7.387048 31.43418 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ predict e10, resid gen e1010=e10/lnhcw18 summarize e1010, detail e1010 ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% -191.4766 -191.4766 5% -121.7784 -155.7027 10% -91.97139 -148.6076 Obs 60 25% -32.82613 -94.94926 Sum of Wgt. 60 50% 3.632838 Mean -4.918479 Largest Std. Dev. 62.94965 75% 32.3959 72.14027 90% 63.64549 85.926 Variance 3962.659 95% 79.03314 106.1523 Skewness -.4913203 99% 163.0105 163.0105 Kurtosis 4.030817 gen m10=3.632838 gen ee10=abs(e1010-m10) summarize ee10, detail ee10 ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% .8178842 .8178842 5% 3.119054 .8178847 10% 6.824313 2.464844 Obs 60 25% 14.68851 3.773263 Sum of Wgt. 60 50% 32.40845 Mean 46.57032 Largest Std. Dev. 42.79567 75% 60.50405 152.2404 90% 98.25003 159.3355 Variance 1831.47 95% 155.7879 159.3777 Skewness 1.539966 99% 195.1095 195.1095 Kurtosis 5.2234 gen m1010=32.40845 gen s10=m1010/.6745 gen es10=e1010/s10 gen w11=. (60 missing values generated) replace w11=(1-(es10/4.685)^2)^2 if (abs(e1010)/s10)<=4.685 (60 real changes made) replace w11=0 if (abs(e1010)/s10)>4.685 (0 real changes made) graph twoway (scatter w11 w10) (line w10 w10, sort), xlabel(0 .5 1) ylabel(0 .5 1)
Figure 6.8, page 197.
rreg mort lnhc Huber iteration 1: maximum difference in weights = .58511763 Huber iteration 2: maximum difference in weights = .12109939 Huber iteration 3: maximum difference in weights = .07054585 Huber iteration 4: maximum difference in weights = .02080019 Biweight iteration 5: maximum difference in weights = .20680335 Biweight iteration 6: maximum difference in weights = .06324705 Biweight iteration 7: maximum difference in weights = .05913415 Biweight iteration 8: maximum difference in weights = .02922746 Biweight iteration 9: maximum difference in weights = .01978239 Biweight iteration 10: maximum difference in weights = .01178611 Biweight iteration 11: maximum difference in weights = .0036652 Robust regression estimates Number of obs = 60 F( 1, 58) = 8.81 Prob > F = 0.0043 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mort | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- lnhc | 19.45727 6.553716 2.969 0.004 6.338583 32.57596 _cons | 891.75 19.59571 45.507 0.000 852.525 930.9751 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ predict e15, r gen se=e15/48.09 sort se graph twoway scatter w11 se, xlabel(-5(1)5) ylabel(0(.2)1) xline(0)
Figure 6.9, page 202.
Note: The robust regression line for this graph does not match the book. Further, the next Figure does match when the two outlying points are removed.
use, clear regress mort hc Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 60 ---------+------------------------------ F( 1, 58) = 1.88 Model | 7181.1855 1 7181.1855 Prob > F = 0.1752 Residual | 221115.736 58 3812.34027 R-squared = 0.0315 ---------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.0148 Total | 228296.921 59 3869.43934 Root MSE = 61.744 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mort | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- hc | -.1199471 .0873952 -1.372 0.175 -.2948875 .0549934 _cons | 944.905 8.630252 109.488 0.000 927.6297 962.1803 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ predict h, leverage rreg mort hc, genwt(tempwt) Huber iteration 1: maximum difference in weights = .47764579 Huber iteration 2: maximum difference in weights = .01386864 Biweight iteration 3: maximum difference in weights = .15809529 Biweight iteration 4: maximum difference in weights = .00210305 Robust regression estimates Number of obs = 60 F( 1, 58) = 1.63 Prob > F = 0.2075 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mort | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- hc | -.1138386 .089299 -1.275 0.207 -.2925899 .0649127 _cons | 944.1757 8.818254 107.071 0.000 926.524 961.8273 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ predict yhat2 sort hc . graph twoway (scatter mort hc) (lfit mort hc) (line yhat2 hc)
Figure 6.10, page 202.
drop if h>=.166 (2 observations deleted) regress mort hc Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 58 ---------+------------------------------ F( 1, 56) = 0.04 Model | 157.327497 1 157.327497 Prob > F = 0.8424 Residual | 220947.205 56 3945.4858 R-squared = 0.0007 ---------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = -0.0171 Total | 221104.532 57 3879.02688 Root MSE = 62.813 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mort | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- hc | -.0636877 .318936 -0.200 0.842 -.7025932 .5752178 _cons | 943.6545 10.95789 86.116 0.000 921.7032 965.6057 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rreg mort hc Huber iteration 1: maximum difference in weights = .63453732 Huber iteration 2: maximum difference in weights = .23102242 Huber iteration 3: maximum difference in weights = .04856842 Biweight iteration 4: maximum difference in weights = .26244177 Biweight iteration 5: maximum difference in weights = .10250554 Biweight iteration 6: maximum difference in weights = .01126607 Biweight iteration 7: maximum difference in weights = .00181083 Robust regression estimates Number of obs = 57 F( 1, 55) = 15.93 Prob > F = 0.0002 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mort | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- hc | 1.408462 .3529216 3.991 0.000 .7011917 2.115733 _cons | 918.531 10.21261 89.941 0.000 898.0645 938.9975 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ predict yhat6 graph twoway (scatter mort hc) (lfit mort hc) (line yhat6 hc, sort), /// xlabel(0(50)150) ylabel(800(100)1100)
Figure 6.11, page 204.
use, clear gen lnhc = ln(hc) graph twoway scatter lnhc hc, connect(l) sort xlabel(0(200)600) ylabel(0(2)6)
gen lnpopd = ln(popden) graph twoway scatter lnpopd popden, connect(l) sort xlabel(0 5000 10000) ylabel(7 8 9)
gen nrrpoor = -(1/(sqrt(poor))) graph twoway scatter nrrpoor poor, connect(l) sort xlabel(10(5)30) ylabel(-.35(.05)-.2)
gen srnonw = sqrt(nonw) graph twoway scatter srnonw nonw, connect(l) sort xlabel(0(10)40) ylabel(0(2)6)
Figure 6.12, page 205.
regress mort rain jan educ srnonw Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 60 ---------+------------------------------ F( 4, 55) = 26.00 Model | 149326.539 4 37331.6348 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | 78970.3819 55 1435.82513 R-squared = 0.6541 ---------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.6289 Total | 228296.921 59 3869.43934 Root MSE = 37.892 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mort | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- rain | 1.038763 .5972583 1.739 0.088 -.1581692 2.235696 jan | -1.9212 .5579225 -3.443 0.001 -3.039302 -.8030985 educ | -21.13074 6.844689 -3.087 0.003 -34.8478 -7.413674 srnonw | 32.40913 4.662617 6.951 0.000 23.06503 41.75322 _cons | 1094.805 86.29434 12.687 0.000 921.8676 1267.743 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
avplot lnhc, mlabel(smsa) msymbol(i) xlabel(-4(2)2) ylabel(-100(50)50)
Figure 6.13, page 206.
use, clear gen lnhc=log(hc) gen srnonw=sqrt(nonw) rreg mort lnhc rain jan educ srnonw, genwt(rweight) Huber iteration 1: maximum difference in weights = .45915614 Huber iteration 2: maximum difference in weights = .04128307 Biweight iteration 3: maximum difference in weights = .14223798 Biweight iteration 4: maximum difference in weights = .00447933 Robust regression estimates Number of obs = 60 F( 5, 54) = 28.12 Prob > F = 0.0000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mort | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- lnhc | 17.76648 4.625325 3.841 0.000 8.493262 27.0397 rain | 2.317299 .6382043 3.631 0.001 1.037776 3.596821 jan | -2.110483 .5029979 -4.196 0.000 -3.118933 -1.102033 educ | -19.10964 6.190165 -3.087 0.003 -31.52017 -6.699102 srnonw | 26.21364 4.38846 5.973 0.000 17.41531 35.01197 _cons | 1001.758 82.48887 12.144 0.000 836.3781 1167.139 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ predict e, r gen e1=e/48.09 sort e1 graph twoway scatter rweight e1, connect(l) xlabel(-5(1)5) ylabel(0(.2)1) xline(0)
Table 6.3, page 206.
use, clear gen lnhc = ln(hc) gen srnonw = sqrt(nonw) regress mort lnhc rain jan educ srnonw Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 60 ---------+------------------------------ F( 5, 54) = 28.63 Model | 165769.597 5 33153.9194 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | 62527.3244 54 1157.91341 R-squared = 0.7261 ---------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.7008 Total | 228296.921 59 3869.43934 Root MSE = 34.028 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mort | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- lnhc | 17.4691 4.635721 3.768 0.000 8.175039 26.76316 rain | 2.352107 .6396387 3.677 0.001 1.069709 3.634505 jan | -2.1316 .5041284 -4.228 0.000 -3.142316 -1.120883 educ | -17.95806 6.204078 -2.895 0.005 -30.39649 -5.519631 srnonw | 27.3349 4.398323 6.215 0.000 18.5168 36.15301 _cons | 986.261 82.67427 11.929 0.000 820.509 1152.013 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ predict h, leverage format h %3.2f list smsa h if h>.23 smsa h 16. Dallas 0.23 21. FortWorth 0.25 29. LosAngeles 0.28 32. Miami 0.36 46. SanDiego 0.25
Table 6.14, page 209.
use, clear list bay pcb84 pcb85 bay pcb84 pcb85 1. Casco Bay 95.28 77.55 2. Merrimack River 52.97 29.23 3. Salem Harbor 533.58 403.1 4. Boston Harbor 17104.86 736 5. Buzzards' Bay 308.46 192.15 6. Narragansett Bay 159.96 220.6 7. East Long Island Sound 10 8.62 8. West Long Island Sound 234.43 174.31 9. Raritan Bay 443.89 529.28 10. Delaware Bay 2.5 130.67 11. Lower Chesapeake Bay 51 39.74 12. Pamilico Sound 0 0 13. Charleston Harbor 9.1 8.43 14. Sapelo Sound 0 0 15. St. Johns River 140 120.04 16. Tampa Bay 0 0 17. Apalachicola Bay 12 11.93 18. Mobile Bay 0 0 19. Round Island 0 0 20. Mississippi River Delta 34 30.14 21. Barataria Bay 0 0 22. San Antonio Bay 0 0 23. Corpus Christi Bay 0 0 24. San Diego Harbor 422.1 531.67 25. San Diego Bay 6.74 9.3 26. Dana Point 7.06 5.74 27. Seal Beach 46.71 46.47 28. San Pedro Canyon 159.56 176.9 29. Santa Monica Bay 14 13.69 30. Bodega Bay 4.18 4.89 31. Coos Bay 3.19 6.6 32. Columbia River Mouth 8.77 6.73 33. Nisqually Beach 4.23 4.28 34. Commencement Bay 20.6 20.5 35. Elliott Bay 329.97 414.5 36. Lutak Inlet 5.5 5.8 37. Nahku Bay 6.6 5.08
Figure 6.15, page 210.
use, clear qreg pcb85 pcb84 Iteration 1: WLS sum of weighted deviations = 3864.9265 Iteration 1: sum of abs. weighted deviations = 16672.456 Iteration 2: sum of abs. weighted deviations = 4312.7581 Iteration 3: sum of abs. weighted deviations = 2969.6801 Median regression Number of obs = 37 Raw sum of deviations 3821.07 (about 11.93) Min sum of deviations 2969.68 Pseudo R2 = 0.2228 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pcb85 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- pcb84 | .0425018 .0005854 72.608 0.000 .0413134 .0436901 _cons | 9.013539 9.6191 0.937 0.355 -10.51427 28.54135 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ predict h1 graph twoway (scatter pcb85 pcb84) (lfit pcb85 pcb84) (line h1 pcb84, sort), /// xlabel(0(4000)16000) ylabel(0(200)800)
Figure 6.16, page 210.
NOTE: The prediction for id #4 is far above the highest point on the scale and is excluded from this analysis so that the line shown in the text can be produced.
use, clear regress pcb85 pcb84 Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 37 ---------+------------------------------ F( 1, 35) = 21.77 Model | 462349.858 1 462349.858 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | 743254.192 35 21235.8341 R-squared = 0.3835 ---------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.3659 Total | 1205604.05 36 33489.0014 Root MSE = 145.73 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pcb85 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- pcb84 | .0404537 .0086698 4.666 0.000 .0228532 .0580543 _cons | 85.0138 24.42159 3.481 0.001 35.43533 134.5923 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ predict h, leverage summarize h, detail Leverage ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% .0270276 .0270276 5% .0270645 .0270645 10% .0271934 .0270821 Obs 37 25% .0277486 .0271934 Sum of Wgt. 37 50% .0280503 Mean .0540541 Largest Std. Dev. .1594038 75% .0280756 .0280853 90% .0280853 .0280853 Variance .0254096 95% .0280853 .0280853 Skewness 5.833291 99% .9974615 .9974615 Kurtosis 35.02746
Note that the 90th percentile is .0280853
gen wh=. (37 missing values generated) replace wh=1 if h<=.0280853 (36 real changes made) replace wh=(.0280853/h)^2 if h>.0280853 (1 real change made) qreg pcb85 pcb84 [aw=wh] (sum of wgt is 3.6001e+001) Iteration 1: WLS sum of weighted deviations = 13713.003 (sum of wgt is 3.6001e+001) Iteration 1: sum of abs. weighted deviations = 1122.2417 Iteration 2: sum of abs. weighted deviations = 942.67567 Iteration 3: sum of abs. weighted deviations = 921.36162 Iteration 4: sum of abs. weighted deviations = 921.36163 Median regression Number of obs = 37 Raw sum of deviations 3183.548 (about 11.93) Min sum of deviations 921.3616 Pseudo R2 = 0.7106 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pcb85 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- pcb84 | .994862 .0009638 1032.218 0.000 .9929053 .9968186 _cons | -7.92e-07 .1708606 0.000 1.000 -.3468662 .3468646 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ predict yhat3 if id~=4 (option xb assumed; fitted values) (1 missing value generated) graph twoway (scatter pcb85 pcb84) (line yhat3 pcb84, sort) /// (scatter pcb85 pcb84 if pcb84 >= 16000, mlabel(bay) mlabposition(9)), /// xlabel(0(4000)16000) ylabel(0(200)800)
Figure 6.17, page 211.
use, clear gen log84=log(pcb84+1) gen log85=log(pcb85+1) regress log85 log84 Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 37 ---------+------------------------------ F( 1, 35) = 251.17 Model | 145.581687 1 145.581687 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | 20.2863138 35 .579608967 R-squared = 0.8777 ---------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.8742 Total | 165.868001 36 4.60744448 Root MSE = .76132 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ log85 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- log84 | .8508259 .0536852 15.848 0.000 .741839 .9598127 _cons | .4251097 .202327 2.101 0.043 .014364 .8358553 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ predict h, leverage summarize h, detail Leverage ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% .0270889 .0270889 5% .0273455 .0273455 10% .0286045 .0278075 Obs 37 25% .0311876 .0286045 Sum of Wgt. 37 50% .0415393 Mean .0540541 Largest Std. Dev. .038911 75% .0706273 .0743968 90% .0743968 .0759508 Variance .0015141 95% .0818475 .0818475 Skewness 3.870526 99% .2560128 .2560128 Kurtosis 20.8041
Note that the 90th percentile is .0743968. The [aw=wh] option tells Stata to use wh as the aweight.
gen wh=. (37 missing values generated) replace wh=1 if h<=.0743968 (33 real changes made) replace wh=(.0743968/h)^2 if h>.0743968 (4 real changes made) qreg log85 log84 [aw=wh] (sum of wgt is 3.5870e+001) Iteration 1: WLS sum of weighted deviations = 14.000723 (sum of wgt is 3.5870e+001) Iteration 1: sum of abs. weighted deviations = 11.648956 Iteration 2: sum of abs. weighted deviations = 9.4317616 Iteration 3: sum of abs. weighted deviations = 9.3947206 Median regression Number of obs = 37 Raw sum of deviations 63.89834 (about 2.332144) Min sum of deviations 9.394721 Pseudo R2 = 0.8530 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ log85 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- log84 | .9922884 .0076806 129.194 0.000 .9766959 1.007881 _cons | -1.49e-09 .0211771 0.000 1.000 -.0429919 .0429919 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ predict yhat1 graph twoway (scatter log85 log84) (lfit log85 log84) (line yhat1 log84), /// xlabel(0(2)10) ylabel(0(2)10)