This page presents examples of graphics programs written by Nicholas J. Cox (Durham University). You can obtain these programs by typing, search command_name, into the Stata command line and following the instructions (see How can I use the search command to search for programs and get additional help? for more information about using search). This page is not an exhaustive list of all of the graphics commands written by Nick Cox but merely a collection of the ones that we use most frequently. The command ssc install njc_stuff will download two help files listing all programs written by Nick Cox, including his graph commands.
This page contains only the commands and the plots themselves, there is no further explanation. We envision that users will look through the plots and when they find one that appears to do what they want, they will download the program and carefully read the help files.
Most of these examples use the hsb2 dataset which can be downloaded from within Stata using the following command:
use, clearNote: Most of the graphs were produced using the scheme lean1. Whenever a different scheme is used, it is given in the command.
asciiplot– graph ASCII character set in current graph font
anovaplot– plot cell means following anova
anova write female prog female*prog anovaplot prog femaleanovaplot prog female, scatter(msym(i))
beamplot — horizontal dotplots using beams
beamplot writebeamplotplot write, over(female)
binsm — bin smoothing and summary on scatter plots
binsm write read, width(5) scatter(jitter(2))
catplot — plots of categorical data
catplot prog racecatplot prog race, by(female)
ciplot — plots of confidence intervals
ciplot write science, by(female)
corrtable — correlation matrix as graphical table
corrtable read write math science
cpyxplot — twoway plots for each y vs each x
cpyxplot write \ read math science
diagsm — diagonal smoothing
diagsm write math
distplot — distribution function plots
distplot writedistplot write, over(female)
doublesm — double smoothing
doublesm write math
dpplot — density probability plots
dpplot write
eqprhistogram — equal probability histograms
eqprhistogram write, mean
fractileplot — smoothing with distribution function predictors
fractileplot write read math science socst
indexplot — index plots following estimation
regress write read indexplot, show(cooksd) hi(3)indexplot, show(rstandard) base(0)
kaplansky — graph examples of distributions of varying kurtosis
mlowess — lowess smoothing with multiple predictors
mlowess write read math science socst
mrunning — running line smoother (multivariable version)
mrunning write read math
regress write read ovfplotregress write read female ovfplot, by(female)
pairplot — plots of paired observations
pairplot write science in 1/30pairplot write science in 1/30, diff
parplot — parallel coordinates plots
parplot female write science
pdplot — Pareto dot plots
pdplot prog
polarsm — polar smoothing
polarsm write read, over(female) by(female)
ppplot — P-P plots
ppplot connected write, by(female) ref(0)ppplot connected write math
qplot — quantile plots
qplot write
rcspline — restricted cubic spline smoothing
rcspline write read
regress write read rdplot, g(3)
regress write read regplotgenerate write2 = write^2 regress math write write2 regplot
regress write read female regplot, by(female) scheme(s2mono)
regress write read rhetplot, by(prog female)
running — symmetric nearest neighbor smoothing
running write read, scatter(jitter(2))
regress write read female rvfplot2, rstandard yline(0)
regress write read female rvpplot2 read, rstandard yline(0)
skewplot — skewness plots
skewplot math
slideplot — sliding bar plots
slideplot bar female, pos(1) neg(0) by(prog)
spineplot — spine plots for two-way categorical data
spineplot ses female, bar1(color(gs14)) bar2(color(gs10)) bar3(color(gs6))spineplot race ses
stemplot — stem-and-leaf plots
stemplot writestemplot write, d(2) by(female) back scheme(s2mono)
stripplot — strip plots
generate pipe = "|" stripplot write, over(prog) mlabel(pipe) mlabpos(0) msymbol(i)
tableplot — graphical display in two-way table format
use, clear egen mabs = mean(daysabs), by(school gender) tableplot rbar mabs school gender
tabplot — two-way table shown as table of bars
use, clear tabplot ses female, showval percent(female)