This page is just an extension of How can I do moderated mediation in Stata? to include a categorical moderator variables. We will call that page modmed. If you are unfamiliar with moderated mediation you should review the modmed FAQ page before continuing on with this page.
We will to use the same data and the same abbreviated variable names as were used on the modmed page. The model is not of substantive interest, it is merely used to show the steps involved in the analysis.
use, clear rename science y /* dependent variable */ rename math x /* independent variable */ rename read m /* mediator variable */ rename female w /* moderator variable with 2 levels */ rename socst cv /* continuous covariate */
The modmed page presented five different models for moderated mediation. This page will cover models 5, 2 and 3, to illustrate the use of categorical moderators. The diagram for model 5 looks like this:
Model 5
First pass using sem
The trick to using sem for moderated mediation with a categorical moderator is to do a multiple group analysis using the group option. Please note, there are no explicit interactions in the model. The interactions are implicit in the multiple group analysis itself. Here is our first try.
sem (m <- x cv)(y <- m x cv), group(w) Endogenous variables Observed: m y Exogenous variables Observed: x cv Fitting target model: Iteration 0: log likelihood = -2792.7769 Iteration 1: log likelihood = -2792.7769 Structural equation model Number of obs = 200 Grouping variable = w Number of groups = 2 Estimation method = ml Log likelihood = -2792.7769 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | OIM | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- Structural | m <- | x | male | .4461113 .09393 4.75 0.000 .262012 .6302107 female | .5523602 .0843711 6.55 0.000 .3869959 .7177244 cv | male | .3687237 .0800976 4.60 0.000 .2117353 .525712 female | .3444715 .0754397 4.57 0.000 .1966124 .4923306 _cons | male | 10.10814 4.69041 2.16 0.031 .9151099 19.30118 female | 4.564765 3.855135 1.18 0.236 -2.991162 12.12069 -----------+---------------------------------------------------------------- y <- | m | male | .4504614 .1045896 4.31 0.000 .2454696 .6554532 female | .211106 .0977165 2.16 0.031 .0195853 .4026267 x | male | .3523138 .1046885 3.37 0.001 .1471281 .5574996 female | .452633 .1015976 4.46 0.000 .2535052 .6517607 cv | male | .0497414 .0887335 0.56 0.575 -.1241731 .223656 female | .0458989 .0840018 0.55 0.585 -.1187416 .2105395 _cons | male | 8.206073 4.797652 1.71 0.087 -1.197152 17.6093 female | 13.63157 3.958183 3.44 0.001 5.873677 21.38947 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- Variance | e.m | male | 55.76584 8.267278 41.704 74.56907 female | 41.59327 5.634104 31.89494 54.24058 e.y | male | 55.51193 8.229635 41.51411 74.22955 female | 43.28974 5.863902 33.19584 56.4529 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LR test of model vs. saturated: chi2(0) = 0.00, Prob > chi2 = .
This isn’t too bad. We are getting separate male and female coefficients for both x and m. However, we are also getting separate coefficients for cv and separate residual variances in each equations. In a traditional moderated mediation model these values are not part of the interaction. So, we will need to constrain the coefficients for cv and residual variances to be equal in both equations. Here is how to do that.
Model 5 constraining the covariate to be equal across groups
Equations that begin with 0: refer to the male group and equations that begin with 1: refer to the female group. To constrain values use a ‘@’ and a name. Terms with the same name will be constrained to be equal. For example, the term cv@c1 will be constrained to be equal in both equations.
sem (0: m <- x cv@c1)(0: y <- m x cv@c2) /// (1: m <- x cv@c1)(1: y <- m x cv@c2), group(w) /// variance(0: e.m@v1 e.y@v2) /// variance(1: e.m@v1 e.y@v2) Endogenous variables Observed: m y Exogenous variables Observed: x cv Fitting target model: Iteration 0: log likelihood = -2795.5195 Iteration 1: log likelihood = -2794.6484 Iteration 2: log likelihood = -2794.6438 Iteration 3: log likelihood = -2794.6438 Structural equation model Number of obs = 200 Grouping variable = w Number of groups = 2 Estimation method = ml Log likelihood = -2794.6438 ( 1) [m] - [m] = 0 ( 2) [y] - [y] = 0 ( 3) [var(e.m)]0bn.w - [var(e.m)]1.w = 0 ( 4) [var(e.y)]0bn.w - [var(e.y)]1.w = 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | OIM | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- Structural | m <- | x | male | .4525824 .0821032 5.51 0.000 .291663 .6135017 female | .5435942 .0815035 6.67 0.000 .3838503 .7033381 cv | [*] | .3576463 .0548017 6.53 0.000 .2502369 .4650556 _cons | male | 10.33924 4.225914 2.45 0.014 2.056605 18.62188 female | 4.326879 4.000737 1.08 0.279 -3.514422 12.16818 -----------+---------------------------------------------------------------- y <- | m | male | .4513773 .0937037 4.82 0.000 .2677214 .6350331 female | .2101483 .0992473 2.12 0.034 .0156271 .4046694 x | male | .3527524 .0972145 3.63 0.000 .1622155 .5432893 female | .4520144 .1061237 4.26 0.000 .2440157 .6600131 cv | [*] | .0479536 .0608685 0.79 0.431 -.0713466 .1672537 _cons | male | 8.227069 4.450954 1.85 0.065 -.4966419 16.95078 female | 13.6048 4.117905 3.30 0.001 5.533856 21.67575 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- Variance | e.m | [*] | 48.05346 4.805346 39.50068 58.45812 e.y | [*] | 48.85108 4.885108 40.15633 59.42843 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: [*] identifies parameter estimates constrained to be equal across groups. LR test of model vs. saturated: chi2(4) = 3.73, Prob > chi2 = 0.4432
Now we can use the estat teffects to calculate the indirect effects for both males and females.
estat teffects Direct effects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | OIM | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- Structural | m <- | x | male | .4525824 .0821032 5.51 0.000 .291663 .6135017 female | .5435942 .0815035 6.67 0.000 .3838503 .7033381 cv | male | .3576463 .0548017 6.53 0.000 .2502369 .4650556 female | .3576463 .0548017 6.53 0.000 .2502369 .4650556 -----------+---------------------------------------------------------------- y <- | m | male | .4513773 .0937037 4.82 0.000 .2677214 .6350331 female | .2101483 .0992473 2.12 0.034 .0156271 .4046694 x | male | .3527524 .0972145 3.63 0.000 .1622155 .5432893 female | .4520144 .1061237 4.26 0.000 .2440157 .6600131 cv | male | .0479536 .0608685 0.79 0.431 -.0713466 .1672537 female | .0479536 .0608685 0.79 0.431 -.0713466 .1672537 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Indirect effects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | OIM | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- Structural | m <- | x | [*] | 0 (no path) cv | [*] | 0 (no path) -----------+---------------------------------------------------------------- y <- | m | [*] | 0 (no path) x | male | .2042854 .0563196 3.63 0.000 .0939009 .3146699 female | .1142354 .0566038 2.02 0.044 .0032939 .2251768 cv | male | .1614334 .0416532 3.88 0.000 .0797947 .2430722 female | .0751587 .037317 2.01 0.044 .0020188 .1482986 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: [*] identifies parameter estimates constrained to be equal across groups. Total effects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | OIM | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- Structural | m <- | x | male | .4525824 .0821032 5.51 0.000 .291663 .6135017 female | .5435942 .0815035 6.67 0.000 .3838503 .7033381 cv | male | .3576463 .0548017 6.53 0.000 .2502369 .4650556 female | .3576463 .0548017 6.53 0.000 .2502369 .4650556 -----------+---------------------------------------------------------------- y <- | m | male | .4513773 .0937037 4.82 0.000 .2677214 .6350331 female | .2101483 .0992473 2.12 0.034 .0156271 .4046694 x | male | .5570378 .0914805 6.09 0.000 .3777393 .7363362 female | .5662498 .0857084 6.61 0.000 .3982643 .7342352 cv | male | .209387 .0638934 3.28 0.001 .0841582 .3346158 female | .1231123 .0621467 1.98 0.048 .0013071 .2449176 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The indirect effect of x on y for males is .2042854 while for females it is .1142354.
Next we will look at Model 2.
Model 2
Here is the diagram for Model 2.
For this model there is an interaction between w and x only in the mediator equation so we have to constrain the coefficient for the mediator to be equal in both equations in addition to the covariate and residuals.
sem (0: m <- x cv@c1)(0: y <- m@b1 x cv@c2) /// (1: m <- x cv@c1)(1: y <- m@b1 x cv@c2), group(w) /// variance(0: e.m@v1 e.y@v2) /// variance(1: e.m@v1 e.y@v2) Endogenous variables Observed: m y Exogenous variables Observed: x cv Fitting target model: Iteration 0: log likelihood = -2880.2553 Iteration 1: log likelihood = -2814.5984 Iteration 2: log likelihood = -2797.118 Iteration 3: log likelihood = -2796.3599 Iteration 4: log likelihood = -2796.3547 Iteration 5: log likelihood = -2796.3547 Structural equation model Number of obs = 200 Grouping variable = w Number of groups = 2 Estimation method = ml Log likelihood = -2796.3547 ( 1) [y]0bn.w#c.m - [y]1.w#c.m = 0 ( 2) [m] - [m] = 0 ( 3) [y] - [y] = 0 ( 4) [var(e.m)]0bn.w - [var(e.m)]1.w = 0 ( 5) [var(e.y)]0bn.w - [var(e.y)]1.w = 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | OIM | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- Structural | m <- | x | male | .4525824 .0821032 5.51 0.000 .291663 .6135017 female | .5435942 .0815035 6.67 0.000 .3838503 .7033381 cv | [*] | .3576463 .0548017 6.53 0.000 .2502369 .4650557 _cons | male | 10.33924 4.225914 2.45 0.014 2.056604 18.62188 female | 4.326879 4.000738 1.08 0.279 -3.514423 12.16818 -----------+---------------------------------------------------------------- y <- | m | [*] | .3384145 .0719076 4.71 0.000 .1974781 .4793508 x | male | .4260495 .0896114 4.75 0.000 .2504144 .6016846 female | .3501396 .091638 3.82 0.000 .1705324 .5297469 cv | [*] | .0503993 .0613771 0.82 0.412 -.0698976 .1706962 _cons | male | 10.18685 4.361284 2.34 0.020 1.638888 18.73481 female | 12.17734 4.080339 2.98 0.003 4.180026 20.17466 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- Variance | e.m | [*] | 48.05346 4.805346 39.50068 58.45812 e.y | [*] | 49.69406 4.969406 40.84927 60.45394 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: [*] identifies parameter estimates constrained to be equal across groups. LR test of model vs. saturated: chi2(5) = 7.16, Prob > chi2 = 0.2093 estat teffects Direct effects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | OIM | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- Structural | m <- | x | male | .4525824 .0821032 5.51 0.000 .291663 .6135017 female | .5435942 .0815035 6.67 0.000 .3838503 .7033381 cv | male | .3576463 .0548017 6.53 0.000 .2502369 .4650557 female | .3576463 .0548017 6.53 0.000 .2502369 .4650557 -----------+---------------------------------------------------------------- y <- | m | male | .3384145 .0719076 4.71 0.000 .1974781 .4793508 female | .3384145 .0719076 4.71 0.000 .1974781 .4793508 x | male | .4260495 .0896114 4.75 0.000 .2504144 .6016846 female | .3501396 .091638 3.82 0.000 .1705324 .5297469 cv | male | .0503993 .0613771 0.82 0.412 -.0698976 .1706962 female | .0503993 .0613771 0.82 0.412 -.0698976 .1706962 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Indirect effects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | OIM | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- Structural | m <- | x | [*] | 0 (no path) cv | [*] | 0 (no path) -----------+---------------------------------------------------------------- y <- | m | [*] | 0 (no path) x | male | .1531604 .0427916 3.58 0.000 .0692904 .2370304 female | .1839601 .0478402 3.85 0.000 .0901952 .2777251 cv | male | .1210327 .031707 3.82 0.000 .0588882 .1831772 female | .1210327 .031707 3.82 0.000 .0588882 .1831772 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: [*] identifies parameter estimates constrained to be equal across groups. Total effects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | OIM | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- Structural | m <- | x | male | .4525824 .0821032 5.51 0.000 .291663 .6135017 female | .5435942 .0815035 6.67 0.000 .3838503 .7033381 cv | male | .3576463 .0548017 6.53 0.000 .2502369 .4650557 female | .3576463 .0548017 6.53 0.000 .2502369 .4650557 -----------+---------------------------------------------------------------- y <- | m | male | .3384145 .0719076 4.71 0.000 .1974781 .4793508 female | .3384145 .0719076 4.71 0.000 .1974781 .4793508 x | male | .57921 .0879948 6.58 0.000 .4067433 .7516766 female | .5340998 .087352 6.11 0.000 .3628929 .7053066 cv | male | .171432 .0587342 2.92 0.004 .0563151 .2865488 female | .171432 .0587342 2.92 0.004 .0563151 .2865488 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This time the indirect effect of x on y for males is .1531604 while for females it is .1839601.
Next up is Model 3.
Model 3
Here is the diagram for Model 3.
For Model 3 the interaction term is only in the equation for the dependent variable, y. To compute the indirect effect we will need to constrain the coefficient for x in both equations along with cv and the residuals. In addition we will need to constrain the constant, _cons to be equal in both groups for the first equation.
sem (0: m <- x@b1 cv@c1 _cons@i1)(0: y <- m x@b2 cv@c2) /// (1: m <- x@b1 cv@c1 _cons@i1)(1: y <- m x@b2 cv@c2), group(w) /// variance(0: e.m@v1 e.y@v2) /// variance(1: e.m@v1 e.y@v2) Endogenous variables Observed: m y Exogenous variables Observed: x cv Fitting target model: Iteration 0: log likelihood = -2809.2798 Iteration 1: log likelihood = -2797.463 Iteration 2: log likelihood = -2796.0327 Iteration 3: log likelihood = -2796.0196 Iteration 4: log likelihood = -2796.0196 Structural equation model Number of obs = 200 Grouping variable = w Number of groups = 2 Estimation method = ml Log likelihood = -2796.0196 ( 1) [m]0bn.w#c.x - [m]1.w#c.x = 0 ( 2) [m] - [m] = 0 ( 3) [y]0bn.w#c.x - [y]1.w#c.x = 0 ( 4) [y] - [y] = 0 ( 5) [var(e.m)]0bn.w - [var(e.m)]1.w = 0 ( 6) [var(e.y)]0bn.w - [var(e.y)]1.w = 0 ( 7) [m]0bn.w - [m]1.w = 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | OIM | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- Structural | m <- | x | [*] | .5038419 .0628899 8.01 0.000 .3805799 .6271038 cv | [*] | .35414 .05488 6.45 0.000 .2465771 .4617029 _cons | [*] | 7.146537 3.017773 2.37 0.018 1.231809 13.06126 -----------+---------------------------------------------------------------- y <- | m | male | .425432 .0861437 4.94 0.000 .2565935 .5942706 female | .2444712 .0863545 2.83 0.005 .0752194 .4137229 x | [*] | .3979248 .0727133 5.47 0.000 .2554093 .5404402 cv | [*] | .0489704 .0609254 0.80 0.422 -.0704413 .168382 _cons | male | 7.15329 4.182562 1.71 0.087 -1.04438 15.35096 female | 14.60934 3.86371 3.78 0.000 7.036603 22.18207 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- Variance | e.m | [*] | 48.6004 4.86004 39.95027 59.12348 e.y | [*] | 48.97042 4.897041 40.25443 59.57361 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: [*] identifies parameter estimates constrained to be equal across groups. LR test of model vs. saturated: chi2(7) = 6.49, Prob > chi2 = 0.4843 estat teffects Direct effects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | OIM | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- Structural | m <- | x | male | .5038419 .0628899 8.01 0.000 .3805799 .6271038 female | .5038419 .0628899 8.01 0.000 .3805799 .6271038 cv | male | .35414 .05488 6.45 0.000 .2465771 .4617029 female | .35414 .05488 6.45 0.000 .2465771 .4617029 -----------+---------------------------------------------------------------- y <- | m | male | .425432 .0861437 4.94 0.000 .2565935 .5942706 female | .2444712 .0863545 2.83 0.005 .0752194 .4137229 x | male | .3979248 .0727133 5.47 0.000 .2554093 .5404402 female | .3979248 .0727133 5.47 0.000 .2554093 .5404402 cv | male | .0489704 .0609254 0.80 0.422 -.0704413 .168382 female | .0489704 .0609254 0.80 0.422 -.0704413 .168382 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Indirect effects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | OIM | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- Structural | m <- | x | [*] | 0 (no path) cv | [*] | 0 (no path) -----------+---------------------------------------------------------------- y <- | m | [*] | 0 (no path) x | male | .2143505 .0509868 4.20 0.000 .1144182 .3142827 female | .1231748 .0461456 2.67 0.008 .032731 .2136186 cv | male | .1506625 .038416 3.92 0.000 .0753685 .2259565 female | .086577 .0333952 2.59 0.010 .0211236 .1520304 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: [*] identifies parameter estimates constrained to be equal across groups. Total effects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | OIM | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- Structural | m <- | x | male | .5038419 .0628899 8.01 0.000 .3805799 .6271038 female | .5038419 .0628899 8.01 0.000 .3805799 .6271038 cv | male | .35414 .05488 6.45 0.000 .2465771 .4617029 female | .35414 .05488 6.45 0.000 .2465771 .4617029 -----------+---------------------------------------------------------------- y <- | m | male | .425432 .0861437 4.94 0.000 .2565935 .5942706 female | .2444712 .0863545 2.83 0.005 .0752194 .4137229 x | male | .6122752 .0745834 8.21 0.000 .4660944 .758456 female | .5210996 .0681111 7.65 0.000 .3876042 .654595 cv | male | .1996329 .0622773 3.21 0.001 .0775716 .3216941 female | .1355474 .0595838 2.27 0.023 .0187652 .2523295 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This time the indirect effect of x on y for males is .2143505 while for females it is .1231748.