There are two ways you could go about this: 1) graph the shrinkage of OLS to BLUP (Best Linear Unbiased Predictor) and 2) graph both the fitted OLS regression lines and the BLUP fitted lines on the same graph.
Below is a do-file that does both of these for the imm23.dta that was used in the Kreft and de Leeuw Introduction to multilevel modeling.
The shrinkage graph has slopes on the vertical axis and intercepts on the horizontal axis. The tails of the arrows give the OLS values and the points give the BLUP values.
Note that there is less variability in the BLUP intercepts which also have flatter slopes than their OLS counterparts.
/* generate ols intercepts and slopes using statsby */ use, clear statsby , by(schi): regress math homework rename _b_homework slope rename _b_cons intercept label var slope "ols slope" label var intercept "ols intercept" sort schid save t2, replace /* generate blup intercepts and slopes using xtmixed */ use, clear egen grp=group(schid) quietly xtmixed math homework || schid: homework, variance covar(un) predict u1 u0, reffects generate s = _b[homework] + u1 generate i = _b[_cons] + u0 label var s "blup slope" label var i "blup intercept" by schid, sort: generate n = _n merge schid using t2 list schid slope intercept s i if n==1, clean /* graph one -- shrinkage graph */ twoway pcarrow slope intercept s i if n==1 more /* graphs two & three -- graphs of regression lines */ generate h0 = 0 generate h7 = 7 generate o0 = intercept + slope*h0 generate o7 = intercept + slope*h7 generate b0 = i + s*h0 generate b7 = i + s*h7 /* graph is split into two parts due to the number of fitted lines being displayed */ twoway (pcspike o0 h0 o7 h7 if n==1 & grp<12) /// (pcspike b0 h0 b7 h7 if n==1 & grp<12), /// legend(off) title("blue ols - red blup") more twoway (pcspike o0 h0 o7 h7 if n==1 & grp>11) /// (pcspike b0 h0 b7 h7 if n==1 & grp>11), /// legend(off) title("blue ols - red blup")
Below is the output generated by the do-file.
schid slope interc~t s i 1. 6053 2.091476 51.61236 2.167148 51.1254 45. 6327 -8.566667 63.8 -6.033969 61.11028 53. 6467 6.981482 41.24074 6.158613 41.90844 58. 7194 -2.795455 52.65152 -2.215304 51.89136 82. 7472 -3.553797 50.68354 -2.952869 50.28959 105. 7474 -3.306123 59.77551 -2.600884 57.82726 122. 7801 -3.069767 54.69556 -2.453294 53.71066 144. 7829 -2.920123 49.01229 -2.777317 49.28519 164. 7930 7.909091 38.75 7.39565 39.50748 188. 24371 5 38.35 4.681487 39.36426 208. 24725 5.592664 34.39382 5.351505 35.48435 230. 25456 -4.718411 53.93863 -3.234086 52.85429 252. 25642 -2.486056 49.25896 -1.397812 48.43803 272. 26537 3.874317 46.20492 3.900892 45.72621 288. 46417 4.40731 47.64752 4.299445 47.299 311. 47583 3.376682 41.76413 3.198847 42.51505 331. 54344 3.507732 35.22423 3.24509 36.74875 350. 62821 1.09464 59.21022 1.3621 57.89467 417. 68448 6.49631 36.05535 5.893169 37.65525 438. 68493 5.86 38.52 5.31894 39.459 459. 72080 5.094132 43.03178 4.821579 43.33112 486. 72292 6.335052 37.71392 6.01733 38.44124 506. 72991 5.575 43.77857 5.397511 43.62207![]()