The aim of this seminar is to help you increase your skills in using regression analysis with Stata. The seminar does not teach regression, per se, but focuses on how to perform regression analyses using Stata. It is assumed that you have had at least a one quarter/semester course in regression (linear models) or a general statistical methods course that covers simple and multiple regression and have access to a regression textbook that explains the theoretical background of the materials covered in this seminar. These materials also assume you are familiar with using Stata, for example that you have taken the Introduction to Stata class or have equivalent knowledge of Stata. Below are materials used for teaching this seminar.
The Stata program on which the seminar is based (Note that the links in the program have changed; please follow the hyperlink convention below).
- All data files used in the book are available as Stata (.dta)
files. The files can be downloaded from within Stata. The general form of the
command looks as follows:
where filename is replaced by the name of the file. Once you have loaded the data file into your computer’s memory, you should save it to the local hard disk so that it will load faster when you use the file in the future. The files used in this seminar include
- acadindx crime elemapi elemapi2 hsb2
- The seminar is based on chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Regression with Stata Web Book.