NOTE: Remote statistical consulting is restricted to researchers currently affiliated with UCLA. Non-UCLA researchers who enter the meeting room will be permanently removed.
- Remote consulting is available at these days/times: Mondays and Tuesdays 10 a.m. to 12 noon; Wednesdays and Thursdays 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. No appointment is needed; just show up. Remote consulting will be closed on all holidays that UCLA is closed, as well as a few other times. Closures are listed on the calendar on our home page.
- Use one of the following methods to enter our remote consulting Zoom meeting room during the following hours only:
- Method 1: If you have not installed Zoom, download and install Zoom via either of the two links:
- Method 2: If you already have Zoom, log in directly with Meeting ID idrestat or 310 206 0996
- Method 3: If you do not have a computer microphone, you can still log in to Zoom using Methods 1 and 2 to share your screen, but for audio dial (669) 900-6833 on your phone to a location in San Jose, CA (Note: long distance charges may apply). On your phone pad, enter Meeting ID 310 206 0996 and then any two-digit Participant ID.
- You will enter a waiting room. As soon as we can, we will let you into the main consulting room to greet you and assess your problem. Please understand this may take a few minutes while we assess other clients.
- You will be greeted by a consultant who will verify your affiliation with UCLA and ask for the reason for your visit (e.g., how to conduct logistic regression in Stata, interpretation of SEM output from Mplus, sample size calculation for a planned study, etc.).
- You will then be put back in the waiting room while we determine which consultant can best assist you. If there are no available consultants, you will be placed in the waiting room until one becomes available.
- Once you have been paired with a consultant, you and the consultant will be placed in a breakout room. The consultant will ask you to fill out our walk-in consulting sign-in sheet so that we have a record of your visit.
- Be aware that the consultant may ask you to “Share Screen”, where you will broadcast your computer display to the breakout room so that the consultant can guide you directly on how to use your statistical software.
- When you have finished, please complete the sign-in sheet and click “submit”. Then you will click “Leave Breakout Room”, and when the prompt appears, you will click “Leave Meeting” to exit remote walk-in consulting completely.
Remote Consulting Usage Policy
Please note that most of our walk-in consulting policy applies to remote consulting as well, in particular:
- What our remote service includes: Please see our Statistical Consulting Services page for a description of the services offered in walk-in consulting. Please note that we cannot provide assistance to undergraduate students or graduate students who are working on homework, papers or projects for a class.
- Remote consulting for graduate students: We respectfully request that graduate students limit themselves to two visits to walk-in consulting per week (a total of four hours of assistance per week) with a maximum of 10 hours of consulting per quarter.
- Wait time: Sometimes researchers must wait for a consultant to become available. We regret having to ask clients to wait, but we try to give all clients the time necessary to completely answer the questions that have brought them to consulting.
- Data security: We strongly encourage our clients to take necessary steps to ensure the privacy of their subjects. This includes following all relevant UCLA OPRS and/or IRB rules and regulations regarding the redaction of personal or sensitive data from working data sets. In many cases, we will not be able to assist a researcher who has personal or sensitive information about their subjects in their data file. We also ask that researchers do not leave any data files on the computers in the consulting office, and that flash drives are not left behind. Please see HIPAA Research Guidelines and Information at UCLA and UCLA Policy 991 for further information. The table below is from :
Table 1: Protected Health Information, Personal Identifying Information and Sensitive Information
Protected Health Information (PHI) | Personal Identifying Information (PII) |
An individual’s personal and health information that is created, received, or maintained by a health care provider or health plan and includes at least one of the 18 personal identifiers listed below in association with the health information:
Limited Data Set: a limited data set can include the following identifiers: a unique number code, or characteristic that does not include any of the above listed identifiers, Geographic data (without street address), and/or dates. |
Information about an individual which includes any of the identifiers below:
Sensitive Data | |
An individual’s first name (or first initial) and last name in combination with any of the following:
- Data sets/syntax: Most of the time, it is easier for consultants to identify problems or issues if a client has sample data sets and/or syntax files available, so please be ready to load files which would be useful to have to answer your questions.