Mplus Textbook Examples
This page contains pages that describe how to perform common statistical analyses using examples from textbooks. The data files are all available over the web so you can replicate the results shown in these pages. You can borrow the books via our Statistics Books for Loan so you can read the books and gain a deeper conceptual understanding of the analyses illustrated. We are very grateful to the authors of these textbooks who have granted us permission to use and distribute their data files via our web pages.
- Introduction to Multilevel Modeling by Ita Kreft and Jan de Leeuw
- Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis: Modeling Change and Event Occurrence by Judith D. Singer and John B. Willett
- Latent Class Scaling Analysis by C. Mitchell Dayton
- Applied Latent Class Analysis Edited by Jacques A. Hagenaars and Allan L. McCutcheon
- Latent Class Analysis by Allan L. McCutcheon
- Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis by Bruce Thompson
- See also