This sounds like it should be pretty easy. Let’s load the hsbdemo dataset and overlay histograms for males and female for the variable write. use, clear twoway (histogram write…
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Search Results for: stata
Stata FAQHow do I specify types of missing values?
Stata FAQ How do I specify types of missing values? When a data file has missing values, sometimes we may want to be able to distinguish between different types of…
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How can I input a small dataset quickly? | Stata FAQ
The answer to this question involves the use of the input command. Let’s say that you want to enter the following data: x y 32 56 26 67 34 61…
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How can I check measurement invariance using the sem command? | Stata FAQ
Measurement invariance is a very important requisite in multiple group structural equation modeling. It attempts to verify that the estimated factors are measuring the same underlying latent construct within each…
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How can I calculate a kappa statistic for variables with unequal score ranges? | Stata FAQ
Suppose we would like to compare two raters using a kappa statistic but the raters have different range of scores. This situation most often presents itself where one of the…
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How do I assign the values of one variable as the value labels for another variable? | Stata FAQ
Sometimes two variables in a dataset may convey the same information, except one is a numeric variable and the other one is a string variable. For example, in the data…
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How can I list observations in blocks? | Stata FAQ
Sometimes the output of the list command can be clumsy, showing an entire observation with all of the variables wrapped across the screen. Sometimes you would like the data shown…
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How can I understand a categorical by categorical interaction in logistic regression? (Stata 10 and earlier) | Stata FAQ
Interactions in logistic regression models can be trickier than interactions in comparable OLS regression models. This is particularly true when there are covariates in the model in addition to the…
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How can I understand a categorical by categorical interaction in logistic regression? (Stata 15) | Stata FAQ
Interactions in logistic regression models can be trickier than interactions in comparable OLS regression models. This is particularly true when there are covariates in the model in addition to the…
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How can I understand a categorical by categorical interaction in logistic regression? (Stata 12) | Stata FAQ
Interactions in logistic regression models can be trickier than interactions in comparable OLS regression models. This is particularly true when there are covariates in the model in addition to the categorical predictors….
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