The purpose of this workshop is to explore some issues in the analysis of survey data using StataNow 18.5. Before we begin, you will want to be sure that your copy of Stata is up-to-date. To do this, please type
update all
in the Stata command window and follow any instructions given. These updates include not only fixes to known bugs, but also add some new features that may be useful.
Before we begin looking at examples in Stata, we will quickly review some basic issues and concepts in survey data analysis.
NOTE: Most of the commands in this seminar will work with Stata versions 12-17.
You can download the PowerPoint slides and the answers to the questions in the PowerPoint slides.
Why do we need survey data analysis software?
Regular procedures in statistical software (that is not designed for survey data) analyzes data as if the data were collected using simple random sampling. For experimental and quasi-experimental designs, this is exactly what we want. However, very few surveys use a simple random sample to collect data. Not only is it nearly impossible to do so, but it is not as efficient (either financially and statistically) as other sampling methods. When any sampling method other than simple random sampling is used, we usually need to use survey data analysis software to take into account the differences between the design that was used to collect the data and simple random sampling. This is because the sampling design affects both the calculation of the point estimates and the standard errors of those estimates. If you ignore the sampling design, e.g., if you assume simple random sampling when another type of sampling design was used, both the point estimates and their standard errors will likely be calculated incorrectly. The sampling weight will affect the calculation of the point estimate, and the stratification and/or clustering will affect the calculation of the standard errors. Ignoring the clustering will likely lead to standard errors that are underestimated, possibly leading to results that seem to be statistically significant, when in fact, they are not. The difference in point estimates and standard errors obtained using non-survey software and survey software with the design properly specified will vary from data set to data set, and even between analyses using the same data set. While it may be possible to get reasonably accurate results using non-survey software, there is no practical way to know beforehand how far off the results from non-survey software will be.
Sampling designs
Most people do not conduct their own surveys. Rather, they use survey data that some agency or company collected and made available to the public. The documentation must be read carefully to find out what kind of sampling design was used to collect the data. This is very important because many of the estimates and standard errors are calculated differently for the different sampling designs. Hence, if you mis-specify the sampling design, the point estimates and standard errors will likely be wrong.
Below are some common features of many sampling designs.
Sampling weights: There are several types of weights that can be associated with a survey. Perhaps the most common is the sampling weight. A sampling weight is a probability weight that has had one or more adjustments made to it. Both a sampling weight and a probability weight are used to weight the sample back to the population from which the sample was drawn. By definition, a probability weight is the inverse of the probability of being included in the sample due to the sampling design (except for a certainty PSU, see below). The probability weight, called a pweight in Stata, is calculated as N/n, where N = the number of elements in the population and n = the number of elements in the sample. For example, if a population has 10 elements and 3 are sampled at random with replacement, then the probability weight would be 10/3 = 3.33. In a two-stage design, the probability weight is calculated as f1f2, which means that the inverse of the sampling fraction for the first stage is multiplied by the inverse of the sampling fraction for the second stage. Under many sampling plans, the sum of the probability weights will equal the population total.
While many textbooks will end their discussion of probability weights here, this definition does not fully describe the sampling weights that are included with actual survey data sets. Rather, the sampling weight, which is sometimes called a “final weight,” starts with the inverse of the sampling fraction, but then incorporates several other values, such as corrections for unit non-response, errors in the sampling frame (sometimes called non-coverage), calibration and trimming. Because these other values are included in the probability weight that is included with the data set, it is often inadvisable to modify the sampling weights, such as trying to standardize them for a particular variable, e.g., age.
Strata: Stratification is a method of breaking up the population into different groups, often by demographic variables such as gender, race or SES. Each element in the population must belong to one, and only one, strata. Once the strata have been defined, samples are taken from each stratum as if it were independent of all of the other strata. For example, if a sample is to be stratified on gender, men and women would be sampled independently of one another. This means that the probability weights for men will likely be different from the probability weights for the women. In most cases, you need to have two or more PSUs in each stratum. The purpose of stratification is to reduce the standard error of the estimates, and stratification works most effectively when the variance of the dependent variable is smaller within the strata than in the sample as a whole.
PSU: This is the primary sampling unit. This is the first unit that is sampled in the design. For example, school districts from California may be sampled and then schools within districts may be sampled. The school district would be the PSU. If states from the US were sampled, and then school districts from within each state, and then schools from within each district, then states would be the PSU. One does not need to use the same sampling method at all levels of sampling. For example, probability-proportional-to-size sampling may be used at level 1 (to select states), while cluster sampling is used at level 2 (to select school districts). In the case of a simple random sample, the PSUs and the elementary units are the same. In general, accounting for the clustering in the data (i.e., using the PSUs), will increase the standard errors of the point estimates. Conversely, ignoring the PSUs will tend to yield standard errors that are too small, leading to false positives when doing significance tests.
FPC: This is the finite population correction. This is used when the sampling fraction (the number of elements or respondents sampled relative to the population) becomes large. The FPC is used in the calculation of the standard error of the estimate. If the value of the FPC is close to 1, it will have little impact and can be safely ignored. In some survey data analysis programs, such as SUDAAN, this information will be needed if you specify that the data were collected without replacement (see below for a definition of “without replacement”). The formula for calculating the FPC is ((N-n)/(N-1))1/2, where N is the number of elements in the population and n is the number of elements in the sample. To see the impact of the FPC for samples of various proportions, suppose that you had a population of 10,000 elements.
Sample size (n) FPC 1 1.0000 10 .9995 100 .9950 500 .9747 1000 .9487 5000 .7071 9000 .3162
Replicate weights: Replicate weights are a series of weight variables that are used to correct the standard errors for the sampling plan. They serve the same function as the PSU and strata variables (which are used a Taylor series linearization) to correct the standard errors of the estimates for the sampling design. Many public use data sets are now being released with replicate weights instead of PSUs and strata in an effort to more securely protect the identity of the respondents. In theory, the same standard errors will be obtained using either the PSU and strata or the replicate weights. There are different ways of creating replicate weights; the method used is determined by the sampling plan. The most common are balanced repeated and jackknife replicate weights. You will need to read the documentation for the survey data set carefully to learn what type of replicate weight is included in the data set; specifying the wrong type of replicate weight will likely lead to incorrect standard errors. For more information on replicate weights, please see Stata Library: Replicate Weights and Appendix D of the WesVar Manual by Westat, Inc. Several statistical packages, including Stata, SAS, R, Mplus, SUDAAN and WesVar, allow the use of replicate weights.
Consequences of not using the design elements
Sampling design elements include the sampling weights, post-stratification weights (if provided), PSUs, strata, and replicate weights. Rarely are all of these elements included in a single public-use data set. However, ignoring the design elements that are included can often lead to inaccurate point estimates and/or inaccurate standard errors.
Sampling with and without replacement
Most samples collected in the real world are collected “without replacement”. This means that once a respondent has been selected to be in the sample and has participated in the survey, that particular respondent cannot be selected again to be in the sample. Many of the calculations change depending on if a sample is collected with or without replacement. Hence, programs like SUDAAN request that you specify if a survey sampling design was implemented with our without replacement, and an FPC is used if sampling without replacement is used, even if the value of the FPC is very close to one.
For the examples in this workshop, we will use the data set from NHANES (the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey) that comes with Stata.
Reading the documentation
The first step in analyzing any survey data set is to read the documentation. With many of the public use data sets, the documentation can be quite extensive and sometimes even intimidating. Instead of trying to read the documentation “cover to cover”, there are some parts you will want to focus on. First, read the Introduction. This is usually an “easy read” and will orient you to the survey. There is usually a section or chapter called something like “Sample Design and Analysis Guidelines”, “Variance Estimation”, etc. This is the part that tells you about the design elements included with the survey and how to use them. Some even give example code. If multiple sampling weights have been included in the data set, there will be some instruction about when to use which one. If there is a section or chapter on missing data or imputation, please read that. This will tell you how missing data were handled. You should also read any documentation regarding the specific variables that you intend to use. As we will see little later on, we will need to look at the documentation to get the value labels for the variables. This is especially important because some of the values are actually missing data codes, and you need to do something so that Stata doesn’t treat those as valid values (or you will get some very “interesting” means, totals, etc.).
Getting NHANES data into Stata
For the examples in this workshop, we will be using a version of the NHANES II dataset that comes with Stata. However, for real analyses, you need to download data from the NHANES website.
Checking the sampling weight
The svyset command
Before we can start our analyses, we need to issue the svyset command. The svyset command tells Stata about the design elements in the survey. Once this command has been issued, all you need to do for your analyses is use the svy: prefix before each command. Because the 2011-2012 NHANES data were released with a sampling weight (wtint2yr), a PSU variable (sdmvpsu) and a strata variable (sdmvstra), we will use these our svyset command. The svyset command looks like this:
use, clear sum finalwgt Variable | Obs Mean Std. dev. Min Max -------------+--------------------------------------------------------- finalwgt | 10,337 11320.85 7304.457 2000 79634 count if finalwgt == . 0 count if stratid == . 0 count if psuid == . 0 svyset psuid [pweight=finalwgt], strata(stratid) singleunit(centered)Sampling weights: finalwgt VCE: linearized Single unit: centered Strata 1: stratid Sampling unit 1: psuid FPC 1:
The singleunit option was added in Stata 10. This option allows for different ways of handling a single PSU in a stratum. There are usually two or more PSUs in each stratum. If there is only one PSU in stratum, due to missing data or a subpopulation specification, for example, the variance cannot be estimated in that stratum. If you use the default option, missing, then you will get no standard errors when Stata encounters a single PSU in a stratum. There are three other options. One is certainty, meaning that the singleton PSUs be treated as certainty PSUs; certainty PSUs are PSUs that were selected into the sample with a probability of 1 (in other words, these PSUs were certain to be in the sample) and do not contribute to the standard error. The scaled option gives a scaled version of the certainty option. The scaling factor comes from using the average of the variances from the strata with multiple sampling units for each stratum with one PSU. The centered option centers strata with one sampling unit at the grand mean instead of the stratum mean.
Now that we have issued the svyset command, we can use the svydescribe command to get information on the strata and PSUs. It is a good idea to use this command to learn about the strata and PSUs in the dataset.
svydescribeSurvey: Describing stage 1 sampling units Sampling weights: finalwgt VCE: linearized Single unit: centered Strata 1: stratid Sampling unit 1: psuid FPC 1: Number of obs per unit Stratum # units # obs Min Mean Max ---------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 380 165 190.0 215 2 2 185 67 92.5 118 3 2 348 149 174.0 199 4 2 460 229 230.0 231 5 2 252 105 126.0 147 6 2 298 131 149.0 167 7 2 476 206 238.0 270 8 2 337 158 168.5 179 9 2 243 100 121.5 143 10 2 262 119 131.0 143 11 2 275 120 137.5 155 12 2 314 144 157.0 170 13 2 342 154 171.0 188 14 2 405 200 202.5 205 15 2 380 189 190.0 191 16 2 336 159 168.0 177 17 2 393 180 196.5 213 18 2 359 144 179.5 215 20 2 283 125 141.5 158 21 2 213 102 106.5 111 22 2 301 128 150.5 173 23 2 340 158 170.0 182 24 2 434 202 217.0 232 25 2 254 115 127.0 139 26 2 261 129 130.5 132 27 2 283 139 141.5 144 28 2 298 135 149.0 163 29 2 502 215 251.0 287 30 2 365 166 182.5 199 31 2 308 143 154.0 165 32 2 450 211 225.0 239 ---------------------------------------------------------- 31 62 10,337 67 166.7 287
The output above tells us that there are 31 strata with two PSUs in each. There are 62 PSUs. There are a different number of observations in each PSU and in each strata. There are a minimum of 67 observations, a maximum of 287 observations and an average of 166.7 observations in the PSUs. The design degrees of freedom is calculated as the number of strata minus the number of PSUs. For this data set, that is 62-31 = 31.
Descriptive statistics
We will start by calculating some descriptive statistics of some of the continuous variables. We can use the svy: mean command to get the mean of continuous variables, and we can follow that command with the estat sd command to get the standard deviation or variance of the variable. The var option on the estat sd command can be used to get the variance.
svy: mean age (running mean on estimation sample) Survey: Mean estimation Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,337 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 117,023,659 Design df = 31 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized | Mean std. err. [95% conf. interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ age | 42.23732 .3034412 41.61844 42.85619 -------------------------------------------------------------- estat sd ------------------------------------- | Mean Std. dev. -------------+----------------------- age | 42.23732 15.50095 ------------------------------------- estat sd, var ------------------------------------- | Mean Variance -------------+----------------------- age | 42.23732 240.2795 ------------------------------------- svy: mean copper (running mean on estimation sample) Survey: Mean estimation Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 9,118 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 103,505,700 Design df = 31 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized | Mean std. err. [95% conf. interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ copper | 124.7232 .6657517 123.3654 126.081 -------------------------------------------------------------- svy: mean hct // hemocrit (running mean on estimation sample) Survey: Mean estimation Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,337 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 117,023,659 Design df = 31 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized | Mean std. err. [95% conf. interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ hct | 41.98352 .0762331 41.82804 42.139 --------------------------------------------------------------
Notice that a different number of observations were used in each analysis. This is important, because if you use these three variables in the same call to svy: mean, you will get different estimates of the means for each of the variables. This is because copper has missing values. There are 9118 observations that have valid (AKA non-missing) values for all three variables, and those are used in the calculations of the means when all of the variables are used in the same call to svy: mean.
svy: mean age copper hct (running mean on estimation sample) Survey: Mean estimation Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 9,118 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 103,505,700 Design df = 31 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized | Mean std. err. [95% conf. interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ age | 42.32525 .3239445 41.66457 42.98594 copper | 124.7232 .6657517 123.3654 126.081 hct | 41.97078 .0843598 41.79873 42.14283 --------------------------------------------------------------
Let’s get some descriptive statistics a binary variable such as female.
svy: mean female (running mean on estimation sample) Survey: Mean estimation Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,337 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 117,023,659 Design df = 31 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized | Mean std. err. [95% conf. interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ female | .5204215 .005773 .5086474 .5321956 -------------------------------------------------------------- estat sd ------------------------------------- | Mean Std. dev. -------------+----------------------- female | .5204215 .499607 -------------------------------------
Taking the mean of a variable that is coded 0/1 gives the proportion of 1s. The output above indicates that approximately 52% of the observations in our data set are from females.
Of course, the svy: tab command can also be used with binary variables. The proportion of .5204 matches the .5204215 that we found with the svy: mean command.
svy: tab female (running tabulate on estimation sample) Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,337 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 117,023,659 Design df = 31 ---------------------- Female | proportion ----------+----------- Male | .4796 Female | .5204 | Total | 1 ---------------------- Key: proportion = Cell proportion
Of course, the svy: proportion command can also be used to get proportions.
svy: proportion female (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,337 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 117,023,659 Design df = 31 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion std. err. [95% conf. interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ female | Male | .4795785 .005773 .4678179 .4913618 Female | .5204215 .005773 .5086382 .5321821 --------------------------------------------------------------
Using the estat post-estimation command after the svy: mean command also allows you to get the design effects, misspecification effects, unweighted and weighted sample sizes, or the coefficient of variation.
The Deff and the Deft are types of design effects, which tell you about the efficiency of your sample. The Deff is a ratio of two variances. In the numerator we have the variance estimate from the current sample (including all of its design elements), and in the denominator we have the variance from a hypothetical sample of the same size drawn as an SRS. In other words, the Deff tells you how efficient your sample is compared to an SRS of equal size. If the Deff is less than 1, your sample is more efficient than SRS; usually the Deff is greater than 1. The Deft is the ratio of two standard error estimates. Again, the numerator is the standard error estimate from the current sample. The denominator is a hypothetical SRS (with replacement) standard error from a sample of the same size as the current sample.
You can also use the meff and the meft option to get the misspecification effects. Misspecification effects are a ratio of the variance estimate from the current analysis to a hypothetical variance estimated from a misspecified model. Please see the Stata documentation for more details on how these are calculated.
The coefficient of variation is the ratio of the standard error to the mean, multiplied by 100% (see page 36 of the Stata 18 svy manual). It is an indication of the variability relative to the mean in the population and is not affected by the unit of measurement of the variable.
svy: mean age (running mean on estimation sample) Survey: Mean estimation Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,337 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 117,023,659 Design df = 31 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized | Mean std. err. [95% conf. interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ age | 42.23732 .3034412 41.61844 42.85619 -------------------------------------------------------------- estat effects ---------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized | Mean std. err. DEFF DEFT -------------+-------------------------------------------- age | 42.23732 .3034412 3.9612 1.99028 ---------------------------------------------------------- estat effects, deff deft meff meft ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Linearized | Mean std. err. DEFF DEFT MEFF MEFT -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- age | 42.23732 .3034412 3.9612 1.99028 3.211 1.79193 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ estat cv ------------------------------------------------ | Linearized | Mean std. err. CV (%) -------------+---------------------------------- age | 42.23732 .3034412 .71842 ------------------------------------------------display (.3034412/42.23732)*100 .71841963
Graphing with continuous variables
We can also get some descriptive graphs of our variables. For a continuous variable, you may want a histogram. However, the histogram command will only accept a frequency weight, which, by definition, can have only integer values. A suggestion by Heeringa, West and Berglund (2010, pages 121-122) is to simply use the integer part of the sampling weight. We can create a frequency weight from our sampling weight using the generate command with the int function.
gen int_finalwgt = int(finalwgt) histogram copper [fw = int_finalwgt], bin(20)histogram age [fw = int_finalwgt], bin(20) normal
We can make box plots and use the sampling weight that is provided in the data set.
graph box hct [pw = finalwgt]graph box hct [pw = finalwgt], by(female)
The line in the box plot represents the median, not the mean.
svy, over(female): mean hct (running mean on estimation sample) Survey: Mean estimation Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,337 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 117,023,659 Design df = 31 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized | Mean std. err. [95% conf. interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ c.hct@female | Male | 44.21309 .0730382 44.06412 44.36205 Female | 39.92893 .0857013 39.75414 40.10372 -------------------------------------------------------------- estat sd ------------------------------------- Over | Mean Std. dev. -------------+----------------------- c.hct@female | Male | 44.21309 2.891824 Female | 39.92893 3.02211 -------------------------------------
There is no survey command in Stata that will give us the median, but we can use a “hack” and specify the sampling weight as an analytic weight. (Please see for more information.)
bysort female: summarize hct [aw = finalwt], detail ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -> female = Male Hematocrit (%) ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% 37 20.2 5% 39.5 22.5 10% 40.7 23 Obs 4,909 25% 42.2 27.2 Sum of wgt. 56122035 50% 44.2 Mean 44.21309 Largest Std. dev. 2.906201 75% 46 57.2 90% 47.7 57.5 Variance 8.446005 95% 48.7 57.5 Skewness -.2544314 99% 51 60.7 Kurtosis 5.152102 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -> female = Female Hematocrit (%) ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% 33 23.2 5% 35 24.5 10% 36.2 26 Obs 5,428 25% 38 27 Sum of wgt. 60901624 50% 40 Mean 39.92893 Largest Std. dev. 3.008737 75% 42 54 90% 43.7 57.7 Variance 9.052499 95% 45 58.5 Skewness .0781784 99% 47 59.5 Kurtosis 4.524747
We can get the ratio of two continuous variables with the svy: ratio command. In this example, we will use copper and hct.
svy: ratio copper hct (running ratio on estimation sample) Survey: Ratio estimation Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 9,118 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 103,505,700 Design df = 31 _ratio_1: copper/hct -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized | Ratio std. err. [95% conf. interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ _ratio_1 | 2.971668 .0179592 2.93504 3.008296 --------------------------------------------------------------
What would we do if we wanted to get the ratio of women to men? We would create a new variable (probably called male) and the use the svy: ratio command as before.
gen male = !female tab female male | male Female | 0 1 | Total -----------+----------------------+---------- Male | 0 4,909 | 4,909 Female | 5,428 0 | 5,428 -----------+----------------------+---------- Total | 5,428 4,909 | 10,337 ratio female male Ratio estimation Number of obs = 10,337 _ratio_1: female/male -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized | Ratio std. err. [95% conf. interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ _ratio_1 | 1.105724 .0217795 1.063032 1.148416 --------------------------------------------------------------
The ratio of 1.105724 indicates that there are slightly more females than males, which is consistent with the results of our previous descriptive statistics.
We can use the svy: total command to get totals of variables. Sometimes, additional commands are needed to display the total in non-scientific format. Examples using the estimates table command and the matlist commands are given.
svy: total diabetes (running total on estimation sample) Survey: Total estimation Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,335 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 116,997,257 Design df = 31 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized | Total std. err. [95% conf. interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ diabetes | 4011281 233292.8 3535477 4487085 -------------------------------------------------------------- estimates table, b(%15.2f) se(%13.2f) -------------------------------- Variable | Active -------------+------------------ diabetes | 4011281.00 | 233292.85 -------------------------------- Legend: b/se svy: total diabetes (running total on estimation sample) Survey: Total estimation Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,335 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 116,997,257 Design df = 31 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized | Total std. err. [95% conf. interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ diabetes | 4011281 233292.8 3535477 4487085 -------------------------------------------------------------- matlist e(b), format(%15.2f) | diabetes -------------+---------------- y1 | 4011281.00
Finally, let’s look at some correlations. The way to do this in Stata is not exactly intuitive. What you need to remember is that a standardized covariance is a correlation. In our first example, we will get the correlation between diabetes and copper, which will be point-biserial correlation because the variable diabetes is binary. In the second example, we will get the correlation between systolic and diastolic blood pressure, both of which are continuous variables. The information we want will be given on the last line of the output.
svy: sem (<- diabetes copper), standardize (running sem on estimation sample) Survey: Structural equation model Number of obs = 9,116 Number of strata = 31 Population size = 103,479,298 Number of PSUs = 62 Design df = 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Standardized | Coefficient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] --------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- mean(diabetes)| .1887943 .0059407 31.78 0.000 .1766782 .2009105 mean(copper)| 3.667598 .0656603 55.86 0.000 3.533683 3.801513 --------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- var(diabetes)| 1 . . . var(copper)| 1 . . . --------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- cov(diabetes,copper)| .0281931 .009628 2.93 0.006 .0085565 .0478296 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- svy: sem (<- bpsystol bpdiast), standardize (running sem on estimation sample) Survey: Structural equation model Number of obs = 10,337 Number of strata = 31 Population size = 117,023,659 Number of PSUs = 62 Design df = 31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Standardized | Coefficient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] ---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- mean(bpsystol)| 5.930388 .0823673 72.00 0.000 5.762398 6.098377 mean(bpdiast)| 6.331351 .1097803 57.67 0.000 6.107453 6.555249 ---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- var(bpsystol)| 1 . . . var(bpdiast)| 1 . . . ---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- cov(bpsystol,bpdiast)| .695335 .0073571 94.51 0.000 .6803301 .7103398 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The correlation between diabetes and copper is 0.0281931, and the correlation between systolic and diastolic blood pressure is 0.395335. The output also includes the standard error of the correlation, the t test statistic, p-value and 95% confidence interval.
Graphing the relationship between two continuous variables
The graphical version of a correlation is a scatterplot, which we show below. We will include the fit line.
twoway (scatter bpsystol bpdiast [pw = finalwgt]) (lfit bpsystol bpdiast [pw = finalwgt]), /// title("Systolic Blood Pressure" "v. Diastolic Blood Pressure")![]()
Analysis of subpopulations
Before we continue with our descriptive statistics, we should pause to discuss the analysis of subpopulations. The analysis of subpopulations is one place where survey data and experimental data are quite different. If you have data from an experiment (or quasi-experiment), and you want to analyze the responses from, say, just the women, or just people over age 50, you can just delete the unwanted cases from the data set or use the by: prefix. Complex survey data are different. With survey data, you (almost) never get to delete any cases from the data set, even if you will never use them in any of your analyses. Because of the way the -by- prefix works, you usually don’t use it with survey data either. (For an excellent discussion of conditional versus unconditional subdomain, please this presentation by Brady West, Ph.D.) Instead, Stata has provided two options that allow you to correctly analyze subpopulations of your survey data. These options are subpop and over. The subpop option is sort of like deleting unwanted cases (without really deleting them, of course), and the over option is very similar to -by- processing in that the output contains the estimates for each group. We will start with some examples of the subpop option. First, however, let’s take a second to see why deleting cases from a survey data set can be so problematic. If the data set is subset (meaning that observations not to be included in the subpopulation are deleted from the data set), the standard errors of the estimates cannot be calculated correctly. When the subpopulation option is used, only the cases defined by the subpopulation are used in the calculation of the estimate, but all cases are used in the calculation of the standard errors. For more information on this issue, please see Sampling Techniques, Third Edition by William G. Cochran (1977) and Small Area Estimation by J. N. K. Rao (2003). Also, if you look in the Stata 17 svy manual, you will find an entire section (pages 67-72) dedicated to the analysis of subpopulations. The formulas for using both if and subpop are given, along with an explanation of how they are different. If you look at the help for any svy: command, you will see the same warning:
Warning: Use of if or in restrictions will not produce correct variance estimates for subpopulations in many cases. To compute estimates for subpopulations, use the subpop() option. The full specification for subpop() is subpop([varname] [if])
The subpop option on the svy: prefix without the if is used with binary variables. (Technically, all cases coded as not 0 and not missing are part of the subpopulation; this means that if your subpopulation variable has values of 1 and 2, all of the observations will be included in the subpopulation unless you use a different syntax.) You may need to create a binary variable (using the generate command) in which all of the observations be to included in the subpopulation are coded as 1 and all other observations are coded as 0. For our example, we will use the variable female for our subpopulation variable, so that only females will be included in calculation of the point estimate.
svy: mean age (running mean on estimation sample) Survey: Mean estimation Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,337 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 117,023,659 Design df = 31 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized | Mean std. err. [95% conf. interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ age | 42.23732 .3034412 41.61844 42.85619 -------------------------------------------------------------- svy, subpop(female): mean age (running mean on estimation sample) Survey: Mean estimation Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,337 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 117,023,659 Subpop. no. obs = 5,428 Subpop. size = 60,901,624 Design df = 31 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized | Mean std. err. [95% conf. interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ age | 42.5498 .3717231 41.79166 43.30793 --------------------------------------------------------------
To get the mean for the males, we can specify the subpopulation as the variable female not equal to 1 (meaning the observations that are coded 0).
svy, subpop(if female != 1): mean age (running mean on estimation sample) Survey: Mean estimation Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,337 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 117,023,659 Subpop. no. obs = 4,909 Subpop. size = 56,122,035 Design df = 31 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized | Mean std. err. [95% conf. interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ age | 41.89822 .339303 41.20621 42.59024 --------------------------------------------------------------
We can also use the over option, which will give the results for each level of the categorical variable listed. The over option is available only for svy: mean, svy: proportion, svy: ratio and svy: total.
svy, over(female): mean age (running mean on estimation sample) Survey: Mean estimation Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,337 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 117,023,659 Design df = 31 -------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized | Mean std. err. [95% conf. interval] -------------+------------------------------------------------ c.age@female | Male | 41.89822 .339303 41.20621 42.59024 Female | 42.5498 .3717231 41.79166 43.30793 --------------------------------------------------------------
We can include more than one variable with the over option; this will give us results for every combination of the variables listed.
svy, over(health female): mean copper (running mean on estimation sample) Survey: Mean estimation Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 9,116 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 103,479,298 Design df = 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Linearized | Mean std. err. [95% conf. interval] -----------------------+------------------------------------------------ c.copper@health#female | Poor#Male | 125.1899 1.800517 121.5177 128.8621 Poor#Female | 140.3425 2.196568 135.8626 144.8224 Fair#Male | 118.1246 1.288914 115.4958 120.7534 Fair#Female | 137.6154 1.273191 135.0187 140.2121 Average#Male | 113.7033 .9745251 111.7158 115.6909 Average#Female | 140.9529 1.780904 137.3207 144.5851 Good#Male | 108.7135 .6959349 107.2941 110.1328 Good#Female | 137.5177 1.374578 134.7142 140.3211 Excellent#Male | 106.3076 .5571644 105.1712 107.4439 Excellent#Female | 132.7433 1.569208 129.5429 135.9438 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
We can also use the subpop option and the over option together. In the example below, we get the mean of copper for females in each combination of race and region (12 levels).
svy, subpop(female): mean copper, over(race region) (running mean on estimation sample) Survey: Mean estimation Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 9,677 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 109,683,584 Subpop. no. obs = 4,768 Subpop. size = 53,561,549 Design df = 31 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized | Mean std. err. [95% conf. interval] ---------------------+------------------------------------------------ c.copper@race#region | White#NE | 133.8487 2.644552 128.4551 139.2423 White#MW | 135.3951 1.914987 131.4895 139.3008 White#S | 135.4202 1.677846 131.9982 138.8422 White#W | 140.4265 2.395216 135.5414 145.3115 Black#NE | 149.2318 3.040079 143.0315 155.4321 Black#MW | 146.0234 3.755621 138.3638 153.683 Black#S | 156.3648 4.922914 146.3245 166.4052 Black#W | 145.7466 1.902169 141.8671 149.6261 Other#NE | 103.1149 5.877161 91.12837 115.1015 Other#MW | 123.9078 5.761588 112.1569 135.6586 Other#S | 136.9562 19.24526 97.70521 176.2071 Other#W | 120.8002 1.899352 116.9265 124.674 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
In some situations, no standard error or confidence intervals will be given. This may be because there are very few observations at that level. To see if this is indeed the cause, we can use the estat size command. The unweighted number of cases is given in the column titled “Obs”, and the weighted (or estimated subpopulation size) is given in the column titled “Size”.
estat size ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Over | Mean std. err. Obs Size -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- c.copper@| race#region | White#NE | 133.8487 2.644552 952 10,987,657 White#MW | 135.3951 1.914987 1,142 11,954,684 White#S | 135.4202 1.677846 1,099 12,006,761 White#W | 140.4265 2.395216 1,025 12,587,312 Black#NE | 149.2318 3.040079 52 576,302 Black#MW | 146.0234 3.755621 120 1,059,794 Black#S | 156.3648 4.922914 239 2,572,543 Black#W | 145.7466 1.902169 51 540,474 Other#NE | 103.1149 5.877161 6 89,269 Other#MW | 123.9078 5.761588 8 101,797 Other#S | 136.9562 19.24526 11 100,557 Other#W | 120.8002 1.899352 63 984,399 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
The list command can be used to investigate combinations of subpopulation variables where the N is small.
The lincom command can be used to make comparisons between subpopulations. In the first example below, we will compare the means for males and females for iron. We can use the display command to see how the point estimate in the output of the lincom command is calculated. The value of using the lincom command is that the standard error of point estimate is also calculated, as well as the test statistic, p-value and 95% confidence interval. In the following examples, we will compare the iron level between males and females. Please see page 121 of the Stata 17 svy manual (first example in the section on survey post estimation) for more information on using lincom after the svy, subpop(): mean command.
svy, over(female): mean iron (running mean on estimation sample) Survey: Mean estimation Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,337 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 117,023,659 Design df = 31 --------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized | Mean std. err. [95% conf. interval] --------------+------------------------------------------------ c.iron@female | Male | 104.8145 .5595657 103.6733 105.9558 Female | 97.17922 .6698075 95.81314 98.5453 ---------------------------------------------------------------
We will need to add the coeflegend option to get Stata’s labels for the values we need.
svy, over(female): mean iron, coeflegend (running mean on estimation sample) Survey: Mean estimation Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,337 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 117,023,659 Design df = 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Mean Legend --------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- c.iron@female | Male | 104.8145 _b[c.iron@0bn.female] Female | 97.17922 _b[c.iron@1.female] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lincom _b[c.iron@0bn.female] - _b[c.iron@01.female] ( 1) c.iron@0bn.female - c.iron@1.female = 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mean | Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- (1) | 7.635327 .7467989 10.22 0.000 6.112221 9.158434 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------display 104.8145 - 97.17922 // a little rounding error 7.63528
In the next example, we compare different regions with respect to mean of copper.
svy, over(region): mean copper (running mean on estimation sample) Survey: Mean estimation Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 9,118 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 103,505,700 Design df = 31 ----------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized | Mean std. err. [95% conf. interval] ----------------+------------------------------------------------ c.copper@region | NE | 122.5009 1.6006 119.2364 125.7653 MW | 123.5889 1.381478 120.7714 126.4064 S | 128.0201 1.162307 125.6495 130.3906 W | 124.3029 1.337444 121.5752 127.0306 ----------------------------------------------------------------- svy, over(region): mean copper, coeflegend (running mean on estimation sample) Survey: Mean estimation Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 9,118 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 103,505,700 Design df = 31 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Mean Legend ----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- c.copper@region | NE | 122.5009 _b[c.copper@1bn.region] MW | 123.5889 _b[c.copper@2.region] S | 128.0201 _b[c.copper@3.region] W | 124.3029 _b[c.copper@4.region] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lincom _b[c.copper@4.region] - _b[c.copper@1bn.region] // West - NE ( 1) - c.copper@1bn.region + c.copper@4.region = 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mean | Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- (1) | 1.802041 2.085828 0.86 0.394 -2.452033 6.056115 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ lincom _b[c.copper@4.region] - _b[c.copper@2.region] // West - MW ( 1) - c.copper@2.region + c.copper@4.region = 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mean | Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- (1) | .7140072 1.922821 0.37 0.713 -3.207612 4.635626 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
We can use the svy: total command with either the subpop or the over option. The values in the output can get to be very large, so we can use the estimates table command to see them. We can also use the matrix list command.
svy, over(female): total diabetes (running total on estimation sample) Survey: Total estimation Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,335 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 116,997,257 Design df = 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized | Total std. err. [95% conf. interval] ------------------+------------------------------------------------ c.diabetes@female | Male | 1636958 159586.3 1311480 1962436 Female | 2374323 167874.1 2031941 2716705 ------------------------------------------------------------------- estimates table, b(%15.2f) se(%13.2f) -------------------------------- Variable | Active -------------+------------------ c.diabetes@| female | Male | 1636958.00 | 159586.34 Female | 2374323.00 | 167874.15 -------------------------------- Legend: b/se
Descriptive statistics with categorical variables
Let’s get some descriptive statistics with categorical variables. We can use the svy: tabulate and svy: proportion commands. We will use the region variable, region, which has four levels. When used with no options, the output from the svy: tab command will give us the same information as the svy: proportion command.
svy: tab region (running tabulate on estimation sample) Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,337 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 117,023,659 Design df = 31 ---------------------- Region | proportion ----------+----------- NE | .2063 MW | .2492 S | .2656 W | .2789 | Total | 1 ---------------------- Key: proportion = Cell proportion
Let’s use some options with the svy: tab command so that we can see the estimated number of people in each category.
svy: tab region, count cellwidth(12) format(%12.2g) (running tabulate on estimation sample) (running tabulate on estimation sample) Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,337 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 117,023,659 Design df = 31 ------------------------ Region | count ----------+------------- NE | 24146107 MW | 29157970 S | 31080884 W | 32638698 | Total | 117023659 ------------------------ Key: count = Weighted count
There are many options that can by used with svy: tab. Please see the Stata help file for the svy: tabulate command for a complete listing and description of each option. Only five items can be displayed at once, and the ci option counts as two items.
svy: tab region, cell count obs cellwidth(12) format(%12.2g) (running tabulate on estimation sample) Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,337 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 117,023,659 Design df = 31 ---------------------------------------------------- Region | count proportion obs ----------+----------------------------------------- NE | 24146107 .21 2086 MW | 29157970 .25 2773 S | 31080884 .27 2853 W | 32638698 .28 2625 | Total | 117023659 1 10337 ---------------------------------------------------- Key: count = Weighted count proportion = Cell proportion obs = Number of observations svy: tab region, count se cellwidth(15) format(%15.2g) (running tabulate on estimation sample) Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,337 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 117,023,659 Design df = 31 -------------------------------------------- Region | count se ----------+--------------------------------- NE | 24146107 569293 MW | 29157970 566351 S | 31080884 1508325 W | 32638698 1714567 | Total | 117023659 -------------------------------------------- Key: count = Weighted count se = Linearized standard error of weighted count svy: tab region, count deff deft ci cellwidth(12) format(%12.2g) (running tabulate on estimation sample) Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,337 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 117,023,659 Design df = 31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Region | count lb ub deff deft ----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------- NE | 24146107 22985026 25307188 1.5 1.2 MW | 29157970 28002889 30313051 1.3 1.1 S | 31080884 28004636 34157132 8.8 3 W | 32638698 29141817 36135579 11 3.3 | Total | 117023659 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Key: count = Weighted count lb = Lower 95% confidence bound for weighted count ub = Upper 95% confidence bound for weighted count deff = DEFF for variance of weighted count deft = DEFT for variance of weighted count
Chi-square tests are provided by default when svy: tab is issued with two variables. You will usually want to use the design-based test.
The proportion of observations in each cell can be obtained using either the svy: tab or the svy: proportion command. If you want to compare the proportions within two cells, you can use the lincom command.
svy: tab agegrp female, cell obs count cellwidth(12) format(%12.2g) (running tabulate on estimation sample) Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,337 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 117,023,659 Design df = 31 ---------------------------------------------------- | Female Age group | Male Female Total ----------+----------------------------------------- 20–29 | 15918998 16938699 32857697 | .14 .14 .28 | 1116 1204 2320 | 30–39 | 11777252 12150570 23927822 | .1 .1 .2 | 770 851 1621 | 40–49 | 9538701 10152242 19690943 | .082 .087 .17 | 610 660 1270 | 50–59 | 9210429 10337703 19548132 | .079 .088 .17 | 601 688 1289 | 60–69 | 7326861 8261777 15588638 | .063 .071 .13 | 1365 1487 2852 | 70+ | 2349794 3060633 5410427 | .02 .026 .046 | 447 538 985 | Total | 56122035 60901624 117023659 | .48 .52 1 | 4909 5428 10337 ---------------------------------------------------- Key: Weighted count Cell proportion Number of observations Pearson: Uncorrected chi2(5) = 6.7106 Design-based F(3.91, 121.15) = 1.2445 P = 0.2960 svy: proportion agegrp, over(female) (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,337 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 117,023,659 Design df = 31 --------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized Logit | Proportion std. err. [95% conf. interval] --------------+------------------------------------------------ agegrp@female | 20–29 Male | .2836497 .0095365 .2646088 .3034953 20–29 Female | .2781321 .0085494 .2610357 .2958999 30–39 Male | .2098508 .0086259 .1927991 .2279846 30–39 Female | .1995114 .0059814 .1875917 .2119909 40–49 Male | .1699636 .0059311 .1582069 .1824046 40–49 Female | .166699 .0051213 .1565142 .1774073 50–59 Male | .1641143 .0070436 .1502492 .1789894 50–59 Female | .1697443 .0068912 .1561486 .1842653 60–69 Male | .1305523 .0051017 .120495 .1413141 60–69 Female | .1356577 .0040929 .1275246 .1442239 70+ Male | .0418694 .0029631 .0362262 .0483475 70+ Female | .0502554 .0038064 .0430362 .0586114 --------------------------------------------------------------- svy: proportion agegrp, over(female) coeflegend (running proportion on estimation sample) Survey: Proportion estimation Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,337 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 117,023,659 Design df = 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Proportion Legend --------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- agegrp@female | 20–29 Male | .2836497 _b[1bn.agegrp@0bn.female] 20–29 Female | .2781321 _b[1bn.agegrp@1.female] 30–39 Male | .2098508 _b[2.agegrp@0bn.female] 30–39 Female | .1995114 _b[2.agegrp@1.female] 40–49 Male | .1699636 _b[3.agegrp@0bn.female] 40–49 Female | .166699 _b[3.agegrp@1.female] 50–59 Male | .1641143 _b[4.agegrp@0bn.female] 50–59 Female | .1697443 _b[4.agegrp@1.female] 60–69 Male | .1305523 _b[5.agegrp@0bn.female] 60–69 Female | .1356577 _b[5.agegrp@1.female] 70+ Male | .0418694 _b[6.agegrp@0bn.female] 70+ Female | .0502554 _b[6.agegrp@1.female] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lincom _b[1bn.agegrp@0bn.female] - _b[1bn.agegrp@1.female] // (20-29 male) - (20-29 female) ( 1) 1bn.agegrp@0bn.female - 1bn.agegrp@1.female = 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proportion | Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- (1) | .0055176 .0108797 0.51 0.616 -.0166718 .0277069 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ display .2836497 - .2781321 .0055176
Graphs with categorical variables
Let’s create a bar graph of the variable female. This graph will show the percent of observations that are female and male. To do this, we will need to create a new variable, which we will call male; it will be the opposite of female.
gen male = !female graph bar (mean) female male [pw = finalwgt], percentages bargap(7)
OLS regression
Now that we have descriptive statistics on our variables, we may want to run some inferential statistics, such as OLS regression or logistic regression. As before, we simply need to use the -svy- prefix before our regression commands.
Please note that the following analyses are shown only as examples of how to do these analyses in Stata. There was no attempt to create substantively meaningful models. Rather, the variables were chosen for illustrative purposes only. We do not recommend that researchers create their models this way.
We will start with an OLS regression with one categorical predictor (female). This is equivalent to a t-test. We will use the margins command get the means for each group. The vce(unconditional) option is used on all of the margins commands. This is the entry for this option from the Stata documentation:
vce(unconditional) specifies that the covariates that are not fixed be treated in a way that accounts for their having been sampled. The VCE is estimated using the linearization method. This method allows for heteroskedasticity or other violations of distributional assumptions and allows for correlation among the observations in the same manner as vce(robust) and vce(cluster…), which may have been specified with the estimation command. This method also accounts for complex survey designs if the data are svyset. See Obtaining margins with survey data and representative samples. When you use complex survey data, this method requires that the linearized variance estimation method be used for the model. See [SVY]svypostestimation for an example of margins with replication-based methods.
The coeflegend option is also used; this is a handy option that can be used with many Stata estimation commands and gives the labels that Stata assigns to these values. You use these labels to refer to the values when using commands such as lincom.
NOTE: If a regression is run on a subpopulation, the subpopulation must be specified as an option on the margins command if the desired output from margins is to the subpopulation. Question: What do you call a linear regression with a single binary predictor? Answer: A t-test! There is no survey command for a t-test, but there are ways to do the equivalent of a t-test with survey data in Stata. Using the svy: regress command is equivalent to running a t-test assuming equal variances. Using either the svy: mean command with the over option, or using lincom produces a t-test assuming unequal variances.
svy: regress copper i.female (running regress on estimation sample) Survey: Linear regression Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 9,118 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 103,505,700 Design df = 31 F(1, 31) = 613.75 Prob > F = 0.0000 R-squared = 0.1489 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Linearized copper | Coefficient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- female | Female | 26.26294 1.060099 24.77 0.000 24.10085 28.42502 _cons | 111.1328 .5685644 195.46 0.000 109.9732 112.2924 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ margins female, vce(unconditional) Adjusted predictions Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 9,118 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 103,505,700 Design df = 31 Expression: Linear prediction, predict() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Linearized | Margin std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- female | Male | 111.1328 .5685644 195.46 0.000 109.9732 112.2924 Female | 137.3958 1.051281 130.69 0.000 135.2517 139.5399 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ display 137.3958 - 111.1328 26.263 margins female, vce(unconditional) coeflegend post // the post option is necessary when using the coeflegend option Adjusted predictions Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 9,118 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 103,505,700 Design df = 31 Expression: Linear prediction, predict() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Margin Legend -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- female | Male | 111.1328 _b[0bn.female] Female | 137.3958 _b[1.female] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ lincom _b[1.female] - _b[0bn.female] ( 1) - 0bn.female + 1.female = 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- (1) | 26.26294 1.060099 24.77 0.000 24.10085 28.42502 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
We can run the same t-test assuming unequal variances using the svy: mean and lincom commands.
svy, over(female): mean copper (running mean on estimation sample) Survey: Mean estimation Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 9,118 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 103,505,700 Design df = 31 ----------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized | Mean std. err. [95% conf. interval] ----------------+------------------------------------------------ c.copper@female | Male | 111.1328 .5685644 109.9732 112.2924 Female | 137.3958 1.051281 135.2517 139.5399 ----------------------------------------------------------------- svy, over(female): mean copper, coeflegend (running mean on estimation sample) Survey: Mean estimation Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 9,118 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 103,505,700 Design df = 31 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Mean Legend ----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- c.copper@female | Male | 111.1328 _b[c.copper@0bn.female] Female | 137.3958 _b[c.copper@1.female] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lincom _b[c.copper@1.female] - _b[c.copper@0bn.female] ( 1) - c.copper@0bn.female + c.copper@1.female = 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mean | Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- (1) | 26.26294 1.060099 24.77 0.000 24.10085 28.42502 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Let’s return to running linear regression models. We will add a continuous predictor to our OLS regression, so now the model has one categorical predictor (female) and one continuous predictor (age). In the output we see both the number of observations used in and the estimate of the size of the population. We see the overall test of the model and the R-squared for the model. The R-squared is the population R-squared and can be thought of as the adjusted R-squared. We will follow the svy: regress command with the margins command, which gives us the predicted values for each level of female.
svy: regress copper i.female age (running regress on estimation sample) Survey: Linear regression Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 9,118 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 103,505,700 Design df = 31 F(2, 30) = 448.23 Prob > F = 0.0000 R-squared = 0.1497 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Linearized copper | Coefficient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- female | Female | 26.20177 1.087402 24.10 0.000 23.984 28.41954 age | .0635486 .0330805 1.92 0.064 -.0039196 .1310168 _cons | 108.4748 1.540579 70.41 0.000 105.3327 111.6168 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ margins female, vce(unconditional) Predictive margins Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 9,118 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 103,505,700 Design df = 31 Expression: Linear prediction, predict() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Linearized | Margin std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- female | Male | 111.1645 .5718949 194.38 0.000 109.9981 112.3309 Female | 137.3663 1.062916 129.24 0.000 135.1984 139.5341 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Now let’s run a model with a categorical by categorical (specifically a binary by binary) interaction term. We can use the contrast command to get the test of the interaction displayed as an F-test rather than a t-statistic. Of course, the p-value is exactly the same as the one shown in the table of coefficients because the test of a binary by binary interaction is a one degree-of-freedom test. We can use the margins command to get the predicted values of copper for each combination of female and diabetes. The marginsplot command is used to obtain a graph of the interaction (marginsplot graphs the values shown in the output from the margins command).
svy: regress copper i.female##i.diabetes age (running regress on estimation sample) Survey: Linear regression Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 9,116 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 103,479,298 Design df = 31 F(4, 28) = 315.94 Prob > F = 0.0000 R-squared = 0.1505 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized copper | Coefficient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- female | Female | 26.42748 1.091601 24.21 0.000 24.20114 28.65381 | diabetes | Diabetic | 6.350642 2.034884 3.12 0.004 2.200469 10.50082 | female#diabetes | Female#Diabetic | -6.493926 2.706082 -2.40 0.023 -12.01302 -.9748357 | age | .0573067 .0332424 1.72 0.095 -.0104917 .1251051 _cons | 108.5489 1.542311 70.38 0.000 105.4034 111.6945 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast female#diabetes, effects Contrasts of marginal linear predictions Design df = 31 Margins: asbalanced --------------------------------------------------- | df F P>F ----------------+---------------------------------- female#diabetes | 1 5.76 0.0226 Design | 31 --------------------------------------------------- Note: F statistics are adjusted for the survey design. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Contrast Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- female#diabetes | (Female vs base) (Diabetic vs base) | -6.493926 2.706082 -2.40 0.023 -12.01302 -.9748357 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ margins female#diabetes, vce(unconditional) Predictive margins Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 9,116 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 103,479,298 Design df = 31 Expression: Linear prediction, predict() -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized | Margin std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] ---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- female#diabetes | Male#Not diabetic | 110.9745 .5531673 200.62 0.000 109.8463 112.1027 Male#Diabetic | 117.3252 2.201312 53.30 0.000 112.8356 121.8148 Female#Not diabetic | 137.402 1.077068 127.57 0.000 135.2053 139.5987 Female#Diabetic | 137.2587 2.417731 56.77 0.000 132.3277 142.1897 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------marginsplot Variables that uniquely identify margins: female diabetes
Some of you may recognize this analysis as a “difference-in-differences” analysis. In other words, the term of interest is the binary-by-binary interaction term. Let’s reproduce the coefficient of this interaction term, -6.493926, by taking the difference of the differences ((male_no – male_yes) -(female_no – female_yes)). First, we need to need to rerun the margins command with the coeflegend option and the post option; the post option is needed so that we can access the values remembered by margins with another command. The output will show us the names of the values. We will use these names rather than the actual values themselves, so that if the data or model were changed, the code would not need to be modified. We will use the lincom command to do the math for us. The advantage of using the lincom command over the display command is that lincom will also produce the standard error.
margins female#diabetes, vce(unconditional) Predictive margins Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 9,116 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 103,479,298 Design df = 31 Expression: Linear prediction, predict() -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized | Margin std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] ---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- female#diabetes | Male#Not diabetic | 110.9745 .5531673 200.62 0.000 109.8463 112.1027 Male#Diabetic | 117.3252 2.201312 53.30 0.000 112.8356 121.8148 Female#Not diabetic | 137.402 1.077068 127.57 0.000 135.2053 139.5987 Female#Diabetic | 137.2587 2.417731 56.77 0.000 132.3277 142.1897 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------margins, vce(unconditional) coeflegend post Predictive margins Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 9,116 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 103,479,298 Design df = 31 Expression: Linear prediction, predict() -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized | Margin std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] ---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- female#diabetes | Male#Not diabetic | 110.9745 .5531673 200.62 0.000 109.8463 112.1027 Male#Diabetic | 117.3252 2.201312 53.30 0.000 112.8356 121.8148 Female#Not diabetic | 137.402 1.077068 127.57 0.000 135.2053 139.5987 Female#Diabetic | 137.2587 2.417731 56.77 0.000 132.3277 142.1897 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------lincom (_b[0bn.female#0bn.diabetes]-_b[0bn.female#1.diabetes]) - (_b[1.female#0bn.diabetes]-_b[1.female#1.diabetes]) ( 1) 0bn.female#0bn.diabetes - 0bn.female#1.diabetes - 1.female#0bn.diabetes + 1.female#1.diabetes = 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- (1) | -6.493926 2.706082 -2.40 0.023 -12.01302 -.9748357 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
We can see that the output from the lincom command is the same as the output for the interaction term in the original regression command.
Looking back at the graph of the interaction, you may wonder if the two points for male are statistically significantly different from one another, and the same for the two points for females. The lincom command can be used for these comparisons.
* males lincom (_b[0bn.female#0bn.diabetes]-_b[0bn.female#1.diabetes]) ( 1) 0bn.female#0bn.diabetes - 0bn.female#1.diabetes = 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- (1) | -6.350642 2.034884 -3.12 0.004 -10.50082 -2.200469 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * females lincom (_b[1.female#0bn.diabetes]-_b[1.female#1.diabetes]) ( 1) 1.female#0bn.diabetes - 1.female#1.diabetes = 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- (1) | .1432847 2.42126 0.06 0.953 -4.794907 5.081476 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In the next example, we will use a categorical by continuous interaction. In the first call to the margins command, we get the simple slope coefficients for males and females. The p-values in this table tell us that both slopes are significantly different from 0. In the second call to the margins command, we get the predicted values for each level of female at height = 140, height = 150, height = 160, up to height = 190. The t-statistics and corresponding p-values tell us if the predicted value is different from 0.
svy: regress bpsystol i.female##c.height (running regress on estimation sample) Survey: Linear regression Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,337 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 117,023,659 Design df = 31 F(3, 29) = 71.21 Prob > F = 0.0000 R-squared = 0.0309 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized bpsystol | Coefficient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] ----------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- female | Female | 43.61115 13.30799 3.28 0.003 16.46933 70.75298 height | -.1647344 .0518262 -3.18 0.003 -.2704347 -.0590342 | female#c.height | Female | -.3185637 .0785976 -4.05 0.000 -.4788646 -.1582627 | _cons | 158.8447 9.148233 17.36 0.000 140.1868 177.5026 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- margins female, dydx(height) vce(unconditional) Average marginal effects Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,337 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 117,023,659 Design df = 31 Expression: Linear prediction, predict() dy/dx wrt: height ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Linearized | dy/dx std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- height | female | Male | -.1647344 .0518262 -3.18 0.003 -.2704347 -.0590342 Female | -.4832981 .0550113 -8.79 0.000 -.5954944 -.3711018 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ margins female, at(height=(140(10)190)) vsquish vce(unconditional) Adjusted predictions Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,337 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 117,023,659 Design df = 31 Expression: Linear prediction, predict() 1._at: height = 140 2._at: height = 150 3._at: height = 160 4._at: height = 170 5._at: height = 180 6._at: height = 190 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Linearized | Margin std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- _at#female | 1#Male | 135.7819 1.978535 68.63 0.000 131.7466 139.8171 1#Female | 134.7941 1.501944 89.75 0.000 131.7309 137.8574 2#Male | 134.1345 1.498425 89.52 0.000 131.0785 137.1906 2#Female | 129.9611 1.046223 124.22 0.000 127.8274 132.0949 3#Male | 132.4872 1.055057 125.57 0.000 130.3354 134.639 3#Female | 125.1282 .7338792 170.50 0.000 123.6314 126.6249 4#Male | 130.8399 .7198653 181.76 0.000 129.3717 132.308 4#Female | 120.2952 .7666958 156.90 0.000 118.7315 121.8589 5#Male | 129.1925 .6785699 190.39 0.000 127.8086 130.5765 5#Female | 115.4622 1.114592 103.59 0.000 113.189 117.7354 6#Male | 127.5452 .9694841 131.56 0.000 125.5679 129.5224 6#Female | 110.6292 1.581789 69.94 0.000 107.4031 113.8553 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ marginsplot Variables that uniquely identify margins: height female![]()
In the example below, we get the difference between the predicted values for males and females at six values of height. We then use the marginsplot command to graph these differences. This graph shows that the difference between males and females is larger at the extreme values of height, as is the variability around those estimates.
Notice that in the output from the margins command above, the predicted value for 4#female is 120.2952 and the predicted value for 4#male is 130.8399. 120.2952-130.8399 = -10.5447, which is the value of dy/dx on line 4 of the output below.
margins, dydx(female) at(height=(140(10)190)) vsquish vce(unconditional) Conditional marginal effects Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,337 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 117,023,659 Design df = 31 Expression: Linear prediction, predict() dy/dx wrt: 1.female 1._at: height = 140 2._at: height = 150 3._at: height = 160 4._at: height = 170 5._at: height = 180 6._at: height = 190 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Linearized | dy/dx std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- 0.female | (base outcome) -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- 1.female | _at | 1 | -.9877624 2.392115 -0.41 0.683 -5.866514 3.890989 2 | -4.173399 1.657451 -2.52 0.017 -7.553793 -.7930051 3 | -7.359036 1.003788 -7.33 0.000 -9.406275 -5.311796 4 | -10.54467 .7096161 -14.86 0.000 -11.99194 -9.097401 5 | -13.73031 1.111322 -12.35 0.000 -15.99687 -11.46375 6 | -16.91595 1.789424 -9.45 0.000 -20.5655 -13.26639 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: dy/dx for factor levels is the discrete change from the base level.marginsplot, yline(0) Variables that uniquely identify margins: height
Let’s remake this graph with confidence interval as an area plot.
marginsplot, yline(0) recast(line) recastci(rarea) ciopts(color(*.2)) Variables that uniquely identify margins: height
If we use a categorical predictor variable in our model that has more than two levels, we may want to run comparisons between each of the levels. In the example below, we use the region variable, region, as a predictor. We use the contrast command to determine if, taken together, region, is a statistically significant predictor of our outcome variable, copper. Next, we use the pwcompare command to conduct all pairwise comparisons. We use the mcompare(sidak) option to adjust the p-values for the multiple comparisons, and we use the pveffects option to have the test statistics and p-values shown in the output. Other options that we could have used with the mcompare option are bonferroni and scheffe.
svy: regress copper i.region age (running regress on estimation sample) Survey: Linear regression Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 9,118 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 103,505,700 Design df = 31 F(4, 28) = 3.93 Prob > F = 0.0118 R-squared = 0.0054 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Linearized copper | Coefficient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- region | MW | 1.222524 2.098883 0.58 0.564 -3.058175 5.503223 S | 5.527657 1.97134 2.80 0.009 1.507083 9.548231 W | 1.951666 2.093714 0.93 0.358 -2.318492 6.221824 | age | .0878814 .0359642 2.44 0.020 .0145319 .1612308 _cons | 118.706 2.487797 47.72 0.000 113.6322 123.7799 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ contrast region Contrasts of marginal linear predictions Design df = 31 Margins: asbalanced ------------------------------------------------ | df F P>F -------------+---------------------------------- region | 3 3.23 0.0368 Design | 31 ------------------------------------------------ Note: F statistics are adjusted for the survey design. pwcompare region, mcompare(sidak) cformat(%3.1f) pveffects Pairwise comparisons of marginal linear predictions Design df = 31 Margins: asbalanced --------------------------- | Number of | comparisons -------------+------------- region | 6 --------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- | Sidak | Contrast Std. err. t P>|t| -------------+--------------------------------------- region | MW vs NE | 1.2 2.1 0.58 0.993 S vs NE | 5.5 2.0 2.80 0.051 W vs NE | 2.0 2.1 0.93 0.930 S vs MW | 4.3 1.8 2.42 0.123 W vs MW | 0.7 1.9 0.38 0.999 W vs S | -3.6 1.8 -2.02 0.277 -----------------------------------------------------
Let’s see what a regression looks like for a subpopulation.
svy, subpop(if region == 1): regress copper i.female age (running regress on estimation sample) Survey: Linear regression Number of strata = 7 Number of obs = 1,962 Number of PSUs = 14 Population size = 22,845,478 Subpop. no. obs = 1,962 Subpop. size = 22,845,478 Design df = 7 F(2, 6) = 89.39 Prob > F = 0.0000 R-squared = 0.1450 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Linearized copper | Coefficient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- female | Female | 24.21052 1.85708 13.04 0.000 19.81923 28.60182 age | .0658891 .0668075 0.99 0.357 -.0920855 .2238638 _cons | 107.3062 3.550041 30.23 0.000 98.91166 115.7007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: 24 strata omitted because they contain no subpopulation members. margins female, vce(unconditional) subpop(if region == 1) Predictive margins Number of strata = 7 Number of obs = 1,962 Number of PSUs = 14 Population size = 22,845,478 Subpop. no. obs = 1,962 Subpop. size = . Design df = 7 Expression: Linear prediction, predict() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Linearized | Margin std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- female | Male | 110.1513 1.243823 88.56 0.000 107.2102 113.0925 Female | 134.3619 2.456248 54.70 0.000 128.5538 140.17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Logistic regression
Let’s run a logistic regression. We will use the variable highbp (Do you have high blood pressure?) as the outcome variable. Before we run our logistic regression, let’s look at the distribution of the outcome variable, and let’s look at the crosstabulation of the outcome variable with our categorical predictor variable. The purpose of the first descriptive analysis is to assess the proportion and number of cases in each level of the outcome variable. If we found that there was a very small proportion of cases in one of the levels, we may encounter estimation problems with the logistic regression. Likewise, if the crosstabulation between the outcome variable and the categorical predictor variable showed that one or more cells had very few unweighted observations or no observations at all, we might want to recode the predictor variable into fewer categories so that there were a sufficient number of observations in each cell. The results below do not look problematic, although there are relatively few observations that are coded as 0 on our outcome variable and 1 on our predictor variable. This might increase the standard error around that point estimate.
svy: tab highbp, cell obs count cellwidth(12) format(%12.2g) (running tabulate on estimation sample) Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,337 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 117,023,659 Design df = 31 ---------------------------------------------------- High | blood | pressure | count proportion obs ----------+----------------------------------------- 0 | 73871969 .63 5965 1 | 43151690 .37 4372 | Total | 117023659 1 10337 ---------------------------------------------------- Key: count = Weighted count proportion = Cell proportion obs = Number of observations svy: tab health highbp, cell obs count cellwidth(12) format(%12.2g) (running tabulate on estimation sample) Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,335 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 116,997,257 Design df = 31 ---------------------------------------------------- 1=poor,.. | ., | 5=excelle | High blood pressure nt | 0 1 Total ----------+----------------------------------------- Poor | 2550049 2987907 5537956 | .022 .026 .047 | 310 419 729 | Fair | 7370803 7009458 14380261 | .063 .06 .12 | 766 904 1670 | Average | 19137093 13578302 32715395 | .16 .12 .28 | 1572 1366 2938 | Good | 21856626 10319684 32176310 | .19 .088 .28 | 1666 925 2591 | Excellen | 22930996 9256339 32187335 | .2 .079 .28 | 1649 758 2407 | Total | 73845567 43151690 116997257 | .63 .37 1 | 5963 4372 10335 ---------------------------------------------------- Key: Weighted count Cell proportion Number of observations Pearson: Uncorrected chi2(4) = 273.4001 Design-based F(3.53, 109.46) = 49.8959 P = 0.0000
Now let’s run the logistic regression. We can use the contrast command to get the multi-degree-of-freedom test of health (which is statistically significant). Note that the logistic regression coefficients are interpreted the same way that they are in an unweighted model.
svy: logit highbp c.age (running logit on estimation sample) Survey: Logistic regression Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,335 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 116,997,257 Design df = 31 F(5, 27) = 186.86 Prob > F = 0.0000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Linearized highbp | Coefficient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- health | Poor | .0422165 .1317361 0.32 0.751 -.2264609 .310894 Fair | .0015363 .0676718 0.02 0.982 -.1364811 .1395538 Good | -.1926015 .0614354 -3.14 0.004 -.3178998 -.0673033 Excellent | -.2633746 .0769005 -3.42 0.002 -.4202142 -.106535 | age | .0473091 .0015249 31.03 0.000 .0441992 .0504191 _cons | -2.480283 .1060894 -23.38 0.000 -2.696654 -2.263913 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ contrast health Contrasts of marginal linear predictions Design df = 31 Margins: asbalanced ------------------------------------------------ | df F P>F -------------+---------------------------------- health | 4 3.85 0.0129 Design | 31 ------------------------------------------------ Note: F statistics are adjusted for the survey design.
Let’s include a categorical by continuous interaction in the model. We will use the contrast command to determine if the interaction term (as a whole) is statistically significant. We will use the contrast command to get the multi-degree-of-freedom test of the interaction, the margins command to get the predicted probabilities and the marginsplot command to graph the interaction.
svy: logit highbp (running logit on estimation sample) Survey: Logistic regression Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,335 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 116,997,257 Design df = 31 F(9, 23) = 86.76 Prob > F = 0.0000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Linearized highbp | Coefficient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- health | Poor | 1.184622 .4603688 2.57 0.015 .2456932 2.12355 Fair | .0943241 .2754073 0.34 0.734 -.4673728 .656021 Good | -.3275786 .1702732 -1.92 0.064 -.6748529 .0196958 Excellent | -.4030749 .1921477 -2.10 0.044 -.7949627 -.011187 | age | .0467356 .0025779 18.13 0.000 .0414779 .0519933 | health#c.age | Poor | -.0206937 .0078239 -2.64 0.013 -.0366506 -.0047367 Fair | -.0017234 .0052911 -0.33 0.747 -.0125146 .0090678 Good | .0031633 .0035254 0.90 0.376 -.0040267 .0103534 Excellent | .0033972 .0040242 0.84 0.405 -.0048104 .0116047 | _cons | -2.453943 .1458084 -16.83 0.000 -2.751322 -2.156565 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ contrast health#c.age Contrasts of marginal linear predictions Design df = 31 Margins: asbalanced ------------------------------------------------ | df F P>F -------------+---------------------------------- health#c.age | 4 2.54 0.0617 Design | 31 ------------------------------------------------ Note: F statistics are adjusted for the survey design. contrast health Contrasts of marginal linear predictions Design df = 31 Margins: asbalanced ------------------------------------------------ | df F P>F -------------+---------------------------------- health | 4 3.58 0.0176 Design | 31 ------------------------------------------------ Note: F statistics are adjusted for the survey design.margins health, at(age=(20(10)70)) vsquish vce(unconditional) Adjusted predictions Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,335 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 116,997,257 Design df = 31 Expression: Pr(highbp), predict() 1._at: age = 20 2._at: age = 30 3._at: age = 40 4._at: age = 50 5._at: age = 60 6._at: age = 70 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Linearized | Margin std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- _at#health | 1#Poor | .321152 .0676631 4.75 0.000 .1831522 .4591517 1#Fair | .188563 .0273867 6.89 0.000 .1327074 .2444185 1#Average | .1795748 .0154403 11.63 0.000 .1480841 .2110655 1#Good | .1438662 .0112541 12.78 0.000 .1209134 .1668191 1#Excellent | .1353615 .0128287 10.55 0.000 .1091971 .1615258 2#Poor | .3803499 .0579559 6.56 0.000 .2621481 .4985517 2#Fair | .2671262 .0280849 9.51 0.000 .2098467 .3244057 2#Average | .2588653 .0169863 15.24 0.000 .2242214 .2935091 2#Good | .2167762 .0129495 16.74 0.000 .1903655 .2431868 2#Excellent | .2053746 .0157743 13.02 0.000 .1732028 .2375465 3#Poor | .4433335 .0459814 9.64 0.000 .3495538 .5371132 3#Fair | .3637487 .0263469 13.81 0.000 .3100139 .4174836 3#Average | .3578936 .0178355 20.07 0.000 .3215178 .3942693 3#Good | .313122 .0151767 20.63 0.000 .2821689 .3440752 3#Excellent | .2990749 .0197526 15.14 0.000 .2587891 .3393607 4#Poor | .5081932 .0345058 14.73 0.000 .4378182 .5785682 4#Fair | .472775 .0238764 19.80 0.000 .4240788 .5214711 4#Average | .4707429 .0185394 25.39 0.000 .4329315 .5085543 4#Good | .4288428 .0187103 22.92 0.000 .3906828 .4670028 4#Excellent | .4132904 .0249908 16.54 0.000 .3623213 .4642596 5#Poor | .5727782 .0284395 20.14 0.000 .5147755 .6307808 5#Fair | .5844612 .0233301 25.05 0.000 .5368791 .6320432 5#Average | .5866646 .0193689 30.29 0.000 .5471616 .6261677 5#Good | .5529051 .0226358 24.43 0.000 .5067391 .5990711 5#Excellent | .5376656 .0300081 17.92 0.000 .4764636 .5988677 6#Poor | .6349738 .0311436 20.39 0.000 .571456 .6984917 6#Fair | .6880968 .0245797 27.99 0.000 .6379662 .7382274 6#Average | .6937161 .019649 35.31 0.000 .6536417 .7337905 6#Good | .6707116 .0248188 27.02 0.000 .6200934 .7213298 6#Excellent | .6575232 .032423 20.28 0.000 .5913962 .7236503 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ marginsplot Variables that uniquely identify margins: age health
Next, we will run a logistic regression model and use the estat gof command to get the Archer-Lemeshow test (which is a modification of the Hosmer-Lemeshow test that can be used with survey data). The numerator degrees of freedom are calculated as g – 1, and the denominator degrees of freedom are calculated as f – g + 2, where f = the number of sampled clusters – the number of strata and g = the number of groups (10 is the default). For the following example, we have 10 – 1 = 9 numerator degrees of freedom and 31 – 10 + 2 = 23 denominator degrees of freedom. In the output below, we see that the Archer-Lemeshow test is not statistically significant. This suggests that the model fit is acceptable. As of Stata 17, estat gof cannot follow a model specified with a subpopulation.
svy: logit highbp i.female##c.age (running logit on estimation sample) Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,337 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 117,023,659 Design df = 31 F(3, 29) = 335.03 Prob > F = 0.0000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Linearized highbp | Coefficient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- female | Female | -1.922498 .1940278 -9.91 0.000 -2.318221 -1.526776 age | .03707 .0023869 15.53 0.000 .0322019 .0419381 | female#c.age | Female | .0294389 .0040073 7.35 0.000 .021266 .0376118 | _cons | -1.863043 .1414675 -13.17 0.000 -2.151567 -1.574518 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ estat gof Logistic model for highbp, goodness-of-fit test F(9,23) = 2.06 Prob > F = 0.0784
Ordinal Logistic Regression
Here is an example of an ordinal logistic regression. The outcome variable, health, has ordered categories, but it is not a continuous variable. In the first call, we get the coefficients in the log-odds metric. In the second call, we request odds ratios. The discussion of ordinal logistic regression will be minimal; for more information regarding ordinal logistic regression, please see our Stata Data Analysis Examples: Ordinal Logistic Regression and Stata Annotated Output: Ordinal Logistic Regression. Although these pages show examples that use non-weighted data, they are still helpful because the interpretation of the coefficients is the same with weighted and non-weighted data.
svy: ologit health i.female i.region age (running ologit on estimation sample) Survey: Ordered logistic regression Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,335 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 116,997,257 Design df = 31 F(5, 27) = 135.54 Prob > F = 0.0000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Linearized health | Coefficient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- female | Female | -.1696374 .0493449 -3.44 0.002 -.2702769 -.0689979 | region | MW | -.115146 .1030587 -1.12 0.272 -.3253356 .0950437 S | -.5365581 .1050491 -5.11 0.000 -.7508071 -.3223091 W | -.2887877 .1019162 -2.83 0.008 -.4966471 -.0809283 | age | -.0397158 .0014944 -26.58 0.000 -.0427636 -.0366681 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- /cut1 | -5.210696 .122255 -5.460036 -4.961355 /cut2 | -3.717526 .1126799 -3.947339 -3.487714 /cut3 | -2.202685 .1097316 -2.426484 -1.978886 /cut4 | -.9350942 .1089012 -1.1572 -.7129888 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ contrast region Contrasts of marginal linear predictions Design df = 31 Margins: asbalanced ------------------------------------------------ | df F P>F -------------+---------------------------------- health | region | 3 8.93 0.0002 Design | 31 ------------------------------------------------ Note: F statistics are adjusted for the survey design. ologit, or Survey: Ordered logistic regression Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,335 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 116,997,257 Design df = 31 F(5, 27) = 135.54 Prob > F = 0.0000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Linearized health | Odds ratio std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- female | Female | .8439708 .0416456 -3.44 0.002 .7631682 .9333287 | region | MW | .891236 .0918497 -1.12 0.272 .7222849 1.099707 S | .5847575 .0614282 -5.11 0.000 .4719855 .7244742 W | .7491713 .0763527 -2.83 0.008 .6085677 .9222598 | age | .9610625 .0014362 -26.58 0.000 .9581378 .9639961 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- /cut1 | -5.210696 .122255 -5.460036 -4.961355 /cut2 | -3.717526 .1126799 -3.947339 -3.487714 /cut3 | -2.202685 .1097316 -2.426484 -1.978886 /cut4 | -.9350942 .1089012 -1.1572 -.7129888 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: Estimates are transformed only in the first equation to odds ratios.
One of the important assumptions in ordinal logistic regression is called the parallel odds assumption. This means that the odds are consistent across the different thresholds. As of Stata 18, there is no post-estimation command to test this assumption. However, following the advice in Heeringa, West and Berguld (2017, pages 316-317), the community-contributed command gologit2 can be used along with the test command to assess this assumption. The gologit2 command does respect factor notation, but the individual dummy variables for the categorical predictor are needed to use the test command. We can use the tab command with the gen option to create the dummy variables.
tab region, gen(regn) Region | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- NE | 2,086 20.18 20.18 MW | 2,773 26.83 47.01 S | 2,853 27.60 74.61 W | 2,625 25.39 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 10,337 100.00 svy: gologit2 health female regn2 regn3 regn4 age (running gologit2 on estimation sample) Survey: Generalized Ordered Logit Estimates Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,335 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 116,997,257 Design df = 31 F(20, 12) = 29.90 Prob > F = 0.0000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Linearized health | Coefficient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- Poor | female | .1499993 .0959061 1.56 0.128 -.0456025 .345601 regn2 | -.4132141 .2415216 -1.71 0.097 -.9058006 .0793724 regn3 | -1.118699 .2313752 -4.83 0.000 -1.590592 -.6468062 regn4 | -.5114765 .2109836 -2.42 0.021 -.9417804 -.0811725 age | -.0569788 .0028148 -20.24 0.000 -.0627196 -.0512379 _cons | 6.297308 .2850896 22.09 0.000 5.715864 6.878752 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- Fair | female | -.1703883 .06255 -2.72 0.010 -.2979599 -.0428167 regn2 | -.3785902 .1740228 -2.18 0.037 -.7335121 -.0236683 regn3 | -.813866 .1432468 -5.68 0.000 -1.10602 -.5217122 regn4 | -.5081594 .1359228 -3.74 0.001 -.7853757 -.230943 age | -.0508352 .0019272 -26.38 0.000 -.0547657 -.0469048 _cons | 4.497852 .1656741 27.15 0.000 4.159957 4.835747 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- Average | female | -.1590126 .0566411 -2.81 0.009 -.2745329 -.0434923 regn2 | -.0846411 .1105681 -0.77 0.450 -.3101462 .1408639 regn3 | -.4904056 .1009544 -4.86 0.000 -.6963035 -.2845077 regn4 | -.2537649 .1035809 -2.45 0.020 -.4650196 -.0425101 age | -.0391082 .0015812 -24.73 0.000 -.0423331 -.0358833 _cons | 2.172569 .1155751 18.80 0.000 1.936852 2.408286 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- Good | female | -.2187799 .0608785 -3.59 0.001 -.3429423 -.0946174 regn2 | -.0127317 .102245 -0.12 0.902 -.2212617 .1957983 regn3 | -.3856338 .1162264 -3.32 0.002 -.622679 -.1485885 regn4 | -.2200033 .1160418 -1.90 0.067 -.4566721 .0166655 age | -.0306087 .0017022 -17.98 0.000 -.0340802 -.0271371 _cons | .5442875 .1205459 4.52 0.000 .2984326 .7901425 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ test [Poor = Fair]: female Adjusted Wald test ( 1) [Poor]female - [Fair]female = 0 F( 1, 31) = 17.87 Prob > F = 0.0002 test [Poor = Average]: female Adjusted Wald test ( 1) [Poor]female - [Average]female = 0 F( 1, 31) = 9.56 Prob > F = 0.0042 test [Poor = Good]: female Adjusted Wald test ( 1) [Poor]female - [Good]female = 0 F( 1, 31) = 14.07 Prob > F = 0.0007 test [Poor = Fair]: regn2 Adjusted Wald test ( 1) [Poor]regn2 - [Fair]regn2 = 0 F( 1, 31) = 0.08 Prob > F = 0.7821 test [Poor = Average]: regn2 Adjusted Wald test ( 1) [Poor]regn2 - [Average]regn2 = 0 F( 1, 31) = 2.49 Prob > F = 0.1245 test [Poor = Good]: regn2 Adjusted Wald test ( 1) [Poor]regn2 - [Good]regn2 = 0 F( 1, 31) = 2.87 Prob > F = 0.1003 test [Poor = Fair]: regn3 Adjusted Wald test ( 1) [Poor]regn3 - [Fair]regn3 = 0 F( 1, 31) = 6.27 Prob > F = 0.0177 test [Poor = Average]: regn3 Adjusted Wald test ( 1) [Poor]regn3 - [Average]regn3 = 0 F( 1, 31) = 8.85 Prob > F = 0.0056 test [Poor = Good]: regn3 Adjusted Wald test ( 1) [Poor]regn3 - [Good]regn3 = 0 F( 1, 31) = 10.19 Prob > F = 0.0032 test [Poor = Fair]: regn4 Adjusted Wald test ( 1) [Poor]regn4 - [Fair]regn4 = 0 F( 1, 31) = 0.00 Prob > F = 0.9761 test [Poor = Average]: regn4 Adjusted Wald test ( 1) [Poor]regn4 - [Average]regn4 = 0 F( 1, 31) = 1.73 Prob > F = 0.1987 test [Poor = Good]: regn4 Adjusted Wald test ( 1) [Poor]regn4 - [Good]regn4 = 0 F( 1, 31) = 2.26 Prob > F = 0.1432 test [Poor = Fair]: age Adjusted Wald test ( 1) [Poor]age - [Fair]age = 0 F( 1, 31) = 6.92 Prob > F = 0.0132 test [Poor = Average]: age Adjusted Wald test ( 1) [Poor]age - [Average]age = 0 F( 1, 31) = 50.54 Prob > F = 0.0000 test [Poor = Good]: age Adjusted Wald test ( 1) [Poor]age - [Good]age = 0 F( 1, 31) = 88.85 Prob > F = 0.0000
We can use the autofit option when the assumption of parellel lines has not been met. Notice that the prefix has changed from svy to gsvy.
gsvy: gologit2 health i.female i.region age, autofit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Testing parallel lines assumption using the .05 level of significance... Step 1: Constraints for parallel lines imposed for 2.region (P Value = 0.1306) Step 2: Constraints for parallel lines imposed for 4.region (P Value = 0.6598) Step 3: Constraints for parallel lines are not imposed for 1.female (P Value = 0.00177) 3.region (P Value = 0.03819) age (P Value = 0.00000) Wald test of parallel lines assumption for the final model: Adjusted Wald test ( 1) [Poor]2.region - [Fair]2.region = 0 ( 2) [Poor]4.region - [Fair]4.region = 0 ( 3) [Poor]2.region - [Average]2.region = 0 ( 4) [Poor]4.region - [Average]4.region = 0 ( 5) [Poor]2.region - [Good]2.region = 0 ( 6) [Poor]4.region - [Good]4.region = 0 F( 6, 26) = 1.66 Prob > F = 0.1709 An insignificant test statistic indicates that the final model does not violate the proportional odds/ parallel lines assumption If you re-estimate this exact same model with gologit2, instead of autofit you can save time by using the parameter pl(1b.region 2.region 4.region 0b.female) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Survey: Generalized Ordered Logit Estimates Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,335 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 116,997,257 Design df = 31 F(14, 18) = 40.80 Prob > F = 0.0000 ( 1) [Poor]2.region - [Fair]2.region = 0 ( 2) [Poor]4.region - [Fair]4.region = 0 ( 3) [Fair]2.region - [Average]2.region = 0 ( 4) [Fair]4.region - [Average]4.region = 0 ( 5) [Average]2.region - [Good]2.region = 0 ( 6) [Average]4.region - [Good]4.region = 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Linearized health | Coefficient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- Poor | female | Female | .154188 .0953739 1.62 0.116 -.0403283 .3487043 | region | MW | -.1090446 .1040947 -1.05 0.303 -.3213472 .103258 S | -.9198073 .1818608 -5.06 0.000 -1.290715 -.5488998 W | -.2865054 .1033594 -2.77 0.009 -.4973083 -.0757025 | age | -.0567778 .0028114 -20.20 0.000 -.0625116 -.051044 _cons | 6.085563 .1980691 30.72 0.000 5.681598 6.489527 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- Fair | female | Female | -.1663115 .0626305 -2.66 0.012 -.2940472 -.0385757 | region | MW | -.1090446 .1040947 -1.05 0.303 -.3213472 .103258 S | -.6314971 .1255943 -5.03 0.000 -.8876485 -.3753458 W | -.2865054 .1033594 -2.77 0.009 -.4973083 -.0757025 | age | -.0505339 .0018913 -26.72 0.000 -.0543912 -.0466766 _cons | 4.297798 .1385395 31.02 0.000 4.015245 4.580351 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- Average | female | Female | -.1592358 .0565345 -2.82 0.008 -.2745387 -.0439329 | region | MW | -.1090446 .1040947 -1.05 0.303 -.3213472 .103258 S | -.5105723 .1003835 -5.09 0.000 -.7153058 -.3058389 W | -.2865054 .1033594 -2.77 0.009 -.4973083 -.0757025 | age | -.0392156 .0015859 -24.73 0.000 -.0424501 -.0359811 _cons | 2.196834 .118876 18.48 0.000 1.954385 2.439283 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- Good | female | Female | -.2165642 .0609081 -3.56 0.001 -.3407871 -.0923413 | region | MW | -.1090446 .1040947 -1.05 0.303 -.3213472 .103258 S | -.4430016 .1090525 -4.06 0.000 -.6654157 -.2205875 W | -.2865054 .1033594 -2.77 0.009 -.4973083 -.0757025 | age | -.0307639 .0016928 -18.17 0.000 -.0342163 -.0273115 _cons | .6063793 .1129619 5.37 0.000 .375992 .8367666 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Multinomial Logistic Regression
The outcome variable in a multinomial logistic regression has unordered categories. One of these categories must be selected as the base, or reference, category. A series of simultaneously estimated logistic regression are run, in which each category is the alternative to the base category. In the first call, we get regression coefficients in the metric of log-odds. In the second call, we request relative risk ratios with the rrr option. For more information about multinomial logistic regression, please see Stata Data Analysis Examples: Multinomial Logistic Regression and Stata Annotated Output: Multinomial Logistic Regression Although these pages show examples that use non-weighted data, they are still helpful because the interpretation of the coefficients is the same with weighted and non-weighted data.
Before we run the multinomial logit model, it is a good idea check on the raw (AKA unweighted) number of observations in each of the cells created by the outcome variable and the two categorical predictors. There are several different commands that can be used to get this information. Because there are three variables, the tables command is convenient. This command allows for the use of a pweight, but because we are only interested in the raw count, that specification is not used here.
table region female race ---------------------------------------------- | Race | White Black Other Total -------------+-------------------------------- Region | NE | Female | Male | 957 51 5 1,013 Female | 1,012 55 6 1,073 Total | 1,969 106 11 2,086 MW | Female | Male | 1,170 133 7 1,310 Female | 1,291 162 10 1,463 Total | 2,461 295 17 2,773 S | Female | Male | 1,076 247 9 1,332 Female | 1,208 301 12 1,521 Total | 2,284 548 21 2,853 W | Female | Male | 1,103 69 82 1,254 Female | 1,234 68 69 1,371 Total | 2,337 137 151 2,625 Total | Female | Male | 4,306 500 103 4,909 Female | 4,745 586 97 5,428 Total | 9,051 1,086 200 10,337 ----------------------------------------------svy: mlogit region i.female i.race age (running mlogit on estimation sample) Survey: Multinomial logistic regression Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,337 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 117,023,659 Design df = 31 F(12, 20) = 4.01 Prob > F = 0.0031 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Linearized region | Coefficient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- NE | female | Female | -.0489935 .0575578 -0.85 0.401 -.1663833 .0683964 | race | Black | -.2046099 .5385896 -0.38 0.707 -1.303071 .8938508 Other | -2.492087 .675622 -3.69 0.001 -3.870027 -1.114146 | age | .0063994 .003171 2.02 0.052 -.0000679 .0128666 _cons | -.4682596 .1301252 -3.60 0.001 -.7336518 -.2028675 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- MW | female | Female | .0037917 .0677251 0.06 0.956 -.1343345 .141918 | race | Black | .592007 .5207979 1.14 0.264 -.4701674 1.654181 Other | -2.153523 .6432367 -3.35 0.002 -3.465413 -.841633 | age | .0003402 .0033946 0.10 0.921 -.0065831 .0072635 _cons | -.107809 .1354847 -0.80 0.432 -.3841319 .1685138 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- S | female | Female | .0212768 .067619 0.31 0.755 -.1166331 .1591868 | race | Black | 1.287368 .5454525 2.36 0.025 .1749105 2.399826 Other | -2.279442 .6478685 -3.52 0.001 -3.600779 -.9581059 | age | .0070144 .0037278 1.88 0.069 -.0005885 .0146173 _cons | -.4274467 .1356136 -3.15 0.004 -.7040326 -.1508609 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- W | (base outcome) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mlogit, rrr Survey: Multinomial logistic regression Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,337 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 117,023,659 Design df = 31 F(12, 20) = 4.01 Prob > F = 0.0031 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Linearized region | RRR std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- NE | female | Female | .9521874 .0548058 -0.85 0.401 .8467216 1.07079 | race | Black | .8149652 .4389318 -0.38 0.707 .2716962 2.444525 Other | .0827372 .055899 -3.69 0.001 .0208578 .3281953 | age | 1.00642 .0031913 2.02 0.052 .9999321 1.01295 _cons | .6260909 .0814702 -3.60 0.001 .4801524 .8163864 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- MW | female | Female | 1.003799 .0679824 0.06 0.956 .8742976 1.152482 | race | Black | 1.807613 .9414009 1.14 0.264 .6248976 5.228798 Other | .1160745 .0746634 -3.35 0.002 .0312601 .4310061 | age | 1.00034 .0033957 0.10 0.921 .9934386 1.00729 _cons | .897799 .121638 -0.80 0.432 .6810416 1.183545 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- S | female | Female | 1.021505 .0690732 0.31 0.755 .8899116 1.172557 | race | Black | 3.623238 1.976304 2.36 0.025 1.19114 11.02126 Other | .1023413 .0663037 -3.52 0.001 .0273024 .3836188 | age | 1.007039 .0037541 1.88 0.069 .9994116 1.014725 _cons | .6521721 .0884434 -3.15 0.004 .4945868 .8599673 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- W | (base outcome) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: _cons estimates baseline relative risk for each outcome.
In the next example, we will change the base category to “North East”, which has a numerical value of 1.
svy: mlogit region i.female i.race, base(1) (running mlogit on estimation sample) Survey: Multinomial logistic regression Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,337 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 117,023,659 Design df = 31 F(9, 23) = 3.84 Prob > F = 0.0044 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Linearized region | Coefficient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- NE | (base outcome) -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- MW | female | Female | .0485305 .0590299 0.82 0.417 -.0718618 .1689228 | race | Black | .811901 .3223367 2.52 0.017 .154491 1.469311 Other | .3474752 .4970103 0.70 0.490 -.6661839 1.361134 | _cons | .1049302 .053029 1.98 0.057 -.0032232 .2130836 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- S | female | Female | .070287 .0559074 1.26 0.218 -.0437369 .1843109 | race | Black | 1.490358 .3640586 4.09 0.000 .7478561 2.232861 Other | .211622 .4869092 0.43 0.667 -.7814358 1.20468 | _cons | .0674677 .0940191 0.72 0.478 -.1242856 .259221 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- W | female | Female | .044361 .0586397 0.76 0.455 -.0752354 .1639574 | race | Black | .2207398 .5415324 0.41 0.686 -.8837228 1.325202 Other | 2.501477 .6638524 3.77 0.001 1.147541 3.855413 | _cons | .1987249 .0612995 3.24 0.003 .0737038 .323746 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Let’s add an interaction term to the model. As you will notice in the output of the contrast command, the multi-degree-of-freedom of the interaction term is not testable because we have run out of degrees of freedom. From the graph of the interaction, though, it seems safe to conclude that the interaction is not statistically significant.
svy: mlogit region i.female##i.race age, base(1) (running mlogit on estimation sample) Survey: Multinomial logistic regression Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,337 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 117,023,659 Design df = 31 F(18, 14) = 4.83 Prob > F = 0.0023 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized region | Coefficient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] --------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- NE | (base outcome) --------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- MW | female | Female | .0519154 .058866 0.88 0.385 -.0681426 .1719734 | race | Black | .8044695 .3580839 2.25 0.032 .0741525 1.534787 Other | .5287782 .5443612 0.97 0.339 -.5814539 1.63901 | female#race | Female#Black | -.0160267 .2435719 -0.07 0.948 -.5127948 .4807415 Female#Other | -.3601052 .6504467 -0.55 0.584 -1.6867 .9664896 | age | -.0060579 .0029424 -2.06 0.048 -.012059 -.0000567 _cons | .3609425 .1459742 2.47 0.019 .0632263 .6586588 --------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- S | female | Female | .0644129 .0570283 1.13 0.267 -.0518972 .180723 | race | Black | 1.502003 .392423 3.83 0.001 .7016507 2.302355 Other | .3834883 .5361527 0.72 0.480 -.7100024 1.476979 | female#race | Female#Black | -.0199941 .2141128 -0.09 0.926 -.45668 .4166919 Female#Other | -.3231053 .6494598 -0.50 0.622 -1.647687 1.001477 | age | .0006218 .0033746 0.18 0.855 -.0062606 .0075042 _cons | .0437093 .1428439 0.31 0.762 -.2476229 .3350414 --------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- W | female | Female | .080238 .047257 1.70 0.100 -.0161433 .1766193 | race | Black | .4298017 .6454891 0.67 0.510 -.8866821 1.746285 Other | 2.769744 .757099 3.66 0.001 1.225631 4.313858 | female#race | Female#Black | -.4412226 .3404096 -1.30 0.204 -1.135493 .2530474 Female#Other | -.5391986 .6086492 -0.89 0.382 -1.780547 .7021497 | age | -.0064322 .0031729 -2.03 0.051 -.0129034 .000039 _cons | .4534141 .1291857 3.51 0.001 .1899381 .7168901 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contrast female#race Contrasts of marginal linear predictions Design df = 31 Margins: asbalanced ------------------------------------------------ | df F P>F -------------+---------------------------------- NE | female#race | (not testable) Design | 31 ------------------------------------------------ Note: F statistics are adjusted for the survey design. margins female#race, vce(unconditional) Adjusted predictions Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 10,337 Number of PSUs = 62 Population size = 117,023,659 Design df = 31 1._predict: Pr(region==NE), predict(pr outcome(1)) 2._predict: Pr(region==MW), predict(pr outcome(2)) 3._predict: Pr(region==S), predict(pr outcome(3)) 4._predict: Pr(region==W), predict(pr outcome(4)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Linearized | Margin std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] ---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- _predict#female#race | 1#Male#White | .2280473 .0089673 25.43 0.000 .2097584 .2463362 1#Male#Black | .0981057 .0289711 3.39 0.002 .0390188 .1571926 1#Male#Other | .0420797 .026005 1.62 0.116 -.0109579 .0951173 1#Female#White | .2171943 .0084349 25.75 0.000 .1999912 .2343974 1#Female#Black | .1005365 .0236472 4.25 0.000 .0523078 .1487652 1#Female#Other | .0633072 .0378127 1.67 0.104 -.0138123 .1404267 2#Male#White | .2534941 .0097424 26.02 0.000 .2336244 .2733639 2#Male#Black | .2465516 .0471339 5.23 0.000 .1504215 .3426818 2#Male#Other | .079911 .0484013 1.65 0.109 -.018804 .178626 2#Female#White | .2530577 .0106598 23.74 0.000 .2313169 .2747984 2#Female#Black | .2625757 .0512328 5.13 0.000 .1580857 .3670657 2#Female#Other | .0883006 .0403342 2.19 0.036 .0060386 .1705627 3#Male#White | .2446779 .0163735 14.94 0.000 .211284 .2780719 3#Male#Black | .4721417 .0721362 6.55 0.000 .325019 .6192644 3#Male#Other | .0662021 .0385262 1.72 0.096 -.0123727 .1447769 3#Female#White | .2486682 .0181709 13.68 0.000 .2116084 .285728 3#Female#Black | .5056737 .0641249 7.89 0.000 .3748902 .6364572 3#Female#Other | .0769021 .0323762 2.38 0.024 .0108703 .1429339 4#Male#White | .2737806 .0121776 22.48 0.000 .2489441 .2986171 4#Male#Black | .1832009 .0865927 2.12 0.043 .006594 .3598078 4#Male#Other | .8118072 .0994732 8.16 0.000 .6089302 1.014684 4#Female#White | .2810799 .0151421 18.56 0.000 .2501973 .3119624 4#Female#Black | .1312141 .0443014 2.96 0.006 .0408609 .2215674 4#Female#Other | .7714901 .0855077 9.02 0.000 .597096 .9458841 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- marginsplot Variables that uniquely identify margins: female race![]()
Running out of degrees of freedom is not an uncommon problem in multinomial models run on complex survey data. In the example above, we were not able to calculate the multi-degree-of-freedom test of the interaction. In other situations, when we include the interaction term, we do not get an F-statistic or a p-value for the overall model.
Again, the issue is caused by the degrees of freedom. You might think that because we have so many observations in this dataset that we could run a model with many predictors and not run out of degrees of freedom, but that is not the case. A great explanation of the problem can be found in the Stata j_robustsingular help file that you can access by clicking on the blue in the Stata output or by typing help j_robustsingular in the Stata command window.
In some analyses, the F-statistic for the overall model may not be calculated; however, the parameters are still estimated correctly. The standard errors should be carefully considered. The theory justifying the calculation of the standard errors assumes a large number of clusters minus strata. If the standard errors are suspect, then so are the test statistics and their p-values.
Count Models
Both Poisson and negative binomial models can be used with complex survey data. We will start with a simple Poisson model with a single binary predictor. We will then investigate the plausibility that the conditional variance is approximately equal to the condition mean. For more information regarding Poisson models, please see Stata Data Analysis Examples: Poisson Regression and Stata Annotated Output: Poisson Regression. For more information regarding negative binomial models, please see Stata Data Analysis Examples: Negative Binomial Regression and Stata Annotated Output: Negative Binomial Regression.
svy: poisson hdresult i.female (running poisson on estimation sample) Survey: Poisson regression Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 8,708 Number of PSUs = 60 Population size = 98,606,432 Design df = 29 F(1, 29) = 506.37 Prob > F = 0.0000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Linearized hdresult | Coefficient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- female | Female | .1713176 .0076132 22.50 0.000 .1557469 .1868883 _cons | 3.810654 .0085857 443.84 0.000 3.793094 3.828214 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: Strata with single sampling unit centered at overall mean. quietly svy: mean hdresult, over(female) estat sd, var ------------------------------------- Over | Mean Variance -------------+----------------------- c.hdresult@| female | Male | 45.17997 153.0132 Female | 53.62264 215.3385 -------------------------------------
It seems that we have overdispersion, which is quite common in count models. Let’s try a negative binomial model. Notice that no test of the alpha parameter being equal to 0 is given, as it is when this analysis is run with unweighted data.
svy: nbreg hdresult i.female (running nbreg on estimation sample) Survey: Negative binomial regression Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 8,708 Number of PSUs = 60 Population size = 98,606,432 Design df = 29 F(1, 29) = 506.37 Dispersion: mean Prob > F = 0.0000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Linearized hdresult | Coefficient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- female | Female | .1713176 .0076132 22.50 0.000 .1557469 .1868883 _cons | 3.810654 .0085857 443.84 0.000 3.793094 3.828214 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- /lnalpha | -3.008826 .0276271 -3.06533 -2.952322 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- alpha | .0493496 .0013634 .0466385 .0522183 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: Strata with single sampling unit centered at overall mean. margins female, vce(unconditional) Adjusted predictions Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 8,708 Number of PSUs = 60 Population size = 98,606,432 Design df = 29 Expression: Predicted number of events, predict() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Linearized | Margin std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- female | Male | 45.17997 .3879036 116.47 0.000 44.38662 45.97332 Female | 53.62264 .4392396 122.08 0.000 52.7243 54.52099 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Let’s try including an interaction between female and age.
svy: nbreg hdresult i.female##c.age (running nbreg on estimation sample) Survey: Negative binomial regression Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 8,708 Number of PSUs = 60 Population size = 98,606,432 Design df = 29 F(3, 27) = 199.91 Dispersion: mean Prob > F = 0.0000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Linearized hdresult | Coefficient std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- female | Female | .131853 .0185006 7.13 0.000 .094015 .169691 age | -.0000729 .0003018 -0.24 0.811 -.0006902 .0005445 | female#c.age | Female | .0009366 .0003886 2.41 0.022 .000142 .0017313 | _cons | 3.813683 .0154928 246.16 0.000 3.781996 3.845369 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- /lnalpha | -3.01082 .0273982 -3.066855 -2.954784 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- alpha | .0492513 .0013494 .0465674 .0520899 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: Strata with single sampling unit centered at overall mean.
We can use the margins command to get the predicted counts.
margins female, at(age=(20(10)60)) vce(unconditional) Adjusted predictions Number of strata = 31 Number of obs = 8,708 Number of PSUs = 60 Population size = 98,606,432 Design df = 29 Expression: Predicted number of events, predict() 1._at: age = 20 2._at: age = 30 3._at: age = 40 4._at: age = 50 5._at: age = 60 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Linearized | Margin std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- _at#female | 1#Male | 45.25103 .4971356 91.02 0.000 44.23427 46.26779 1#Female | 52.605 .5194601 101.27 0.000 51.54258 53.66741 2#Male | 45.21807 .4250519 106.38 0.000 44.34874 46.0874 2#Female | 53.06136 .4554657 116.50 0.000 52.12983 53.99289 3#Male | 45.18514 .3893427 116.05 0.000 44.38884 45.98143 3#Female | 53.52167 .4379633 122.21 0.000 52.62594 54.41741 4#Male | 45.15223 .399671 112.97 0.000 44.33481 45.96965 4#Female | 53.98598 .4747944 113.70 0.000 53.01492 54.95705 5#Male | 45.11934 .4527185 99.66 0.000 44.19343 46.04525 5#Female | 54.45432 .5575775 97.66 0.000 53.31395 55.5947 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ marginsplot![]()
But wait! There are even more commands that we have not yet covered?!?!
Yes, it is true! There are even more commands that respect the svy prefix that we have not covered. To see a full list of all of the estimation commands that respect the svy prefix, please see . You will notice that the tabulate oneway and tabulate twoway commands are not included on this page; they are documented elsewhere because they are not estimation commands.
For more information on using the NHANES data sets
There are helpful resources for learning how to analyze the NHANES data sets correctly. One is a listserv at . There are also online tutorials at .
Applied Survey Data Analysis, Second Edition by Steven G. Heeringa, Brady T. West, and Patricia A. Berglund
A survey of survey statistics: What is done and can be done in Stata by Frauke Kreuter and Richard Valliant, The Stata Journal (2007), Volume 7, Number 1, pages 1-21.
Goodness-of-fit test for a logistic regression model fitted using survey sample data by Kellie J. Archer and Stanley Lemeshow, The Stata Journal (2006), Volume 6, Number 1, pages 97-105.
Analysis of Health Surveys by Edward L. Korn and Barry I. Graubard
Sampling of Populations: Methods and Applications, Fourth Edition by Paul Levy and Stanley Lemeshow
Analysis of Survey Data Edited by R. L. Chambers and C. J. Skinner
Sampling Techniques, Third Edition by William G. Cochran
Stata 18 Manual: Survey Data
StatNews #73: Overlapping Confidence Intervals and Statistical Significance, October 2008 by the Cornell Statistical Consulting Unit
Why Overlapping Confidence Intervals Mean Nothing about Statistical Significance